Kittu, Leila; Fernández-Méndez, Mar; Paul, Allanah Joy; Kiko, Rainer; Riebesell, Ulf (2021): Dissolved inorganic and organic nutrients from water column samples during RV Maria S. Merian cruise MSM80 off the northern Humboldt Upwelling System [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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This data is part of the BMBF projects CUSCO (Coastal Upwelling Systems in a Changing Ocean) and BioTip subproject Humboldt Tipping. Data was collected during cruise number MSM80 with research vessel Maria S. Merian from 23.12.2018 - 30.01.2019 (from Panama to Valparaiso) in the Humboldt Upwelling system off the Eastern Tropical south Pacific. Samples were taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and analysed onboard for dissolved inorganic nutrients and total dissolved nutrients. Triplicate nutrient samples were analysed for concentrations with an autosampler (XY-2 autosampler, SEAL Analytical) and a continuous flow analyzer (QUAAtro Autoanalyzer, SEAL Analytical) using standard colorimetric and flourometric methods by Kastriot Qelaj. Dissolved organic nutrients were calculated as the difference of the two for respective nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients. Phosphate was measured according to Murphy and Riley (1962). Ammonium was measured fluorometrically based on Holmes et al. (1999). An empty cell means that corresponding nutrient samples were not taken for the respective depth.
Supplement to:
Kittu, Leila; Paul, Allanah Joy; Fernández-Méndez, Mar; Hopwood, Mark James; Riebesell, Ulf (2023): Coastal N 2 Fixation Rates Coincide Spatially With Nitrogen Loss in the Humboldt Upwelling System off Peru. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 37(2),
Related to:
Holmes, Robert M; Aminot, A; Kerouel, Roger; Hooker, Bethanie A; Peterson, Bruce J (1999): A simple and precise method for measuring ammonium in marine and freshwater ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 56(10), 1801-1808,
Murphy, Judith A; Riley, J P (1962): A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Analytica Chimica Acta, 27, 31-36,
Sozial-ökologische Kipppunkte im Humboldt-System (HumboldtTipping)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant/award no. 01LC1823B: HumboldtTipping Teilprojekt 2: Modellierung von mariner Biogeochemie bis Fisch (End-to-End Modellierung)
Median Latitude: -13.465480 * Median Longitude: -76.978475 * South-bound Latitude: -16.398000 * West-bound Longitude: -80.999800 * North-bound Latitude: -8.499000 * East-bound Longitude: -74.166500
Date/Time Start: 2018-12-27T18:52:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-01-25T22:55:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 5 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 2000 m
MSM80_1-1 * Latitude: -8.499583 * Longitude: -80.999983 * Date/Time: 2018-12-27T19:19:00 * Elevation: -6233.3 m * Campaign: MSM80 (CUSCO-1) * Basis: Maria S. Merian * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
MSM80_4-1 * Latitude: -8.499817 * Longitude: -80.499983 * Date/Time: 2018-12-28T12:47:00 * Elevation: -1326.0 m * Campaign: MSM80 (CUSCO-1) * Basis: Maria S. Merian * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
MSM80_7-1 * Latitude: -8.499133 * Longitude: -80.031050 * Date/Time: 2018-12-28T22:15:00 * Elevation: -357.1 m * Campaign: MSM80 (CUSCO-1) * Basis: Maria S. Merian * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | Kittu, Leila | |||
2 | Station label | Station | Kittu, Leila | |||
3 | Transect | Transect | Kittu, Leila | |||
4 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Kittu, Leila | Geocode | ||
5 | LATITUDE | Latitude | Kittu, Leila | Geocode | ||
6 | LONGITUDE | Longitude | Kittu, Leila | Geocode | ||
7 | Pressure, water | Press | dbar | Kittu, Leila | ||
8 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Kittu, Leila | Geocode | |
9 | Nitrate | [NO3]- | µmol/l | Kittu, Leila | SEAL Analytical, continuous flow analyser QuAAtro | |
10 | Nitrite | [NO2]- | µmol/l | Kittu, Leila | SEAL Analytical, continuous flow analyser QuAAtro | |
11 | Phosphate | [PO4]3- | µmol/l | Kittu, Leila | Determination of phosphate (Murphy & Riley, 1962) | |
12 | Silicate | Si(OH)4 | µmol/l | Kittu, Leila | SEAL Analytical, continuous flow analyser QuAAtro | |
13 | Ammonium | [NH4]+ | µmol/l | Kittu, Leila | Fluorometric | |
14 | Nitrogen, total dissolved | TDN | µmol/l | Kittu, Leila | SEAL Analytical, continuous flow analyser QuAAtro | |
15 | Nitrogen, organic, dissolved | DON | µmol/l | Kittu, Leila | Calculated | |
16 | Phosphorus, total dissolved | TDP | µmol/l | Kittu, Leila | SEAL Analytical, continuous flow analyser QuAAtro | |
17 | Phosphorus, organic, dissolved | DOP | µmol/l | Kittu, Leila | Calculated |
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Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
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