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Rebmann, Corinna; Gimper, Sebastian; Schmidt, Patrick; Pohl, Felix (2023): Post-processed, gap-filled and partitioned carbon and energy fluxes from eddy-covariance measurements above the forest ecosystem Hohes Holz in 2015 [dataset]. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, PANGAEA,, In: Rebmann, Corinna; Pohl, Felix (2023): Carbon, water and energy fluxes at the TERENO/ICOS ecosystem station Hohes Holz in Central Germany since 2015 [dataset publication series]. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2023-03-06DOI registered: 2023-04-04

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Eddy covariance; evapotranspiration; GPP; ICOS; managed deciduous forest; NEE; Reco; TERENO
Related to:
Rebmann, Corinna; Pohl, Felix (2023): Fluxes and related variables from EddyPro®-Output from eddy-covariance measurements above the forest ecosystem Hohes Holz in 2015 [dataset]. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, PANGAEA,
Kolle, Olaf; Rebmann, Corinna (2007): Eddysoft - Documentation of a Software Package to Acquire and Process Eddy Covariance Data. 10, Rebmann_Kolle_TechnicalReports-10_2007_ISSN_1615-7400.pdf
Wutzler, Thomas; Lucas-Moffat, Antje; Migliavacca, Mirco; Knauer, Jürgen; Sickel, Kerstin; Šigut, Ladislav; Menzer, Olaf; Reichstein, Markus (2018): Basic and extensible post-processing of eddy covariance flux data with REddyProc. Biogeosciences, 15(16), 5015-5030,
Latitude: 52.086563 * Longitude: 11.222351
Date/Time Start: 2015-01-01T00:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-01-01T00:00:00
Harz_EC_ICOS * Latitude: 52.086563 * Longitude: 11.222351 * Method/Device: Eddy Covariance Station (ECS)
Carbon dioxide, water vapour and energy fluxes from eddy-covariance measurements after post-processing and gap-filling with the REddyProc package (Wutzler, T., et al., 2018) combined with selected environmental variables measured (or derived) at the same site at the EC tower with Campbell Scientific data loggers. Flags describe quality of data after e.g. checks for stationarity and intergral turbulence characteristics (Foken, T. and Wichura, B., 1996), or the ability of gap-filling (Wutzler, T., et al., 2018) and represent either good (0), suspicious (1) or bad (2) data. Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) is partitioned into gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) by different procedures (Lasslop, et al., 2010, Reichstein et al., 2005). '-9999' is indicating missing values.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeRebmann, CorinnaGeocode – UTC
2DATE/TIMEDate/TimeRebmann, CorinnaGeocode – UTC
3Pressure, atmosphericPPPPhPaRebmann, CorinnaBarometer, Setra, 27849m height
4Carbon dioxide, dry-air mole fractionCO2µmol/molRebmann, CorinnaLICOR Gasanalyzer (LI-7000, LI-840), both LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA49m height
5Daytime IndicatorDaytimeRebmann, Corinna
6EvapotranspirationETkg/m2Rebmann, Corinna
7Evapotranspiration, gap filled variableET gfkg/m2Rebmann, Corinna
8Evapotranspiration, potentialPETkg/m2Rebmann, Corinna
9Soil heat, fluxSoil heat fluxW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaHeat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01Sensor1 in 0.05m depth
10Soil heat, fluxSoil heat fluxW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaHeat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01Sensor2 in 0.05m depth
11Soil heat, fluxSoil heat fluxW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaHeat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01Sensor3 in 0.05m depth
12Soil heat, fluxSoil heat fluxW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaHeat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01Sensor4 in 0.05m depth
13Soil heat, fluxSoil heat fluxW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaHeat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01Sensor5 in 0.05m depth
14Soil heat, fluxSoil heat fluxW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaHeat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01Sensor6 in 0.05m depth
15Gross primary production of carbon dioxideGPP CO2µmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)
16Gross primary production of carbon dioxideGPP CO2µmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
17Gross primary production of carbon dioxideGPP CO2µmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
18Gross primary production of carbon dioxideGPP CO2µmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)95% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
19Gross primary production of carbon dioxideGPP CO2µmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)
20Gross primary production of carbon dioxideGPP CO2µmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
21Gross primary production of carbon dioxideGPP CO2µmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
22Gross primary production of carbon dioxideGPP CO2µmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)95% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
23Heat, flux, sensibleQhW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
24Heat, flux, sensible, gap filled variableQh gfW/m2Rebmann, Corinna
25Quality flag, heat, flux, sensibleQF QhRebmann, Corinnaflag for gap-filling sensible heat flux
26Heat, flux, latentQeW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer CSAT3 and CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS)
27Heat, flux, latent, gap filled variableQe gfW/m2Rebmann, Corinna
28Quality flag, heat, flux, latentQF QeRebmann, Corinnaflag for gap-filling latent heat flux
29Long-wave downward radiationLWDW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaNet radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR4
30Long-wave upward radiationLWUW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaNet radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR4
31Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxideCO2 NEEµmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer CSAT3 and CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS)
32Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide, gap filled variableCO2 NEE gfµmol/m2/sRebmann, Corinna
33Quality flag, Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxideQF CO2 NEERebmann, Corinnaflag for gap-filling ecosystem exchange of CO2
34Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide, gap filled variableCO2 NEE gfµmol/m2/sRebmann, Corinna5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
35Quality flag, Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxideQF CO2 NEERebmann, Corinnaflag for gap-filling ecosystem exchange of CO2 (5% quantile)
36Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide, gap filled variableCO2 NEE gfµmol/m2/sRebmann, Corinna5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
