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Borrelli, Chiara; Katz, Miriam E; Toggweiler, J Robbie (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Southern Oceans [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2021-07-30DOI registered: 2021-11-10

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Sedimentary records from the equatorial Pacific show that the deepening of the carbonate compensation depth (depth below which the calcium carbonate flux to the seafloor is balanced by dissolution) at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary (~33.9 Ma) was preceded by several episodes of high and low carbonate accumulation rates. However, data from other basins are scarce. Here, we report middle-late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates from sites located in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Southern Oceans. Our results show that the calcium carbonate burial was geographically, bathymetrically, and temporally heterogenous suggesting the fundamental role of surface calcium carbonate production in driving middle-late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates. Our data also suggest that an increase in ocean ventilation might have influenced calcium carbonate preservation at depths > 2500 m.
Carbonate accumulation rates; Eocene; Integrated Ocean Drilling Program; ocean drilling program; Site 1053; Site 1090; Site 1218; Site 1263; Site 689; Site 699; Site 709; Site 711; Site 748; Site 884; Site 929; Site U1404; Site U1406
Supplement to:
Borrelli, Chiara; Katz, Miriam E; Toggweiler, J Robbie (2021): Middle to Late Eocene Changes of the Ocean Carbonate Cycle. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36(12), e2020PA004168,
Median Latitude: -5.840950 * Median Longitude: -0.456790 * South-bound Latitude: -64.517000 * West-bound Longitude: -135.366660 * North-bound Latitude: 51.450400 * East-bound Longitude: 168.337100
Date/Time Start: 1987-01-16T08:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2003-04-03T13:30:00
13 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Hole 113-689B.
  2. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Hole 114-699A.
  3. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Hole 115-709C.
  4. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Hole 115-711A.
  5. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Hole 120-748B.
  6. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Hole 145-884B.
  7. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Hole 154-929E.
  8. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Hole 171-1053A.
  9. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Hole 177-1090B.
  10. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Site 199-1218.
  11. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Hole 208-1263B.
  12. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of IODP Hole 342-U1404A.
  13. Borrelli, C; Katz, ME; Toggweiler, JR (2021): Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of IODP Hole 342-U1406A.