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Tuchen, Franz Philip; Brandt, Peter; Hahn, Johannes; Hummels, Rebecca; Krahmann, Gerd; Bourles, Bernard; Provost, Christine; McPhaden, Michael J; Toole, John M (eds.) (2022): Data product of full-depth current velocity observations at 0°N, 23°W from 2001-2021 (v1.0) [dataset editorial publication]. PANGAEA,

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Since 2001, current velocities have been measured continuously as part of a multilateral collaboration, the Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA), that regularly services a moored observatory located at 0°N, 23°W. Here, we present 20 years of full-depth current velocity observations at 0°N, 23°W. With the presented current velocity data product, we aim to provide an important and accessible reference data set against which models and reanalysis output could be validated. The velocity time series will also be helpful for studies focusing on long-term climate variability to search for connections with changes in the equatorial circulation over the last 20 years. Earlier versions of this data product have already been used in a variety of studies and provided a significant contribution to an overall improved understanding of equatorial ocean dynamics. The moored observatory at 0°N, 23°W is an ongoing example of a successful multinational collaboration extending over more than two decades.
Equatorial Atlantic; Physical oceanographic data
Supplement to:
Tuchen, Franz Philip; Brandt, Peter; Hahn, Johannes; Hummels, Rebecca; Krahmann, Gerd; Bourles, Bernard; Provost, Christine; McPhaden, Michael J; Toole, John M (2022): Two Decades of Full-Depth Current Velocity Observations From a Moored Observatory in the Central Equatorial Atlantic at 0°N, 23°W. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9,
Other version:
Tuchen, Franz Philip; Brandt, Peter; Hahn, Johannes; Hummels, Rebecca; Krahmann, Gerd; Bourles, Bernard; Provost, Christine; McPhaden, Michael J; Toole, John M (2023): Data product of full-depth current velocity observations at 0°N, 23°W from 2001-2023 (v2.0) [dataset editorial publication]. PANGAEA,
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 27542298: Climate - Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean
Horizon 2020 (H2020), grant/award no. 817578: Tropical and South Atlantic climate-based marine ecosystem predictions for sustainable management
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant/award no. 603521: Enhancing Prediction of Tropical Atlantic Climate and its Impact
Median Latitude: 1.855272 * Median Longitude: -23.478239 * South-bound Latitude: -18.635570 * West-bound Longitude: -44.250650 * North-bound Latitude: 39.000550 * East-bound Longitude: 13.499730
Date/Time Start: 2001-12-13T17:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-08-04T10:55:35
23 datasets

Datasets listed in this editorial publication

  1. Bourles, B; Provost, C; Bunge, L et al. (2020): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_0611.
  2. Bourles, B; Provost, C; Bunge, L et al. (2020): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_0612.
  3. Bourles, B; Provost, C; Bunge, L et al. (2020): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_0613.
  4. Brandt, P; Hahn, J; Didwischus, S-H et al. (2020): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_1063.
  5. Brandt, P; Hahn, J; Hummels, R et al. (2019): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_1125.
  6. Brandt, P; Hahn, J; Hummels, R et al. (2019): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_1176.
  7. Brandt, P; Hahn, J; Hummels, R et al. (2020): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_1140.
  8. Brandt, P; Hahn, J; Hummels, R et al. (2020): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_1201.
  9. Brandt, P; Hahn, J; Kopte, R et al. (2020): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_1089.
  10. Brandt, P; Hahn, J; Krahmann, G (2020): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_1001.
  11. Brandt, P; Hahn, J; Krahmann, G (2020): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_1023.
  12. Brandt, P; Hahn, J; Krahmann, G (2020): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_1044.
  13. Brandt, P; Krahmann, G (2017): Lowered ADCP data during METEOR cruise M119.
  14. Brandt, P; Krahmann, G (2020): Lowered ADCP data during METEOR cruise M145.
  15. Brandt, P; Krahmann, G (2022): Lowered ADCP data during METEOR cruise M158.
  16. Brandt, P; Krahmann, G (2022): Lowered ADCP data during SONNE cruise SO284.
  17. Brandt, P; Krahmann, G (2022): Physical oceanography from mooring KPO_1210.
  18. Dengler, M; Krahmann, G (2020): Lowered ADCP data during METEOR cruise M130.
  19. Krahmann, G (2013): Lowered ADCP data during L'ATALANTE cruise ATA_IFMGEOMAR/4.
  20. Krahmann, G (2013): Lowered ADCP data during METEOR cruise M80/1.
  21. Krahmann, G (2015): Lowered ADCP data during Maria S. Merian cruise MSM18/2.
  22. Krahmann, G (2015): Lowered ADCP data during Maria S. Merian cruise MSM22.
  23. Krahmann, G (2016): Lowered ADCP data during METEOR cruise M106.