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Seo, Inah; Kim, Mun Gi; Yoo, Chan Min; Hyeong, Kiseong (2021): Geochemical composition of inorganic silicate fraction of surface sediment samples collected along a 131.5°W transect in the central Pacific [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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This dataset includes neodymium isotope ratios and La, Yb, Sc, and Th concentrations of inorganic silicate fractions of surface sediments from the central Pacific, with relevant sampling information. The aim of the study is to identify latitudinal changes in hemispheric dust provenance. 16 sediment cores were collected along a 131.5°W transect from the equator to 16°N at ~1º intervals using a multiple corer and a piston corer on the R/V Onnuri during KODOS03-03 cruise (2003.07.03-2003.08.01; Chief Scientist: Woong-Seo Kim) and KODOS05-01 cruise (2005.07.17-2005.08.15; Chief Scientist: Woong-Seo Kim). Subsamples were taken at 1 cm intervals from the split cores, and those obtained within the top 10 cm of the cores (usually within the top 3 cm) were used to extract the inorganic silicate fraction. The inorganic silicate fractions of bulk sediments were isolated by sequential dissolution with 25% acetic acid, hot sodium citrate-sodium dithionite solution buffered with sodium bicarbonate, and hot sodium hydroxide solution. The elemental composition of the inorganic silicate fraction was determined using a quadrupole ICP-MS following conventional acid digestion. 143Nd/144Nd ratios were determined via multi-collector thermal ionization mass spectrometer using standard cation exchange techniques.
Eolian dust; Neodymium isotopes; Rare earth elements
Related to:
Hovan, Steven A (1995): Late Cenozoic atmospheric circulation intensity and climatic history recorded by eolian deposition in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean, Leg 138. In: Pisias, NG; Mayer, LA; Janecek, TR; Palmer-Julson, A; van Andel, TH (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 138, 615-625,
Hovan, Steven A (1995): Late Cenozoic eolian dust accumulation in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,
Seo, Inah; Kim, Mun Gi; Yoo, Chan Min; Hyeong, Kiseong (2021): Geochemically Defined Mean Position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone in the Central Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(19), e2021GL094432,
Taylor, Stuart Ross; McLennan, Scott M (1985): The Continental Crust: Its Composition and Evolution. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 312 pp
Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), grant/award no. PE99823
Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), grant/award no. PE99924
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF), grant/award no. 20110183
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF), grant/award no. 20160099
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), grant/award no. 2020R1F1A1072239
Median Latitude: 7.562043 * Median Longitude: -131.503069 * South-bound Latitude: 0.001420 * West-bound Longitude: -131.545980 * North-bound Latitude: 15.998100 * East-bound Longitude: -131.477130
Date/Time Start: 2003-07-11T19:34:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-08-08T09:25:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 4085 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 5076 m
KODOS03-03_MC03-03-N8 (MC03-03-N8)  * Latitude: 8.005170 * Longitude: -131.498820 * Date/Time: 2003-07-23T00:44:00 * Elevation: -5046.0 m * Location: North Pacific Ocean * Campaign: KODOS03-03 * Basis: Onnuri * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC)
KODOS03-03_MC03-03-N12 (MC03-03-N12)  * Latitude: 11.999780 * Longitude: -131.499330 * Date/Time: 2003-07-11T19:34:00 * Elevation: -5027.0 m * Location: North Pacific Ocean * Campaign: KODOS03-03 * Basis: Onnuri * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC)
KODOS03-03_MC03-03-N13 (MC03-03-N13)  * Latitude: 13.000920 * Longitude: -131.497020 * Date/Time: 2003-07-12T16:25:00 * Elevation: -4962.0 m * Location: North Pacific Ocean * Campaign: KODOS03-03 * Basis: Onnuri * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEventSeo, Inah
CoreCoreSeo, Inahname
LATITUDELatitudeSeo, InahGeocode
LONGITUDELongitudeSeo, InahGeocode
DEPTH, waterDepth watermSeo, InahGeocode
Cruise/expeditionExpeditionSeo, Inah
DATE/TIMEDate/TimeSeo, InahGeocode – of collection
Depth commentDepth commSeo, InahSample depth (cm)
Neodymium-143/Neodymium-144 ratio143Nd/144NdSeo, InahMulti-collector thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS)
10 Neodymium-143/Neodymium-144 ratio, standard deviation143Nd/144Nd std dev±Seo, InahMulti-collector thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS)±2σ
11 ε-Neodymiumε-NdSeo, InahInductively coupled plasma-quadrupole-mass spectrometry (ICP-Q-MS)
12 LanthanumLamg/kgSeo, InahInductively coupled plasma-quadrupole-mass spectrometry (ICP-Q-MS)
13 YtterbiumYbmg/kgSeo, InahInductively coupled plasma-quadrupole-mass spectrometry (ICP-Q-MS)
14 ScandiumScmg/kgSeo, InahInductively coupled plasma-quadrupole-mass spectrometry (ICP-Q-MS)
15 ThoriumThmg/kgSeo, InahInductively coupled plasma-quadrupole-mass spectrometry (ICP-Q-MS)
16 Lanthanum/Ytterbium ratioLa/YbSeo, InahCalculated, PAAS-normalizedafter Taylor & McLennan (1985)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
176 data points


