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Wege, Mia; Bornemann, Horst; Bester, Marthán Nieuwoudt (eds.) (2021): Ross seal dive and haul-out data from expeditions SCALE (MV SA Agulhas II, 2019), PS111 (RV Polarstern, 2018) and S55 (MV SA Agulhas II, 2016) [dataset editorial publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2021-07-08DOI registered: 2021-08-06

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Ross seals (Ommatophoca rossii) were instrumented with satellite-linked position-temperature tags. Primary data were collected during spring and summer expeditions carried out by scientists of the Mammal Research Institute (MRI, University of Pretoria), South Africa and the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Germany. The expeditions were located north of the Lazarev Sea (SA Agulhas II Southern oCean seAsonaL Experiment Spring cruise, 2019) and in the eastern Weddell Sea and King Håkon VII Sea off Queen Maud Land (RV Polarstern PS111 expedition, 2018; SA Agulhas II SANAE 55 expedition, 2016). Processing of the primary data followed an established workflow (2018, 2016). Seals (n = 15) were captured along the ships' tracks and instrumented with Argos (CLS, Toulouse, France) satellite-linked dive recorders (SPLASH10-309A or SPLASH9) or location-only satellite tags (SPOT6) of different technical specifications (Wildlife Computers, Redmond, WA, USA) to investigate their haul-out and diving behaviour. Of the 15 seals tagged, five (S55: n = 3; PS111: n = 2) SPLASH10-309A (4) or SPLASH9 (1) dive recorders and five (S55: n = 3; SCALE: n = 2) SPOT 6 satellite tracking devices that also record the haul-out behaviour of animals revealed data for 35-348 days and were considered for analyses. All R-codes can be found under Github.
Related to:
Wege, Mia; Bornemann, Horst; Bester, Marthán Nieuwoudt (2023): The nightlife of a Ross seal: diving and haul-out behaviour from the eastern Weddell Sea. Antarctic Science, 35(1), 31-42,
Median Latitude: -62.118751 * Median Longitude: 2.094717 * South-bound Latitude: -71.123000 * West-bound Longitude: -14.114000 * North-bound Latitude: -50.820000 * East-bound Longitude: 46.771000
Date/Time Start: 2016-01-13T18:02:59 * Date/Time End: 2020-01-30T03:00:00
29 datasets

Datasets listed in this editorial publication

  1. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Bester, MN (2019): At surface behaviour at high resolution of Ross seal PS1112018_ros_a_f_01 from Filchner Trough.
  2. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Bester, MN (2019): At surface behaviour at high resolution of Ross seal PS1112018_ros_a_m_02 from Filchner Trough.
  3. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Bester, MN (2019): Dive depth frequency of Ross seal PS1112018_ros_a_f_01 from Filchner Trough.
  4. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Bester, MN (2019): Dive depth frequency of Ross seal PS1112018_ros_a_m_02 from Filchner Trough.
  5. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Bester, MN (2019): Dive duration frequency of Ross seal PS1112018_ros_a_f_01 from Filchner Trough.
  6. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Bester, MN (2019): Dive duration frequency of Ross seal PS1112018_ros_a_m_02 from Filchner Trough.
  7. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Bester, MN (2019): Maximum dive depth of Ross seal PS1112018_ros_a_f_01 from Filchner Trough.
  8. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Bester, MN (2019): Maximum dive depth of Ross seal PS1112018_ros_a_m_02 from Filchner Trough.
  9. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Bester, MN (2019): Time at depth frequency of Ross seal PS1112018_ros_a_f_01 from Filchner Trough.
  10. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Bester, MN (2019): Time at depth frequency of Ross seal PS1112018_ros_a_m_02 from Filchner Trough.
  11. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Lübcker, N et al. (2021): At surface behaviour at relative time of Ross seal SCALE2019_ros_a_f_24 from expeditions SCALE (MV SA Agulhas II, 2019).
  12. Wege, M; Bornemann, H; Lübcker, N et al. (2021): At surface behaviour at relative time of Ross seal SCALE2019_ros_a_f_25 from expeditions SCALE (MV SA Agulhas II, 2019).
  13. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): At surface behaviour at relative time of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_12 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  14. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): At surface behaviour at relative time of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_15 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  15. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): At surface behaviour at relative time of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_18 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  16. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): At surface behaviour at relative time of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_19 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  17. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): At surface behaviour at relative time of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_m_21 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  18. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Dive depth frequency of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_02 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  19. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Dive depth frequency of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_12 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  20. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Dive depth frequency of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_18 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  21. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Dive duration frequency of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_02 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  22. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Dive duration frequency of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_12 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  23. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Dive duration frequency of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_18 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  24. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Maximum dive depth of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_02 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  25. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Maximum dive depth of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_12 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  26. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Maximum dive depth of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_18 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  27. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Time at depth frequency of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_02 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  28. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Time at depth frequency of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_12 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.
  29. Wege, M; Lübcker, N; Postma, M et al. (2018): Time at depth frequency of Ross seal S552016_ros_a_f_18 from Princess Martha Coast, Dronning Maud Land.