Rebmann, Corinna; Gimper, Sebastian; Schmidt, Patrick; Pohl, Felix (2023): Post-processed, gap-filled and partitioned carbon and energy fluxes from eddy-covariance measurements above the forest ecosystem Hohes Holz in 2015 [dataset]. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, PANGAEA,, In: Rebmann, Corinna; Pohl, Felix (2023): Carbon, water and energy fluxes at the TERENO/ICOS ecosystem station Hohes Holz in Central Germany since 2015 [dataset publication series]. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Published: 2023-03-06 • DOI registered: 2023-04-04
Related to:
Rebmann, Corinna; Pohl, Felix (2023): Fluxes and related variables from EddyPro®-Output from eddy-covariance measurements above the forest ecosystem Hohes Holz in 2015 [dataset]. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, PANGAEA,
Kolle, Olaf; Rebmann, Corinna (2007): Eddysoft - Documentation of a Software Package to Acquire and Process Eddy Covariance Data. 10, Rebmann_Kolle_TechnicalReports-10_2007_ISSN_1615-7400.pdf
Wutzler, Thomas; Lucas-Moffat, Antje; Migliavacca, Mirco; Knauer, Jürgen; Sickel, Kerstin; Šigut, Ladislav; Menzer, Olaf; Reichstein, Markus (2018): Basic and extensible post-processing of eddy covariance flux data with REddyProc. Biogeosciences, 15(16), 5015-5030,
Latitude: 52.086563 * Longitude: 11.222351
Date/Time Start: 2015-01-01T00:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-01-01T00:00:00
Carbon dioxide, water vapour and energy fluxes from eddy-covariance measurements after post-processing and gap-filling with the REddyProc package (Wutzler, T., et al., 2018) combined with selected environmental variables measured (or derived) at the same site at the EC tower with Campbell Scientific data loggers. Flags describe quality of data after e.g. checks for stationarity and intergral turbulence characteristics (Foken, T. and Wichura, B., 1996), or the ability of gap-filling (Wutzler, T., et al., 2018) and represent either good (0), suspicious (1) or bad (2) data. Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) is partitioned into gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) by different procedures (Lasslop, et al., 2010, Reichstein et al., 2005). '-9999' is indicating missing values.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Rebmann, Corinna | Geocode – UTC | ||
2 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Rebmann, Corinna | Geocode – UTC | ||
3 | Pressure, atmospheric | PPPP | hPa | Rebmann, Corinna | Barometer, Setra, 278 | 49m height |
4 | Carbon dioxide, dry-air mole fraction | CO2 | µmol/mol | Rebmann, Corinna | LICOR Gasanalyzer (LI-7000, LI-840), both LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA | 49m height |
5 | Daytime Indicator | Daytime | Rebmann, Corinna | |||
6 | Evapotranspiration | ET | kg/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | ||
7 | Evapotranspiration, gap filled variable | ET gf | kg/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | ||
8 | Evapotranspiration, potential | PET | kg/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | ||
9 | Soil heat, flux | Soil heat flux | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Heat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01 | Sensor1 in 0.05m depth |
10 | Soil heat, flux | Soil heat flux | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Heat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01 | Sensor2 in 0.05m depth |
11 | Soil heat, flux | Soil heat flux | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Heat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01 | Sensor3 in 0.05m depth |
12 | Soil heat, flux | Soil heat flux | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Heat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01 | Sensor4 in 0.05m depth |
13 | Soil heat, flux | Soil heat flux | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Heat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01 | Sensor5 in 0.05m depth |
14 | Soil heat, flux | Soil heat flux | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Heat-flux plate, Hukseflux, HFP01 | Sensor6 in 0.05m depth |
15 | Gross primary production of carbon dioxide | GPP CO2 | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | |
16 | Gross primary production of carbon dioxide | GPP CO2 | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
17 | Gross primary production of carbon dioxide | GPP CO2 | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
18 | Gross primary production of carbon dioxide | GPP CO2 | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 95% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
19 | Gross primary production of carbon dioxide | GPP CO2 | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | |
20 | Gross primary production of carbon dioxide | GPP CO2 | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
21 | Gross primary production of carbon dioxide | GPP CO2 | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
22 | Gross primary production of carbon dioxide | GPP CO2 | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 95% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
23 | Heat, flux, sensible | Qh | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Sonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific | |
24 | Heat, flux, sensible, gap filled variable | Qh gf | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | ||
25 | Quality flag, heat, flux, sensible | QF Qh | Rebmann, Corinna | flag for gap-filling sensible heat flux | ||
26 | Heat, flux, latent | Qe | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Sonic anemometer CSAT3 and CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS) | |
27 | Heat, flux, latent, gap filled variable | Qe gf | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | ||
28 | Quality flag, heat, flux, latent | QF Qe | Rebmann, Corinna | flag for gap-filling latent heat flux | ||
29 | Long-wave downward radiation | LWD | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Net radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR4 | |
30 | Long-wave upward radiation | LWU | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Net radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR4 | |
31 | Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide | CO2 NEE | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Sonic anemometer CSAT3 and CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (LI-7500RS) | |
32 | Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide, gap filled variable | CO2 NEE gf | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | ||
33 | Quality flag, Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide | QF CO2 NEE | Rebmann, Corinna | flag for gap-filling ecosystem exchange of CO2 | ||
34 | Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide, gap filled variable | CO2 NEE gf | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | 5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) | |
35 | Quality flag, Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide | QF CO2 NEE | Rebmann, Corinna | flag for gap-filling ecosystem exchange of CO2 (5% quantile) | ||
36 | Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide, gap filled variable | CO2 NEE gf | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | 5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) | |
37 | Quality flag, Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide | QF CO2 NEE | Rebmann, Corinna | flag for gap-filling ecosystem exchange of CO2 (5% quantile) | ||
38 | Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide, gap filled variable | CO2 NEE gf | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | 50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) | |
39 | Quality flag, Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide | QF CO2 NEE | Rebmann, Corinna | flag for gap-filling ecosystem exchange of CO2 (50% quantile) | ||