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Depth water [m]



Depth comm

143Nd/144Nd std dev [±]
La [mg/kg]
Yb [mg/kg]
Sc [mg/kg]
Th [mg/kg]
KODOS05-01_PC5104 PC51040.00142-131.495934365KODOS05-012005-08-08T09:25:000-60.5124840.000013-
KODOS05-01_MC5118 MC51181.00042-131.499404350KODOS05-012005-08-07T13:07:000-60.5123960.000003-4.7233.405.6154.64.360.44
KODOS05-01_MC5107 MC51071.99198-131.535824421KODOS05-012005-08-06T23:43:001-80.5122770.000004-7.039.451.1014.52.180.63
KODOS05-01_MC5108 MC51082.99857-131.545984487KODOS05-012005-08-05T22:49:000-40.5122430.000004-7.719.451.6120.42.740.43
KODOS05-01_MC5109 MC51094.00088-131.504634442KODOS05-012005-08-05T07:06:000-20.5122010.000004-8.5211.501.1814.13.060.72
KODOS05-01_MC5110 MC51104.99658-131.477134408KODOS05-012005-08-04T07:17:000-20.5122470.000003-7.6413.501.8317.43.630.54
KODOS05-01_MC5111 MC51116.00658-131.483404085KODOS05-012005-08-03T19:27:000-30.5121770.000005-8.9913.001.2517.64.080.76
KODOS05-01_MC5112 MC51127.00080-131.480334563KODOS05-012005-08-02T18:19:001-20.5121190.000007-10.1317.000.9317.33.741.34
KODOS03-03_MC03-03-N8 MC03-03-N88.00517-131.498825046KODOS03-032003-07-23T00:44:004-50.5121320.000005-9.8625.601.1425.26.781.66
KODOS05-01_MC5114 MC51149.02853-131.513374867KODOS05-012005-08-01T17:29:001-20.5121610.000006-9.3129.502.0231.18.531.07
KODOS05-01_MC5115 MC51159.99347-131.510884935KODOS05-012005-08-01T05:39:001-20.5121290.000004-9.9220.901.3721.55.621.12
KODOS05-01_MC5117 MC511710.97057-131.505605076KODOS05-012005-07-31T04:49:001-20.5121160.000004-10.1728.601.9130.97.961.10
KODOS03-03_MC03-03-N12 MC03-03-N1211.99978-131.499335027KODOS03-032003-07-11T19:34:000-10.5121260.000003-9.9919.101.1516.85.111.23
KODOS03-03_MC03-03-N13 MC03-03-N1313.00092-131.497024962KODOS03-032003-07-12T16:25:002-30.5121560.000004-9.4117.301.0213.74.791.26
KODOS03-03_MC03-03-N14 MC03-03-N1413.99892-131.498924997KODOS03-032003-07-13T21:03:001-20.5121100.000004-10.3040.002.9438.512.591.00
KODOS03-03_MC03-03-N16 MC03-03-N1615.99810-131.502555031KODOS03-032003-07-15T13:48:002-30.5121170.000004-10.1724.201.3617.26.871.31