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Säring, Friederike; Bruhn, Marco; Weßels, Ann-Kathrin; Bohn, Merten; Veit-Köhler, Gritta (2021): Meiofauna abundance from multicorer and box corer samples for seven stations from the Weddell Sea (POLARSTERN cruise PS 96, ANT-XXXI/2, December 2015–February 2016) [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2021-06-15DOI registered: 2021-11-25

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This dataset provides abundance data for meiofauna taxa determined from sediment samples collected in the Weddell Sea (mostly South-Eastern). A minimum of three samples (cores) were collected at each station with a MUC10 multicorer or taken from a giant box corer during PS96. Sediment cores were sliced into depth layers (stations 017, 026, 061, 072: 0–2cm, 2–5cm, 5– bottom; stations 001, 037, 048: 0–1cm, 1–2cm, 2–3cm, 3–4cm, 4–5cm, 5– bottom) and preserved in 4%-borax-buffered formaldehyde solution prior to sieving (upper sieve size 500 µm, lower sieve size 32 µm) and counting (detailed methods in Säring et al. submitted). Abundance is presented per depth layer from the top 5 cm (note different slice volume) as ind./10 cm². Meiofauna communities included individuals from 22 higher taxa. The meiofauna abundance data are part of a larger ecological study on meio- and macrofauna communities and their relation to environmental conditions and remineralisation at the sediment-water interface (see “Related to” below). For the larger study, sediment cores from which meiofauna abundance data are deposited here were also used for microcosm incubations: Untreated incubations (Benthic ecosystem Function Experiments BEFEx), and incubations with and without microalgae addition (Algae Feeding Experiment AFEx). Cores from BEFEx and AFEx without algae are labeled with NT (not treated), cores from AFEx with algae are labeled as T (treated).
Antarctic; box corer; community composition; fauna abundance; meiofauna; MultiCorer; sediment depth layers; Southern Ocean; taxa; Weddell Sea
Supplement to:
Säring, Friederike; Veit-Köhler, Gritta; Seifert, Derya; Liskow, Iris; Link, Heike (2022): Sea-ice-related environmental drivers affect meiofauna and macrofauna communities differently at large scales (Southern Ocean, Antarctic). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 700, 13-37,
Related to:
Säring, Friederike; Link, Heike; Behrend, Ben; Bodur, Yasemin V; Liskow, Iris; Veit-Köhler, Gritta (2021): Biotic and abiotic water-column characteristics (Chla, Phaeo, TC, TN, δ13C, δ15N) at stations in the Weddell Sea (POLARSTERN cruise PS 96, ANT-XXXI/2, December 2015–February 2016) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Säring, Friederike; Seifert, Derya; Link, Heike (2021): Macrofauna abundance from multicorer and box corer samples for seven stations from the Weddell Sea (POLARSTERN cruise PS 96, ANT-XXXI/2, December 2015–February 2016) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Säring, Friederike; Veit-Köhler, Gritta; Behrend, Ben; Seifert, Derya; Liskow, Iris; Link, Heike (2021): Sediment characteristics (Chla, Phaeo, TOC, TN, δ13C, δ15N, grain size) at stations in the Weddell Sea (POLARSTERN cruise PS 96, ANT-XXXI/2, December 2015–February 2016) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Veit-Köhler, Gritta; Durst, Stephan; Schuckenbrock, Jan; Hellmann, Annika; Bruhn, Marco; Durán Suja, Laura; Hauquier, Freija (2017): Meiofauna counts during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXIX/3 in January-March 2013: Weddell Sea, Bransfield Strait, Drake Passage [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Further details:
Schröder, Michael (2016): The Expedition PS96 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the southern Weddell Sea in 2015/2016. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 700, 142 pp,
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 238058495: Dynamics of benthic ecosystem functioning in response to the disintegration of the ice shelves in the western Weddell Sea
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 365901123: Role of meio- and macrofauna in benthic ecosystem functioning: Testing effects of different ice cover regimes
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 5472008: Priority Programme 1158 Antarctic Research with Comparable Investigations in Arctic Sea Ice Areas
Median Latitude: -74.738218 * Median Longitude: -32.105345 * South-bound Latitude: -76.098830 * West-bound Longitude: -42.461830 * North-bound Latitude: -70.889170 * East-bound Longitude: -11.117830
Date/Time Start: 2015-12-24T01:29:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-01-24T00:11:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.005 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.350 m
PS96/001-7 * Latitude: -70.889500 * Longitude: -11.118330 * Date/Time: 2015-12-24T01:29:00 * Elevation: -309.0 m * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: PS96 (ANT-XXXI/2 FROSN) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC)
PS96/001-8 * Latitude: -70.889170 * Longitude: -11.117830 * Date/Time: 2015-12-24T02:07:00 * Elevation: -309.0 m * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: PS96 (ANT-XXXI/2 FROSN) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC)
PS96/017-3 * Latitude: -75.014170 * Longitude: -32.875170 * Date/Time: 2016-01-04T18:41:00 * Elevation: -608.2 m * Recovery: 0.15 m * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: PS96 (ANT-XXXI/2 FROSN) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Giant box corer (GKG) * Comment: shared with biology, 1 subcore
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventSäring, Friederike
2Date/Time of eventDate/TimeSäring, Friederike
3Latitude of eventLatitudeSäring, Friederike
4Longitude of eventLongitudeSäring, Friederike
5Elevation of eventElevationmSäring, Friederike
6Cruise/expeditionExpeditionSäring, Friederike
7Station labelStationSäring, Friederike
8Gear identification numberGear IDSäring, FriederikeMUC no.
9Sample IDSample IDSäring, FriederikeCore no.
10GearGearSäring, Friederike
11ExperimentExpSäring, FriederikeBenthic ecosystem Function Experiments: BEFEx, Algae Feeding Experiment: AFEx
12TreatmentTreatSäring, FriederikeTreated with algae: T, Not treated with algae: NT
13DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmSäring, FriederikeGeocode
14Depth, top/minDepth topmSäring, Friederike
15Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmSäring, Friederike
16AcariAcari#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
17AmphipodaAmphipoda#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
18AnnelidaAnnelida#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
19BivalviaBivalvia#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
20CladoceraCladocera#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
21CoelenterataCoelenterata#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
22CopepodaCopepoda#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
23Copepoda, naupliiCopepoda naup#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
24CumaceaCumacea#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
25GastropodaGastropoda#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
26GastrotrichaGastrotricha#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
27IsopodaIsopoda#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
28KinorhynchaKinorhyncha#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
29LoriciferaLoricifera#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
30NematodaNematoda#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
31OstracodaOstracoda#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
32PriapulidaPriapulida#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
33RotiferaRotifera#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
34SipunculidaSipunculida#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
35SolenogastresSolenogastres#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
36TanaidaceaTanaidacea#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
37TantulocaridaTantulocarida#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
38TardigradaTardigrada#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fraction
39Meiofauna, otherMeiof oth#/10 cm2Säring, FriederikeCounting 32-500 µm fractionundetermined
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
3399 data points

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