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Kaul, Norbert (2021): Heat flow data at station HF2025 during RV SONNE cruise SO278 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Kaul, N (2021): Heat flow data of RV SONNE cruise SO278 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Heat flow station HF2025 penetration 1 – 8, temperature-time raw data in ASCII Format. Temperature in milli Kelvin (mK) and time in GMT, 1 second sample interval. Results of heat flow station HF2025, penetrations 1 - 8, results of in-situ temperatures and thermal conductivities in depth dependent order. Temperature is in Degree Celsius (°C), thermal conductivity in (W/m*K). Thermal conductivity can be measured or set. Data presentation is ASCII (.dat files) and graphic (.PDF files).
marine heat flow; Mediterreanean Ridge; mud volcanism; South Crete Accretionary Complex
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Other version:
Kaul, Norbert: SO278 raw data archive of HF measurements HF2025.
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 390741603: EXC 2077: The Ocean Floor – Earth's Uncharted Interface
Median Latitude: 33.510048 * Median Longitude: 25.488700 * South-bound Latitude: 33.509450 * West-bound Longitude: 25.458500 * North-bound Latitude: 33.510520 * East-bound Longitude: 25.513720
Date/Time Start: 2020-11-06T20:00:34 * Date/Time End: 2020-11-07T03:09:05
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 5.249 m
SO278_35-1 (GeoB24335-1) * Latitude: 33.510520 * Longitude: 25.513720 * Date/Time: 2020-11-06T20:00:34 * Elevation: -2415.9 m * Location: Mediterranean Sea * Campaign: SO278 (GPF 19-2-007H) * Basis: Sonne_2 * Method/Device: Heat-Flow probe (HF) * Comment: HF-25-1
SO278_35-2 (GeoB24335-2) * Latitude: 33.510380 * Longitude: 25.504000 * Date/Time: 2020-11-06T21:10:02 * Elevation: -2349.2 m * Location: Mediterranean Sea * Campaign: SO278 (GPF 19-2-007H) * Basis: Sonne_2 * Method/Device: Heat-Flow probe (HF) * Comment: HF-25-2
SO278_35-3 (GeoB24335-3) * Latitude: 33.510300 * Longitude: 25.497000 * Date/Time: 2020-11-06T22:03:06 * Elevation: -2308.1 m * Location: Mediterranean Sea * Campaign: SO278 (GPF 19-2-007H) * Basis: Sonne_2 * Method/Device: Heat-Flow probe (HF) * Comment: HF-25-3
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventKaul, Norbert
2Optional event labelEvent 2Kaul, Norbert
3Sample code/labelSample labelKaul, Norbert
4Sample code/labelSample labelKaul, NorbertSensor
5DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmKaul, NorbertGeocode
6Depth, relativeDepth relmKaul, NorbertPenetration, relative to top of heat flow probe
7Temperature, in rock/sedimentt°CKaul, Norbert
8Conductivity, thermalkW/m/KKaul, Norbert
9Conductivity, thermalkW/m/KKaul, Norbertassumed
10Integrated thermal resistanceITRm2 K/WKaul, NorbertBullarad Depth
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
816 data points

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