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Orme, Lisa C; Davies, Sarah J; Duller, Geoff A T (2021): Storminess proxies from Cors Fochno, Wales [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2021-05-03Last updated: 2021-05-05DOI registered: 2021-06-03

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Future anthropogenic climate forcing is forecast to increase storm intensity and frequency over Northern Europe, however understanding the significance of such a change is difficult because the natural variability of storminess beyond the range of instrumental data is poorly known. Here we present a decadal-resolution record of storminess covering the Late Holocene, based on analysis of a core taken from the peat bog of Cors Fochno in mid-Wales, UK, in 2010. Storminess is indicated by variations in the minerogenic content (aeolian sand deposits) as well as bromine deposited from sea spray. A 4 m long peat core was sampled using a Russian corer from the centre of the bog (52°30'9''N; 4°0'39''W). Chronological constraints were provided by AMS radiocarbon dating of 5 samples along the core, which showed that the core spanned a period from 4460-120 cal yrs BP.
Europe; Holocene; storminess
Related to:
Orme, Lisa C; Davies, Sarah J; Duller, Geoff A T (2015): Reconstructed centennial variability of Late Holocene storminess from Cors Fochno, Wales, UK. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(5), 478-488,
Latitude: 52.502500 * Longitude: -4.010833
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