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Warnke, Fynn; Schwenk, Tilmann; Miramontes, Elda; Spieß, Volkhard; Wenau, Stefan; Bozzano, Graziella; Baqués, Michele; Kasten, Sabine (2023): Multichannel reflection seismic processed data (working area dataset) of RV SONNE during cruise SO260/1, Argentine Continental Margin [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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The data comprise high-resolution multi-channel reflection seismic profiles from the Ewing Terrace on the Argentine Continental Margin that were acquired during RV SONNE cruise SO260/1 in 2018. Multichannel seismic data were acquired with a SERCEL Mini GI-Gun and GI-GUN with 0.2 l and 0.4 l volumes for generator and injector, respectively. For receiving the signal, a 96-channel analogue TELEDYNE streamer was deployed featuring varying channel spacing of 1 m to 4 m distance. Shot intervals varied between 4 to 6 seconds depending on the water depth, yielding shot spacing of ~10-15 m at a ship's speed of 5 to 5.5 kn. The sampling rate was set to 0.25 ms and the recording length varied between 3 and 4 seconds. The data were band-pass filtered, stacked and migrated with an emphasis on high resolution imaging and noise reduction. Velocity fields were picked interactively for NMO-correction and post-stack time migration. CMP bin distance was set to 2 m. Processing was conducted using the VISTA 2014 seismic data processing software.
Argentine Continental Margin; Backscatter; Bathymetry; Continental Slope; multi-channel seismic reflection; PARASOUND; seafloor depressions; SW Atlantic Ocean
Supplement to:
Warnke, Fynn; Schwenk, Tilmann; Miramontes, Elda; Spieß, Volkhard; Wenau, Stefan; Bozzano, Graziella; Baqués, Michele; Kasten, Sabine (2023): Evolution of complex giant seafloor depressions at the northern Argentine continental margin (SW Atlantic Ocean) under the influence of a dynamic bottom current regime. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 1117013,
Median Latitude: -38.008386 * Median Longitude: -54.023391 * South-bound Latitude: -38.641780 * West-bound Longitude: -54.184100 * North-bound Latitude: -37.584430 * East-bound Longitude: -53.702550
Date/Time Start: 2018-01-16T00:09:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-01-27T09:20:00
GeoB18-025  * Latitude Start: -37.750530 * Longitude Start: -54.079370 * Latitude End: -37.964920 * Longitude End: -53.702550 * Date/Time Start: 2018-01-16T00:09:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-01-16T04:33:00 * Location: Argentine Continental Margin * Campaign: SO260/1 * Basis: Sonne_2 * Method/Device: Multichannel seismics (MCSEIS)
GeoB18-033  * Latitude Start: -38.331220 * Longitude Start: -54.062030 * Latitude End: -38.427450 * Longitude End: -54.071350 * Date/Time Start: 2018-01-19T00:24:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-01-19T01:36:00 * Location: Argentine Continental Margin * Campaign: SO260/1 * Basis: Sonne_2 * Method/Device: Multichannel seismics (MCSEIS)
GeoB18-060  * Latitude Start: -37.757380 * Longitude Start: -54.184100 * Latitude End: -37.808830 * Longitude End: -54.075000 * Date/Time Start: 2018-01-23T16:48:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-01-23T17:53:00 * Location: Argentine Continental Margin * Campaign: SO260/1 * Basis: Sonne_2 * Method/Device: Multichannel seismics (MCSEIS)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEvent
Latitude of eventLatitude
Longitude of eventLongitude
Binary ObjectBinaryWarnke, Fynn
Binary Object (Media Type)Binary (Type)Warnke, Fynn
Binary Object (File Size)Binary (Size)BytesWarnke, Fynn
File contentContentWarnke, Fynn
Change history:
2024-10-16T08:33:20 – Events for GeoB18-066 and GeoB18-087 were changed to events GeoB18-066_1 and GeoB18-087_1.
42 data points


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GeoB18-025 -37.7505-54.0794Seismic_GeoB18-025_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf22.1 MBytes
GeoB18-025-37.7505-54.0794Seismic_GeoB18-025_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain456.9 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-033 -38.3312-54.0620Seismic_GeoB18-033_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf23.1 MBytes
GeoB18-033-38.3312-54.0620Seismic_GeoB18-033_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain372.7 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-060 -37.7574-54.1841Seismic_GeoB18-060_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf22.5 MBytes
GeoB18-060-37.7574-54.1841Seismic_GeoB18-060_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain391.3 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-061 -37.8095-54.0670Seismic_GeoB18-061_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf19.1 MBytes
GeoB18-061-37.8095-54.0670Seismic_GeoB18-061_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain198.9 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-062 -37.7658-54.0256Seismic_GeoB18-062_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf17.3 MBytes
GeoB18-062-37.7658-54.0256Seismic_GeoB18-062_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain261.1 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-064 -37.6919-54.0401Seismic_GeoB18-064_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf17 MBytes
GeoB18-064-37.6919-54.0401Seismic_GeoB18-064_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain192.6 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-066_1 -37.7082-53.9646Seismic_GeoB18-066_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf19.6 MBytes
GeoB18-066_1-37.7082-53.9646Seismic_GeoB18-066_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain231.8 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-068 -37.6434-53.9666Seismic_GeoB18-068_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf21.2 MBytes
GeoB18-068-37.6434-53.9666Seismic_GeoB18-068_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain315.7 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-070 -37.6662-53.8435Seismic_GeoB18-070_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf19.9 MBytes
GeoB18-070-37.6662-53.8435Seismic_GeoB18-070_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain383.7 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-085 -38.6418-54.1374Seismic_GeoB18-085_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf27 MBytes
GeoB18-085-38.6418-54.1374Seismic_GeoB18-085_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain475.2 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-086 -38.3406-54.0780Seismic_GeoB18-086_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf22.8 MBytes
GeoB18-086-38.3406-54.0780Seismic_GeoB18-086_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain227.9 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-087_1 -38.3547-54.0301Seismic_GeoB18-087_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf25.4 MBytes
GeoB18-087_1-38.3547-54.0301Seismic_GeoB18-087_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain269.5 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-088 -38.3490-54.1051Seismic_GeoB18-088_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf25.1 MBytes
GeoB18-088-38.3490-54.1051Seismic_GeoB18-088_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain299.7 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)
GeoB18-089 -38.3741-54.0656Seismic_GeoB18-089_FD-mig.pdfapplication/pdf25.8 MBytes
GeoB18-089-38.3741-54.0656Seismic_GeoB18-089_FD-mig_coords.txttext/plain299.6 kBytesLINE: Profilename/CMP: Numbers of common midpoints in ascending order/LAT: shotpoint latitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/LON: shotpoint longitude (decimal degree) (WGS84, EPSG:4326)/X: shotpoint easting (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)/Y: shotpoint northing (m) in UTM21S (EPSG:32721)