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Matthews, Grant (2021): Moon and Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (MERBE) EBAF-like Solar reflected radiation (2000-03 to 2014-12) [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2021-05-25DOI registered: 2021-06-22

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Matthews, Grant (2021): Moon and Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (MERBE) EBAF-like Ed1.1 Solar reflected radiation (2000-03 to 2014-12) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
The last two US National Academies on Science Decadal survey reports both stressed the vital need to improve the accuracy of orbital climate measurements. They contained comments such as “the single most critical issue for current climate change observations was their lack of accuracy and low confidence in observing the small climate change signals over long decade timescales”. Existing NASA and European measurements are unable to detect such trends that need to be found, because their instruments degrade on-orbit in ways that till now, could not be tracked and compensated for in their released Earth data (i.e. creating spurious trends). This data is from the Moon and Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (MERBE). It uses the constant reflectivity of the Moon as a calibration standard to monitor calibration changes for instruments built for the Clouds and The Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES, on NASA Terra and Aqua platforms). The Earth reflected solar irradiance data here dating from 2000, are perhaps the most stable ERB satellite calibration dataset ever produced. It is free for all to download and compare with climate model simulations run since 2000 up to the present day, to give better confidence in their predictions of future climate change.
Climate Model Prediction Validation; Cloud Radiative Forcing/Feedback (CRF); Earth observation; Earth Radiation Budget; Solar climate forcing; Terra & Aqua NASA Satellites
Related to:
Dessler, A E (2010): A Determination of the Cloud Feedback from Climate Variations over the Past Decade. Science, 330(6010), 1523-1527,
Matthews, Grant (2017): The Moon and the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (MERBE), 15min recorded AMS talk.
Matthews, Grant (2018): First decadal lunar results from the Moon and Earth Radiation Budget Experiment. Applied Optics, 57(7), 1594,
Matthews, Grant (2018): Real-Time Determination of Earth Radiation Budget Spectral Signatures for Nonlinear Unfiltering of Results from MERBE. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57(2), 273-294,
Matthews, Grant (2021): Moon and Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (MERBE) EBAF-like Solar - sav file [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Matthews, Grant (2021): Moon and Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (MERBE) EBAF-like Solar incoming radiation (2000-03 to 2014-12) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Ramanathan, V; Cess, R D; Harrison, Edwin F; Barkstrom, Bruce R; Ahmad, E; Hartmann, D (1989): Cloud-Radiative Forcing and Climate: Results from the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment. Science, 243(4887), 57-63,
Wielicki, Bruce A; Barkstrom, Bruce R; Harrison, Edwin F; Lee III, Robert B; Smith, G Louis; Cooper, John E (1996): Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES): An Earth Observing System Experiment. 853-868,;2
Wielicki, Bruce A; Wong, Takmeng; Loeb, Norman; Minnis, Patrick; Priestley, Kory; Kandel, Robert (2005): Changes in Earth's Albedo Measured by Satellite. Science, 308(5723), 825-825,
Wielicki, Bruce A; Young, D F; Mlynczak, M G; et al. (2013): Achieving Climate Change Absolute Accuracy in Orbit. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94(10), 1519-1539,
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Longitude descriptionLongitude descrMatthews, Grantmidpoint, from 0 to 365
2LATITUDELatitudeMatthews, GrantGeocode – midpoint
3Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-00
4Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-00
5Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-00
6Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-00
7Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-00
8Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-00
9Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-00
10Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-00
11Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-00
12Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-00
13Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-01
14Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-01
15Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-01
16Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-01
17Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-01
18Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-01
19Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-01
20Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-01
21Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-01
22Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-01
23Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-01
24Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-01
25Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-02
26Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-02
27Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-02
28Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-02
29Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-02
30Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-02
31Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-02
32Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-02
33Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-02
34Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-02
35Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-02
36Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-02
37Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-03
38Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-03
39Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-03
40Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-03
41Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-03
42Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-03
43Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-03
44Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-03
45Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-03
46Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-03
47Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-03
48Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-03
49Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-04
50Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-04
51Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-04
52Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-04
53Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-04
54Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-04
55Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-04
56Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-04
57Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-04
58Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-04
59Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-04
60Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-04
61Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-05
62Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-05
63Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-05
64Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-05
65Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-05
66Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-05
67Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-05
68Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-05
69Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-05
70Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-05
71Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-05
72Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-05
73Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-06
74Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-06
75Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-06
76Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-06
77Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-06
78Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-06
79Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-06
80Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-06
81Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-06
82Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-06
83Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-06
84Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-06
85Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-07
86Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-07
87Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-07
88Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-07
89Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-07
90Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-07
91Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-07
92Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-07
93Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-07
94Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-07
95Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-07
96Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-07
97Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-08
98Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-08
99Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-08
100Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-08
101Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-08
102Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-08
103Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-08
104Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-08
105Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-08
106Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-08
107Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-08
108Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-08
109Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-09
110Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-09
111Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-09
112Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-09
113Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-09
114Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-09
115Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-09
116Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-09
117Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-09
118Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-09
119Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-09
120Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-09
121Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-10
122Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-10
123Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-10
124Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-10
125Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-10
126Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-10
127Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-10
128Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-10
129Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-10
130Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-10
131Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-10
132Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-10
133Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-11
134Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-11
135Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-11
136Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-11
137Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-11
138Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-11
139Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-11
140Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-11
141Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-11
142Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-11
143Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-11
144Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-11
145Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-12
146Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-12
147Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-12
148Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-12
149Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-12
150Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-12
151Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-12
152Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-12
153Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-12
154Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-12
155Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-12
156Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-12
157Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-13
158Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-13
159Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-13
160Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-13
161Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-13
162Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-13
163Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-13
164Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-13
165Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-13
166Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-13
167Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-13
168Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-13
169Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJan-14
170Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantFeb-14
171Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMar-14
172Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantApr-14
173Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantMay-14
174Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJun-14
175Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantJul-14
176Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantAug-14
177Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantSep-14
178Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantOct-14
179Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantNov-14
180Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Matthews, GrantDec-14
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
11599200 data points

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