40 | Photosynthetic photon, flux density | PPFD | µmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | PAR sensor LI-190R (Spherical Underwater Quantum Sensor) Li-COR Inc. | 49m height |
41 | Precipitation | Precip | mm | Rebmann, Corinna | Tipping bucket | 50m height |
42 | Ecosystem respiration | Reco | mmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | |
43 | Ecosystem respiration | Reco | mmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
44 | Ecosystem respiration | Reco | mmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
45 | Ecosystem respiration | Reco | mmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with daytime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 95% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
46 | Ecosystem respiration | Reco | mmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | |
47 | Ecosystem respiration | Reco | mmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
48 | Ecosystem respiration | Reco | mmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
49 | Ecosystem respiration | Reco | mmol/m2/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Partitioning with nighttime method after Wutzler et al. (2018) | 95% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution of the ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
50 | Humidity, relative | RH | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Humidity-Temperature probe, Vaisala, HMP45AC | 33m height |
51 | Humidity, relative | RH | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Humidity-Temperature probe, Vaisala, HMP155 | 49m height |
52 | Net radiation | NET | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Net radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR4 | 49m height |
53 | Short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiation | SWD | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Net radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR4 | 49m height |
54 | Short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiation, gap filled variable | SWD gf | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | 49m height | |
55 | Quality flag, short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiation | QF SWD | Rebmann, Corinna | |||
56 | Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiation | SWU | W/m2 | Rebmann, Corinna | Net radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR4 | 49m height |
57 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil A 10cm depth |
58 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil A 20cm depth |
59 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil A 30cm depth |
60 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil A 40cm depth |
61 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil A 50cm depth |
62 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil A 80cm depth |
63 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil B 10cm depth |
64 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil B 20cm depth |
65 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil B 30cm depth |
66 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil B 40cm depth |
67 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil B 50cm depth |
68 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | % | Rebmann, Corinna | Water Content Reflectometer CS616, Campbell Scientific | Profil B 80cm depth |
69 | Temperature, air | TTT | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Humidity-Temperature probe, Vaisala, HMP45AC | 33m height |
70 | Temperature, air | TTT | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Temperature probe, Young, Model 41342 | 33m height |
71 | Temperature, air, gap filled variable | TTT gf | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | 33m height | |
72 | Quality flag, air temperature | QF air temp | Rebmann, Corinna | |||
73 | Temperature, air | TTT | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Humidity-Temperature probe, Vaisala, HMP45A | 45m height |
74 | Temperature, air | TTT | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Temperature probe, Young, Model 41342 | 45m height |
75 | Temperature, air | TTT | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Thermometer/Hygrometer, Vaisala, HMP155 | 49m height |
76 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil A 5cm depth |
77 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil A 10cm depth |
78 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil A 20cm depth |
79 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil A 30cm depth |
80 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil A 40cm depth |
81 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil A 50cm depth |
82 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil A 80cm depth |
83 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil B 5cm depth |
84 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil B 10cm depth |
85 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil B 20cm depth |
86 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil B 30cm depth |
87 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil B 40cm depth |
88 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil B 50cm depth |
89 | Temperature, soil | T soil | °C | Rebmann, Corinna | Campbell Scientific 107 Temperature Probe | Profil B 80cm depth |
90 | Friction velocity | u* | m/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Sonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific | |
91 | Quality flag, Friction velocity | QF ustar | Rebmann, Corinna | |||
92 | Friction velocity | u* | m/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Sonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific | Seasonal Ustar threshold (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
93 | Quality flag, Friction velocity | QF ustar | Rebmann, Corinna | flag for gap-filling friction velocity (5% quantile) | ||
94 | Friction velocity | u* | m/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Sonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific | Seasonal Ustar threshold (5% quantile) (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
95 | Quality flag, Friction velocity | QF ustar | Rebmann, Corinna | flag for gap-filling friction velocity (50% quantile) | ||
96 | Friction velocity | u* | m/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Sonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific | Seasonal Ustar threshold (50% quantile) (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
97 | Quality flag, Friction velocity | QF ustar | Rebmann, Corinna | flag for gap-filling friction velocity (95% quantile) | ||
98 | Friction velocity | u* | m/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Sonic anemometer, CSAT3, Campbell Scientific | Seasonal Ustar threshold (95% quantile) (Wutzler et al. 2018) |
99 | Vapour pressure deficit | VPD | hPa | Rebmann, Corinna | derived from air temperature sensor HMP45AC in 33m height | |
100 | Vapour pressure deficit, gap filled variable | VPD gf | hPa | Rebmann, Corinna | 33m height | |
101 | Quality flag, vapour pressure deficit | QF VPD | Rebmann, Corinna | |||
102 | Wind direction | dd | deg | Rebmann, Corinna | Anemometer, Thies Clima, Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D | 49m height |
103 | Wind speed | ff | m/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Anemometer, Windsonic WS1 GILL | 49m height |
104 | Wind speed | ff | m/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Anemometer, Thies Clima, Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D | 49m height |
105 | Wind speed | ff | m/s | Rebmann, Corinna | Anemometer, Thies Clima, Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D | 49m height |
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