Berndt, Christian; Böttner, Christoph (2021): Multibeam bathymetry raw data (Kongsberg EM710 entire dataset) of RV METEOR during cruise M154/1 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Multibeam bathymetry raw data was recorded in the Atlantic during cruise M154/1 that took place between 2019-04-03 and 2019-04-25. The data was collected using the ship's own Kongsberg EM 710. This data is part of the DAM (German Marine Research Alliance) project Underway Research Data. Sound velocity profiles (SVP) were applied on the data for calibration. SVP data from this cruise can be found here ( Please see the cruise report for details.
Related to:
Berndt, Christian; Böttner, Christoph; Elger, Judith; Kontradowitz, Stefan; Kühn, Michel; Müller, Sebastian; Schramm, Bettina; Stelzner, Martin (2019): Sector collapse kinematics and tsunami implications - SEKT, Cruise No. M154/1, April 3 - April 25, 2019, Mindelo (Cape Verde) - Point-á-Pitre (Guadeloupe). METEOR-Berichte, Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, M154/1, 47 pp,
Further details:
Bathymetry metadata documentation M154/1 EM710 (2022). BathymetryMetadata_M154_1_EM710.xlsx
Berndt, Christian; Böttner, Christoph; Wölfl, Anne-Cathrin (2021): Multibeam bathymetry raw data (Kongsberg EM 122 entire dataset) of RV METEOR during cruise M154/1 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
DAM Underway Research Data (DAM_Underway)
Median Latitude: 16.636457 * Median Longitude: -62.001308 * South-bound Latitude: 16.457811 * West-bound Longitude: -62.261952 * North-bound Latitude: 16.831451 * East-bound Longitude: -61.834630
Date/Time Start: 2019-04-11T21:42:08 * Date/Time End: 2019-04-24T23:38:21
Minimum ELEVATION: -1180.1161 m a.s.l. * Maximum ELEVATION: -24.5315 m a.s.l.
M154/1_0_Underway-5 * Latitude Start: 16.588271 * Longitude Start: -61.925025 * Latitude End: 16.638319 * Longitude End: -62.262289 * Date/Time Start: 2019-04-11T21:42:08 * Date/Time End: 2019-04-24T23:56:48 * Campaign: M154/1 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: EM710 multibeam echosounder (EM710) * Comment: Event shows start/end point (date/time & coordinates) of first/last data record using Kongsberg EM 710 multibeam echosounder during cruise M154/1
These data should not be used for navigational purposes.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC) * Processing Level: PANGAEA data processing level 1 (ProcLevel1)
7089 data points
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