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Güğül, Gül Nihal (2021): Green house gas and meteorology data obtained during the pandemic periodin Ankara, Turkey [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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In this study a greenhouse gas and meteorology measurement station is developed to monitor ozone, methane, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, chlorine, smoke, carbon monoxide, temperature, wind and humidity in Ankara, Turkey. Station is developed using low-cost sensors and IOT platform. Station is proved to be reliable and efficient. Measurement data were stored between 17.01.2021-02.05.2021, which includes the full closure bans due to the pandemic and the processes in which the bans were lifted, and the analysis results are presented in this study.
Climate change; greenhouse gas; measurement station; Monitoring
Supplement to:
Güğül, Gül Nihal; Yalçın, Caner; Özçelik, A Engin (submitted): Analysis Results of Green House Gas and Meteorology Data Obtained During Pandemic Period from Developed Dynamic Monitoring Station. Earth System Science Data
Related to:
Air Pollution and Health Effects (Hava Kirliliği ve Sağlık Etkileri [in Turkish]).
Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Turkey - National Air Quality Monitoring Network.
Janzen, Helmut Henry; Desjardins, R L; Asselin, J M R; Grace, B (1998): The health of our air: Toward sustainable agriculture in Canada. Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 89-91,
McGinn, S M; Janzen, Helmut Henry (1998): Ammonia sources in agriculture and their measurement. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 78(1), 139-148,
Tozsin, Güler (2003): Yer seviyesi ozon kirliliğine neden olan parametrelerin İstanbul ili için incelenmesi [in Turkish]. Çevre Mühendisliği
Further details:
Menon, K A Unnikrishna; Maria, Deepa; Thirugnanam, Hemalatha (2012): Power optimization strategies for wireless sensor networks in coal mines. Conference: Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN),
Latitude: 39.966000 * Longitude: 32.785437
Date/Time Start: 2020-12-20T12:08:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-05-04T17:30:00
Analysis Results of Green House Gas and Meteorology Data Obtained During Pandemic Period, Award: 20401076
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
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