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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Shibutani, Susumu; Lin, Weiren (2021): Wireline logging data from Hole FDB-1 penetrated throughof the Futagawa fault, SW Japan [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Shibutani, S; Lin, W (2021): Physical property distribution and fracture density of a ~700 m-deep borehole penetrated through the Futagawa fault ruptured during the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake mainshock [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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downhole logging; fracture density; Futagawa fault; Futagawa fault drilling Project; Natural gamma ray; P-wave velocity; resistivity; volcanic rocks
Related to:
Shibutani, Susumu; Lin, Weiren; Sado, Koichiro; Aizawa, Akihiro; Koike, Katsuaki (2022): An ancient >200 m cumulative normal faulting displacement along the Futagawa fault dextrally ruptured during the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake identified by a multiborehole drilling program. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems,
Further details:
Kyoto University (2018): FY29 Commissioned for the disaster prevention on nuclear facilities (Boring core and Stress measurement using borehole: No.2 Futagawa fault) (in Japanese). Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan, Technical Report (3/3),
Latitude: 32.806200 * Longitude: 130.860100
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 300.0 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 664.5 m
FDB-1 * Latitude: 32.806200 * Longitude: 130.860100 * Location: Japan * Method/Device: Downhole logging * Comment: Borehole: Futagawa fault; max. measured depth: ~666.2 m; max. true vertical depth:~666.1 m;Borehole deviation angle: 0.8°;Deviation azimuth: N90°E;Devices: RESORT-21
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1HoleHShibutani, Susumu
2UnitUnitShibutani, SusumuUnit/Subunit
3DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmShibutani, SusumuGeocode
4CaliperCALImmShibutani, SusumuDownhole loggingCaliper X
5CaliperCALImmShibutani, SusumuDownhole loggingCaliper Y
6Temperature, in rock/sedimentt°CShibutani, SusumuDownhole logging
7Natural gamma rayNGRAPI unitsShibutani, SusumuDownhole logging
8CommentCommentShibutani, SusumuRemark to gamma ray log
9Spontaneous PotentialSPmvShibutani, SusumuDownhole logging
10log-Resistivity, electricallog-resist electrOhm mShibutani, SusumuDownhole loggingShort normal resistivity
11log-Resistivity, electricallog-resist electrOhm mShibutani, SusumuDownhole loggingLong normal resistivity
12CommentCommentShibutani, SusumuRemark to resistivity log
13Sonic velocitySonic velkm/sShibutani, SusumuDownhole logging
14CommentCommentShibutani, SusumuRemark to sonic log
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
35897 data points

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