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Bornemann, Horst; Darelius, Elin; Hellmer, Hartmut H; Wege, Mia (2021): Immobilisation dose rates for Weddell seals during expedition FIL2021 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) were immobilised during expedition PS124 (2021) for the purpose of deployments with satellite transmitters. The deployments (n=10) were located in the Filchner-Outflow-System (FOS), southern Weddell Sea. The seals were captured along the ships' tracks during ahead flights of the board helicopter and immobilised and instrumented on pack ice with Argos-linked (CLS, Toulouse, France) satellite-relayed dive loggers combined with CTD's (CTD-SRDLs, Sea Mammal Research Unit, UK) to investigate their ranging and foraging behaviour in the context of oceanographic features.
immobilisation; Leptonychotes weddellii; Weddell seal
Median Latitude: -74.983940 * Median Longitude: -33.859458 * South-bound Latitude: -76.644470 * West-bound Longitude: -37.668570 * North-bound Latitude: -74.055170 * East-bound Longitude: -25.282150
Date/Time Start: 2021-02-14T16:50:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-03-11T16:43:00
FIL2021_wed_a_f_01 * Latitude: -75.667170 * Longitude: -34.430080 * Date/Time: 2021-02-14T16:50:00 * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: FIL2021 (PS124) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Marine endotherm (MET) * Comment: Weddell seal, adult female
FIL2021_wed_a_f_02 * Latitude: -75.655830 * Longitude: -35.893830 * Date/Time: 2021-02-17T15:45:00 * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: FIL2021 (PS124) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Marine endotherm (MET) * Comment: Weddell seal, adult female
FIL2021_wed_a_f_03 * Latitude: -74.749170 * Longitude: -34.788330 * Date/Time: 2021-02-19T14:00:00 * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: FIL2021 (PS124) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Marine endotherm (MET) * Comment: Weddell seal, adult female
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventBornemann, Horst
2DATE/TIMEDate/TimeBornemann, HorstGeocode
3LATITUDELatitudeBornemann, HorstGeocode
4LONGITUDELongitudeBornemann, HorstGeocode
5Species codeSpec codeBornemann, Horst
6Sample code/labelSample labelBornemann, Horstimmobilisation procedure
7MassMasskgBornemann, HorstEstimated
8Length, standardI stdmmBornemann, HorstRuler tape
9Girth, standardg stdmmBornemann, HorstRuler tape
10Physical restraintPhys restBornemann, Horst
11PremedicationPremedicationBornemann, HorstInjection
12AdditivesAdditivesBornemann, HorstInjection
13Time of dayTime of dayBornemann, Horstfirst injection
14XylazineXylazinemgBornemann, HorstInjectioninitial dose
15KetamineKetaminemgBornemann, HorstInjectioninitial dose
16Time of dayTime of dayBornemann, Horstsecond injection
17XylazineXylazinemgBornemann, HorstInjection
18KetamineKetaminemgBornemann, HorstInjection
19Time of dayTime of dayBornemann, Horstthird injection
20XylazineXylazinemgBornemann, HorstInjection
21KetamineKetaminemgBornemann, HorstInjection
22Time of dayTime of dayBornemann, Horst
23DoxapramDoxaprammgBornemann, HorstInjection
24Time of dayTime of dayBornemann, Horst
25DoxapramDoxaprammgBornemann, HorstInjection
26Time of dayTime of dayBornemann, Horst
27AtipamezolAtipamezolmgBornemann, HorstInjection
28CommentCommentBornemann, Horst
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
193 data points

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