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López-Quirós, Adrián; Lobo, Francisco J; Duffy, Meghan; Leventer, Amy; Evangelinos, Dimitris; Escutia, Carlota; Bohoyo, Fernando (2021): Physical properties and XRF scanner data of sediment cores TG-01 and TG-03, Ona Basin, southwestern Scotia Sea (Antarctica) [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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During expedition SCAN 2013, two gravity cores were collected in the Ona High slope, central Ona Basin, NE prolongation of the Antarctic Peninsula. Core TG-01 is 400 cm long and was collected from 2160 m water depth at 60º22'23.9314''S, 53º02'15.2501''W; core TG-03 is 295 cm long and was obtained from 2789 m water depth at 60º11'23.4003''S, 53º10'49.0810''W. Non-destructive analyses (i.e., physical properties measurements and X-ray fluorescence scanning) were performed on the archive halves. Both, physical properties (magnetic susceptibility, gamma-ray density, electrical resistivity and P-wave velocity) and major element compositions were determined at 1-cm resolution on split core surfaces of the archive halves using a GEOTEK Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) 81 at the Spanish Geological Survey (IGME, Spain).
Antarctica; Deglaciation; Diatom assemblage; Late Quaternary; LGM; Scotia Sea; Seismic stratigraphy
Supplement to:
López-Quirós, Adrián; Lobo, Francisco J; Duffy, Meghan; Leventer, Amy; Evangelinos, Dimitris; Escutia, Carlota; Bohoyo, Fernando (2021): Late Quaternary high-resolution seismic stratigraphy and core-based paleoenvironmental reconstructions in Ona Basin, southwestern Scotia Sea (Antarctica). Marine Geology, 439, 106565,
Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO), grant/award no. CTM2017-89711-C2-1/2-P: Tectonic and oceanographic events involved in the development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and their links to paleoclimate and ice sheet evolution records (TASDRACC)
Median Latitude: -60.281574 * Median Longitude: -53.108935 * South-bound Latitude: -60.373314 * West-bound Longitude: -53.180300 * North-bound Latitude: -60.189833 * East-bound Longitude: -53.037569
Date/Time Start: 2013-02-19T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-02-19T00:00:00
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