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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Lenz, Nina; Lindhorst, Sebastian; Arz, Helge Wolfgang (2021): X-ray fluorescence measurements (XRF) on sediment core BT03 (Bay of Tümlau, south-eastern North Sea) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Lenz, N et al. (2021): X-ray fluorescence measurements (XRF) on sediment core RD04 (island of Sylt), BT02 and BT03 (Bay of Tümlau, south-eastern North Sea) [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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The dataset comprises X-ray fluorescence measurements using an ITRAX XRF core scanner with a high-power Chromium-XRF source (down-core resolution 1 mm). The sediment core was recovered from a former managed salt marsh (Bay of Tümlau) in the south eastern North Sea. XRF-core scanning data were used as high-resolution proxy for grain size.
North Sea; Salt marshes; Storm surges; X-ray fluorescence scanning
Related to:
Lenz, Nina; Lindhorst, Sebastian; Arz, Helge Wolfgang (2022): Determination and quantification of sedimentary processes in salt marshes using end‐member modelling of grain‐size data. The Depositional Record, dep2.213,
Latitude: 54.364652 * Longitude: 8.678139
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.001 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.920 m
BT03 * Latitude: 54.364652 * Longitude: 8.678139 * Location: Eiderstedt peninsula, North Sea * Method/Device: Sediment corer (SEDCO)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
15640 data points

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