Sigl, Michael; McConnell, Joseph R (2022): NEEM-2011-S1 ice-core aerosol record (conductivity, NH4, NO3, BC, acidity, Na, Mg, S, Ca, Mn, Sr, Ce) in NW-Greenland at 2 cm resolution from 86-1997 CE on the annual-layer counted NS1-2011 chronology [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2022-02-01 • DOI registered: 2022-03-15
A continuous ice core analytical system was used to analyze the ~410 m NEEM-2011-S1 ice core collected in summer 2011 near the NEEM deep drilling site in NW Greenland. The core was analyzed for a broad range of elements and chemical species using a coupled continuous flow analysis system with two inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers and single-particle soot photometer. The aerosol records are provided at 2 cm depth resolution to account for signal dispersion in the online analytical system. All records are on the NS1-2011 ice-core chronology: Between 1258 and 1997 CE, this chronology is based on mannual annual-layer counting based on multi-parameter aerosol records constrained by historic volcanic age markers (i.e. Krakatao 1883; Tambora 1815; Laki 1783; Mount Parker 1641; Huaynaputina 1600; Veidivötn 1477; Samalas 1257). Between 86 CE and 1258 CE, this chronology is based on automated annual-layer counting using the StratiCounter program, an automated, objective, annual-layer detection method based on Hidden Markov Model algorithms based on multi-parameter aerosol records and constrained by a solar proton events in 775 and 993 CE, and documentary evidence of volcanic dust veils in 536, 626 and 939 CE.
acidity; aerosols; ammonium; annual-layer-counting; black carbon; calcium; Cerium; chronology; Common Era; Conductivity; dust; Eldgja; GICC05; Greenland; Ice core; Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry; Krakatau volcano; Laki; magnesium; manganese; Miyake events; mystery cloud 536; nitrate; NS1-2011; Samalas; sodium; solar proton event 775; SP2; Strontium; Sulfur; Tambora; Volcanic aerosol; volcanic eruptions
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McConnell, Joseph R; Burke, Andrea; Dunbar, Nelia W; Köhler, Peter; Thomas, Jennie L; Arienzo, Monica M; Chellman, Nathan J; Maselli, Olivia J; Sigl, Michael; Adkins, Jess F; Baggenstos, Daniel; Burkhart, John F; Brook, Edward J; Buizert, Christo; Cole-Dai, Jihong; Fudge, Tyler J; Knorr, Gregor; Graf, Hans-Friedrich; Grieman, Mackenzie M; Iverson, Nels; McGwire, Kenneth C; Mulvaney, Robert; Paris, Guillaume; Rhodes, Rachael H; Saltzman, Eric S; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P; Steffensen, Jørgen Peder; Taylor, Kendrick C; Winckler, Gisela (2017): Synchronous volcanic eruptions and abrupt climate change ∼17.7 ka plausibly linked by stratospheric ozone depletion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(38), 10035-10040,
Sigl, Michael; McConnell, Joseph R; Layman, Lawrence; Maselli, Olivia J; McGwire, Ken; Pasteris, Daniel R; Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe; Steffensen, Jørgen Peder; Vinther, Bo Møllesøe; Edwards, Ross; Mulvaney, Robert; Kipfstuhl, Sepp (2013): A new bipolar ice core record of volcanism from WAIS Divide and NEEM and implications for climate forcing of the last 2000 years. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118(3), 1151-1169,
Sigl, Michael; Winstrup, Mai; McConnell, Joseph R; Welten, Kees C; Plunkett, Gill; Ludlow, F; Büntgen, Ulf; Caffee, Marc W; Chellman, Nathan J; Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe; Fischer, H; Kipfstuhl, Sepp; Kostick, C; Maselli, Olivia J; Mekhaldi, Florian; Mulvaney, Robert; Muscheler, Raimund; Pasteris, Daniel R; Pilcher, John R; Salzer, Matthew W; Schüpbach, Simon; Steffensen, J P; Vinther, Bo Møllesøe; Woodruff, Thomas E (2015): Timing and climate forcing of volcanic eruptions for the past 2,500 years. Nature, 523(7562), 543-549,
National Science Foundation (NSF), grant/award no. 0909541: Biomass Burning, Dust, Sea Salt, Volcanic & Pollution Aerosols in the Arctic during the Last 2 Millennia: High Resolution Aerosol Records from NEEM & an Aray of Archived Ic
National Science Foundation (NSF), grant/award no. 1023672: Collaborative Proposal: Aerosol Concentrations, Sources and Transport Pathways within the Arctic Polar Dome during Recent Millennia
National Science Foundation (NSF), grant/award no. 1204176: Collaborative Research: Continuous Records of Greenhouse Gases and Aerosol Deposition During the Holocene: Testing the Fidelity of New Methods for Reconstructing Atmospheric Change
Latitude: 77.450000 * Longitude: -51.060000
Minimum DEPTH, ice/snow: 0.01 m * Maximum DEPTH, ice/snow: 410.89 m
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, ice/snow | Depth ice/snow | m | Sigl, Michael | Geocode | |
2 | Age | Age | a AD/CE | Sigl, Michael | NS1-2011 is the middle year (C.E.) and is the recommended timescale consistent with Sigl et al., Nature, 2015 | |
3 | Conductivity, specific | Cond | µS/m | Sigl, Michael | ||
4 | Ammonium | [NH4]+ | µmol/l | Sigl, Michael | ||
5 | Nitrate | [NO3]- | µmol/l | Sigl, Michael | ||
6 | Black carbon | BC | µg/kg | Sigl, Michael | ||
7 | Acidity | Acidity | µeq/l | Sigl, Michael | ||
8 | Sodium | Na | µg/kg | Sigl, Michael | ICP-MS | |
9 | Magnesium | Mg | µg/kg | Sigl, Michael | ICP-MS | |
10 | Sulfur | S | µg/kg | Sigl, Michael | ICP-MS | |
11 | Calcium | Ca | µg/kg | Sigl, Michael | ICP-MS | |
12 | Manganese | Mn | µg/kg | Sigl, Michael | ICP-MS | |
13 | Strontium | Sr | µg/kg | Sigl, Michael | ICP-MS | |
14 | Cerium | Ce | µg/kg | Sigl, Michael | ICP-MS |
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