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Meixner, Anette; Alonso, Ricardo N; Lucassen, Friedrich; Korte, Laura F; Kasemann, Simone A (2021): Isotope and concentration data for the Diamond Core Drill Holes of Salar de Pozuelos (Table 4) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Meixner, A et al. (2021): Stable and radiogenic isotope composition of salar deposits in the Central Andes [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2021-03-09DOI registered: 2021-06-29

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Central Andes; Lithium deposits; Lithium isotopes; Salar deposits
Related to:
Meixner, Anette; Sarchi, Carisa; Lucassen, Friedrich; Becchio, Raúl A; Caffe, Pablo J; Lindsay, Jan; Rosner, Martin; Kasemann, Simone A (2020): Lithium concentrations and isotope signatures of Palaeozoic basement rocks and Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Central Andean arc and back-arc. Mineralium Deposita, 55(6), 1071-1084,
Median Latitude: -24.716833 * Median Longitude: -66.833676 * South-bound Latitude: -24.716889 * West-bound Longitude: -66.840278 * North-bound Latitude: -24.716806 * East-bound Longitude: -66.830333
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: -183.0 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.0 m
SP-11-07 * Latitude: -24.716889 * Longitude: -66.840278 * Location: Salar de Pozuelos, Argentina * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT) * Comment: Siliciclastic, Center of Salar, brine, salt and clay sample from the same pond
SPZ_DD001 (DDH1) * Latitude: -24.716806 * Longitude: -66.830333 * Location: Salar de Pozuelos, Argentina * Method/Device: Core drilling (CDRILL) * Comment: Siliciclastic, Drill core (SPZ DDH001), salt sand and clay fraction
SPZ_RC001 (L01) * Latitude: -24.716806 * Longitude: -66.830417 * Location: Salar de Pozuelos, Argentina * Method/Device: Core drilling (CDRILL) * Comment: Brine/Water, Drill core (SPZ RC001), pure salt fraction
*Water soluble fraction
uncertainties are given as 2sd (B, Li) and 2sdmean (Sr) and valid for the last digits
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventKasemann, Simone A
2Sample code/labelSample labelKasemann, Simone A
3DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmKasemann, Simone AGeocode
4MaterialMaterialKasemann, Simone A
5δ7Liδ7LiKasemann, Simone ASalt
6δ7Li, standard deviationδ7Li std dev±Kasemann, Simone ASalt, 2sd
7δ7Liδ7LiKasemann, Simone AClastic
8δ7Li, standard deviationδ7Li std dev±Kasemann, Simone AClastic, 2sd
9LithiumLimg/kgKasemann, Simone A
10δ11Bδ11B‰ SRMKasemann, Simone A
11δ11B, standard deviationδ11B std dev±Kasemann, Simone A2sd
12BoronBmg/kgKasemann, Simone A
13Strontium-87/Strontium-86 ratio87Sr/86SrKasemann, Simone ASalt
14Strontium-87/Strontium-86 ratio, standard deviation87Sr/86Sr std dev±Kasemann, Simone ASalt, 2sdmean
15Strontium-87/Strontium-86 ratio87Sr/86SrKasemann, Simone AClastic
16Strontium-87/Strontium-86 ratio, standard deviation87Sr/86Sr std dev±Kasemann, Simone AClastic, 2sdmean
241 data points

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