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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Maffezzoli, Niccolò; Risebrobakken, Bjørg; Miles, Martin W; Vallelonga, Paul T; Berben, Sarah M P; Scoto, Federico; Edwards, Ross; Kjær, Helle Astrid; Sadatzki, Henrik; Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso; Turetta, Clara; Barbante, Carlo; Vinther, Bo Møllesøe; Spolaor, Andrea (2022): RECAP ice core Holocene records of Br, Na, nssBr, Brenr, I, Ca, Cl, Mg [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2022-02-04DOI registered: 2022-03-17

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The RECAP ice core was drilled on the Renland Ice Cap (71° 18′18′′ N, 26° 43′24′′ W; 2315 m a.s.l.), coastal East Greenland, in 2015. This repository contains Holocene ice core measurements of bromine (Br), iodine (I), sodium (Na), non-sea-salt bromine (nssBr), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), chlorine (Cl) and Bromine enrichment values (Brenr) of the upper ca. 530 meter section of the core, corresponding to the ca. 11,000 years of the Holocene. The primary focus of sodium, bromine and iodine measurements was to investigate the variability of marine and sea ice influence from the northern North Atlantic Ocean to the ice core site. The ice meltwater samples were collected during the Continuous Flow Analysis campaign carried out at the University of Copenhagen in 2015 at a depth resolution of 55 cm. The chemical analyses were carried out by Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS).
bromine; calcium; chlorine; Holocene; Ice core; iodine; magnesium; RECAP; Renland; Sea ice; sodium
Related to:
Maffezzoli, Niccolò; Vallelonga, Paul T; Edwards, Ross; Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso; Turetta, Clara; Kjær, Helle Astrid; Barbante, Carlo; Vinther, Bo Møllesøe; Spolaor, Andrea (2020): Holocene (Br, Na in 100-yr resolution) and Glacial (Br, Cl, Na, ssNa, Ca, Mg in 55-cm resolution) ICPMS concentrations of RECAP ice core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
European Research Council (ERC), grant/award no. 610055: Arctic Sea Ice and Greenland Ice Sheet Sensitivity
Latitude: 71.303667 * Longitude: -26.713111
Minimum Elevation: 2340.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 2340.0 m
RECAP * Latitude: 71.303667 * Longitude: -26.713111 * Elevation: 2340.0 m * Recovery: 584 m * Location: Renland Ice Cap, East Greenland * Method/Device: Ice drill (ICEDRILL) * Comment: drilled May to June 2015
Note: smoothed curves are calculated using a 100-yr gaussian kernel.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Age, relative, number of yearsAgeaMaffezzoli, NiccolòTop ice sample age expressed in years before 2015.5
2Age, relative, number of yearsAgeaMaffezzoli, NiccolòBottom ice sample age expressed in years before 2015.5
3BromineBrµg/kgMaffezzoli, NiccolòICP-MS
4BromineBrµg/kgMaffezzoli, Niccolòsmoothed100-yr gaussian kernel
5SodiumNaµg/kgMaffezzoli, NiccolòICP-MS
6SodiumNaµg/kgMaffezzoli, Niccolòsmoothed100-yr gaussian kernel
7Bromine, non-sea-saltnssBrµg/kgMaffezzoli, NiccolòICP-MSCalculated as Br-0.0062*Na
8Bromine, non-sea-saltnssBrµg/kgMaffezzoli, Niccolòsmoothed100-yr gaussian kernel
9Bromine enrichmentBr enrichMaffezzoli, NiccolòICP-MSCalculated as Br/(0.0062*Na)
10Bromine enrichmentBr enrichMaffezzoli, Niccolòsmoothed100-yr gaussian kernel
11IodineIµg/kgMaffezzoli, NiccolòICP-MSSee Corella et al. (2019)
12IodineIµg/kgMaffezzoli, Niccolòsmoothed100-yr gaussian kernel
13CalciumCaµg/kgMaffezzoli, NiccolòICP-MS
14ChlorineClµg/kgMaffezzoli, NiccolòICP-MS
15MagnesiumMgµg/kgMaffezzoli, NiccolòICP-MS
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
11652 data points

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