Sigl, Michael; Toohey, Matthew; McConnell, Joseph R; Cole-Dai, Jihong; Severi, Mirko (2021): HolVol: Reconstructed volcanic stratospheric sulfur injections and aerosol optical depth for the Holocene (9500 BCE to 1900 CE) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2021-03-02 • DOI registered: 2021-05-19
Based on a set of continuous sulfate records from a suite of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, the HolVol v.1.0 database includes estimates of the magnitudes and approximate source latitudes of major volcanic stratospheric sulfur injection (VSSI) events for the Holocene (from 9500 BCE or 11500 year BP to 1900 CE), constituting an extension of the previous record by 7000 years. The database incorporates new-generation ice-core aerosol records with sub-annual temporal resolution and demonstrated sub-decadal dating accuracy and precision. By tightly aligning and stacking the ice-core records on the WD2014 chronology from Antarctica we resolve long-standing previous inconsistencies in the dating of ancient volcanic eruptions that arise from biased (i.e. dated too old) ice-core chronologies over the Holocene for Greenland. A long-term latitudinally and monthly resolved stratospheric aerosol optical depth (SAOD) time series is reconstructed from the HolVol VSSI estimates, representing the first such reconstruction Holocene-scale reconstruction constrained by Greenland and Antarctica ice cores. These new long-term reconstructions of past VSSI and SAOD variability confirm evidence from regional volcanic eruption chronologies (e.g., from Iceland) in showing that the early Holocene (9500-7000 BCE) experienced a higher number of volcanic eruptions (+16%) and cumulative VSSI (+86%) compared to the past 2,500 years. This increase is coinciding with then rapidly retreating ice sheets during deglaciation, providing context for potential future increases of volcanic activity in regions under projected glacier melting in the 21st century.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Binary Object | Binary | Toohey, Matthew | |||
2 | Binary Object (File Size) | Binary (Size) | Bytes | Toohey, Matthew |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
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