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Milker, Yvonne; Dura, Tina; Horton, Benjamin Peter (2022): Benthic foraminiferal, grainsize and geochemical analyses in the Ni-les'tun marsh, Oregon, USA [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2022-02-11DOI registered: 2022-04-21

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In order to investigate how quickly salt marsh foraminifera respond to rapid sea-level rise, we observed the foraminiferal response to the tidal restoration of the Ni'les-tun marsh (NM), Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge (Oregon). The data sets contain:
(1) Census counts of Recent Rose Bengal stained and dead benthic foraminifera. These surface (0-1cm) samples were taken prior tidal restoration in August 2011 and in the six years after tidal restoration until August 2017 the Ni'les-tun marsh. A total of eight station were investigated (NM stations 1 to 8)
(2) Grainsize and geochemical analyses prior to and during the first year after tidal restoration (August 2011-August 2012). For grainsize and geochemical analyses, another set of surface samples (0-1 cm) were taken at the eight NM stations used for benthic foraminiferal analyzes.
(3) Fossil benthic foraminiferal data from the upper 5 cm of a short core, taken by hand at surface NM station 1 in March 2016. The core was taken to investigate how the recent benthic foraminiferal record was transferred into the fossil record at NM station 1.
Benthic foraminifera; restoration; salt marsh
Supplement to:
Milker, Yvonne; Dura, Tina; Horton, Benjamin Peter (2022): The response of foraminifera to rapid sea-level rise from tidal restoration of Ni-les'tun marsh, Oregon, U.S.A. Marine Geology, 445, 106757,
Median Latitude: 43.149742 * Median Longitude: -124.386451 * South-bound Latitude: 43.148037 * West-bound Longitude: -124.388344 * North-bound Latitude: 43.154084 * East-bound Longitude: -124.382772
Date/Time Start: 2011-08-15T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-08-25T00:00:00
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