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Zebari, Mjahid; Preusser, Frank; Grützner, Christoph; Navabpour, Payman; Ustaszewski, Kamil (2021): Luminescence Dating of River Terraces along the banks of the Greater Zab River in the Northwestern Zagros Mountains in Kurdistan Region of Iraq [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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This dataset contains details of 15 samples of the river terraces that were collected along the banks of the Greater Zab River (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) that crosses the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt. These terraces were dated using luminescence dating including both Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) and post-IR IRSL (pIR) to determine their depositional ages. The dataset includes details about the locations, dosimetry, and determined ages of the collected samples. The ages of the dated river terraces range from c. 165 ka to c. 6 ka. The terraces were deposited at the river level. Their present-day elevation above the river is interpreted as the amount of incision by the river that occurred in response to the uplift. The uplift rates of river terraces were integrated with kinematic modeling of the fault-related fold belt in the area to calculate long-term slip rates during the Late Pleistocene to Holocene. Our results provide new insight into the rates of active faulting and folding in the area. The Zagros Mountain Front Fault accommodates about 1.46±0.60 mm a-1 of slip, while a more external basement fault further to the SW accommodates less than 0.41±0.16 mm a-1. Horizontal slip rates related to detachment folding of two anticlines within the Zagros Foothills are 0.40±0.10 and 1.24±0.36 mm a-1, respectively.
fault slip rates; Greater Zab River; luminescence dating; river terraces; Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt
Supplement to:
Zebari, Mjahid; Preusser, Frank; Grützner, Christoph; Navabpour, Payman; Ustaszewski, Kamil (2021): Late Pleistocene‐Holocene Slip Rates in the Northwestern Zagros Mountains (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) Derived from Luminescence Dating of River Terraces and Structural Modeling. Tectonics, 40, e2020TC006565,
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 393274947: Determining long-term slip rates in the Northern Zagros Fold-and-Thrust Belt (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) from tectonic geomorphology, structural modeling and OSL-dating
Median Latitude: 36.655927 * Median Longitude: 44.198626 * South-bound Latitude: 36.560791 * West-bound Longitude: 43.946268 * North-bound Latitude: 36.734021 * East-bound Longitude: 44.300840
Greater_Zab_River * Latitude: 36.655900 * Longitude: 44.198600 * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample code/labelSample labelZebari, Mjahid
2Area/localityAreaZebari, Mjahid
3LATITUDELatitudeZebari, MjahidGeocode
4LONGITUDELongitudeZebari, MjahidGeocode
5Northing, localNorth localmZebari, Mjahid
6Easting, localEast localmZebari, Mjahid
7ELEVATIONElevationm a.s.l.Zebari, MjahidGeocode
8Terrace levelTerraceZebari, Mjahid
9Height above river levelHeight above river lmZebari, Mjahidabove the river
10DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmZebari, MjahidGeocode
11PotassiumK%Zebari, Mjahid
12Potassium, errorK e±Zebari, Mjahid
13ThoriumThmg/kgZebari, Mjahid
14Thorium, errorTh e±Zebari, Mjahid
15UraniumUmg/kgZebari, Mjahid
16Uranium, errorU e±Zebari, Mjahid
17Dose rate, sedimentD sedGy/kaZebari, Mjahid
18Dose rate, errorD e±Zebari, Mjahid
19Number of aliquotsAliquotsZebari, Mjahid
20Overdispersion, observedOverdispersionZebari, Mjahid
21ModelModelZebari, MjahidFMM: Finite Mixture Model; MAM: Minimum Age Model; CAM: Central Age Model
22Equivalent doseDeGyZebari, MjahidIRSL
23Equivalent dose, errorDe e±Zebari, MjahidIRSL
24Equivalent doseDeGyZebari, MjahidpIR-150
25Equivalent dose, errorDe e±Zebari, MjahidpIR-150
26RatioRatioZebari, MjahidDe Ratio (pIR/IRSL)
27Age, datedAge datedkaZebari, MjahidIRSL
28Age, dated standard errorAge std e±Zebari, MjahidIRSL
29Age, datedAge datedkaZebari, MjahidpIR
30Age, dated standard errorAge std e±Zebari, MjahidpIR
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
390 data points

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