37Quality flag, Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxideQF CO2 NEERebmann, Corinnaflag for gap-filling ecosystem exchange of CO2 (5% quantile)
38Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide, gap filled variableCO2 NEE gfµmol/m2/sRebmann, Corinna50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
39Quality flag, Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxideQF CO2 NEERebmann, Corinnaflag for gap-filling ecosystem exchange of CO2 (50% quantile)
40Photosynthetic photon, flux densityPPFDµmol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPAR sensor LI-190R (Spherical Underwater Quantum Sensor) Li-COR Inc.49m height
41PrecipitationPrecipmmRebmann, CorinnaTipping bucket50m height
42Ecosystem respirationRecommol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)
43Ecosystem respirationRecommol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
44Ecosystem respirationRecommol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
45Ecosystem respirationRecommol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)95% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
46Ecosystem respirationRecommol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)
47Ecosystem respirationRecommol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
48Ecosystem respirationRecommol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
49Ecosystem respirationRecommol/m2/sRebmann, CorinnaPartitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018)95% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
50Humidity, relativeRH%Rebmann, CorinnaHumidity-Temperature probe, Vaisala, HMP45AC33m height
51Humidity, relativeRH%Rebmann, CorinnaHumidity-Temperature probe, Vaisala, HMP15549m height
52Net radiationNETW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaNet radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR449m height
53Short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiationSWDW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaNet radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR449m height
54Short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiation, gap filled variableSWD gfW/m2Rebmann, Corinna49m height
55Quality flag, short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiationQF SWDRebmann, Corinna
56Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Rebmann, CorinnaNet radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR449m height
57Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil A 10cm depth
58Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil A 20cm depth
59Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil A 30cm depth
60Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil A 40cm depth
61Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil A 50cm depth
62Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil A 80cm depth
63Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil B 10cm depth
64Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil B 20cm depth
65Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil B 30cm depth
66Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil B 40cm depth
67Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil B 50cm depth
68Soil moistureSoil moisture%Rebmann, CorinnaWater Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell ScientificProfil B 80cm depth
69Temperature, airTTT°CRebmann, CorinnaHumidity-Temperature probe, Vaisala, HMP45AC33m height
70Temperature, airTTT°CRebmann, CorinnaTemperature probe, Young, Model 4134233m height
71Temperature, air, gap filled variableTTT gf°CRebmann, Corinna33m height
72Quality flag, air temperatureQF air tempRebmann, Corinna
73Temperature, airTTT°CRebmann, CorinnaHumidity-Temperature probe, Vaisala, HMP45A45m height
74Temperature, airTTT°CRebmann, CorinnaTemperature probe, Young, Model 4134245m height
75Temperature, airTTT°CRebmann, CorinnaThermometer/Hygrometer, Vaisala, HMP15549m height
76Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil A 5cm depth
77Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil A 10cm depth
78Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil A 20cm depth
79Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil A 30cm depth
80Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil A 40cm depth
81Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil A 50cm depth
82Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil A 80cm depth
83Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil B 5cm depth
84Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil B 10cm depth
85Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil B 20cm depth
86Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil B 30cm depth
87Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil B 40cm depth
88Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil B 50cm depth
89Temperature, soilT soil°CRebmann, CorinnaCampbell Scientific 107 Temperature ProbeProfil B 80cm depth
90Friction velocityu*m/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific
91Quality flag, Friction velocityQF ustarRebmann, Corinna
92Friction velocityu*m/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell ScientificSeasonal Ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018)
93Quality flag, Friction velocityQF ustarRebmann, Corinnaflag for gap-filling friction velocity (5% quantile)
94Friction velocityu*m/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell ScientificSeasonal Ustar threshold (5% quantile) (Wutzler et al. 2018)
95Quality flag, Friction velocityQF ustarRebmann, Corinnaflag for gap-filling friction velocity (50% quantile)
96Friction velocityu*m/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell ScientificSeasonal Ustar threshold (50% quantile) (Wutzler et al. 2018)
97Quality flag, Friction velocityQF ustarRebmann, Corinnaflag for gap-filling friction velocity (95% quantile)
98Friction velocityu*m/sRebmann, CorinnaSonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell ScientificSeasonal Ustar threshold (95% quantile) (Wutzler et al. 2018)
99Vapour pressure deficitVPDhPaRebmann, Corinnaderived from air temperature sensor HMP45AC in 33m height
100Vapour pressure deficit, gap filled variableVPD gfhPaRebmann, Corinna33m height
101Quality flag, vapour pressure deficitQF VPDRebmann, Corinna
102Wind directiondddegRebmann, CorinnaAnemometer, Thies Clima, Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D49m height
103Wind speedffm/sRebmann, CorinnaAnemometer, Windsonic WS1 GILL49m height
104Wind speedffm/sRebmann, CorinnaAnemometer, Thies Clima, Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D49m height
105Wind speedffm/sRebmann, CorinnaAnemometer, Thies Clima, Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D49m height
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
1787040 data points

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