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Felder, Sonja; Sagawa, Takuya; Greaves, Mervyn; Leng, Melanie J; Ikehara, Ken; Kimoto, Katsunori; Hasegawa, Siro; Wagner, Thomas; Henderson, Andrew (2021): Uvigerina-based Mg/Ca ratios from different GH Expeditions in the Japan Sea [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Felder, S et al. (2021): Uvigerina-based d18O and Mg/Ca data together with a new Japan Sea core-top Mg/Ca-temperature calibration for temperatures below 5 degrees C from IODP Site 346-U1427 (Japan Sea) [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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d18O; IODP Exp. 346; Mg/Ca paleothermometry; mid-Pleistocene transition; Palaeoceanography of the Japan Sea; Site U1427; Uvigerina spp.
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Median Latitude: 42.512687 * Median Longitude: 140.056813 * South-bound Latitude: 37.431800 * West-bound Longitude: 138.197300 * North-bound Latitude: 45.501800 * East-bound Longitude: 141.082500
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.005 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.005 m
GH90_19  * Latitude: 37.431800 * Longitude: 138.197300 * Elevation: -412.0 m * Location: Japan Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
GH90_40  * Latitude: 37.568200 * Longitude: 138.526300 * Elevation: -500.0 m * Location: Japan Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
GH91_310  * Latitude: 39.217200 * Longitude: 139.636000 * Elevation: -282.0 m * Location: Japan Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEventFelder, Sonja
Latitude of eventLatitudeFelder, Sonja
Longitude of eventLongitudeFelder, Sonja
Elevation of eventElevationmFelder, Sonja
Cruise/expeditionExpeditionFelder, Sonja
SiteSiteFelder, Sonja
Device typeDeviceFelder, Sonja
Depth, top/minDepth topmFelder, Sonjasee README file
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmFelder, Sonjasee README file
10 DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmFelder, Sonjasee README fileGeocode
11 Bottom water temperatureBWT°CFelder, Sonjasee README file
12 Sediment surface temperatureSed surf temp°CFelder, Sonjasee README file
13 Uvigerina spp., Magnesium/Calcium ratioUvigerina spp. Mg/Cammol/molFelder, Sonjasee README file
14 Uvigerina spp., Magnesium/Calcium ratio, errorUvigerina spp. Mg/Ca e±Felder, Sonjasee README file
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
144 data points


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Elevation [m]




Depth top [m]

Depth bot [m]
Depth sed [m]
BWT [°C]
Sed surf temp [°C]
Uvigerina spp. Mg/Ca [mmol/mol]
Uvigerina spp. Mg/Ca e [±]
GH98_414 44.6002140.9970-147GH98414K-grab00.010.0054.284.31.0270.020
GH94_96 42.0682139.3833-165GH9496K-grab00.010.0052.903.70.9010.010
GH94_109 42.2020139.4058-218GH94109K-grab00.010.0052.002.10.8140.010
GH94_80 41.9327139.5835-258GH9480K-grab00.010.0051.702.10.8060.030
GH91_310 39.2172139.6360-282GH91310K-grab00.010.0051.801.60.7320.010
GH98_380 44.3325140.9175-297GH98380K-grab00.010.0050.701.00.6750.030
GH96_325 43.8000141.0813-299GH96325K-grab00.010.0052.202.30.8430.007
GH98_373 44.3003141.0825-333GH98373K-grab00.010.0050.641.30.6890.020
GH98_499 45.2345140.9155-346GH98499K-grab00.010.0051.191.80.7160.020
GH94_1044 41.9673140.0438-394GH941044K-grab00.010.0050.800.70.7280.005
GH90_19 37.4318138.1973-412GH9019K-grab00.010.0051.102.20.7950.020
GH90_40 37.5682138.5263-500GH9040K-grab00.010.0050.900.50.6800.020
GH98_503 45.2693140.8333-501GH98503K-grab00.010.0050.561.30.6990.020
GH94_116 42.2643139.5003-579GH94116K-grab00.010.0050.500.50.6520.005
GH98_539 45.5018140.7488-656GH98539K-grab00.010.0050.440.50.6610.020