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Lüpkes, Christof; Hartmann, Jörg; Schmitt, Amelie U; Michaelis, Janosch (2021): Measurements of wind, temperature, pressure and humidity during lead-parallel flight 20130326_SP50326h02_45505-45594 with POLAR 5 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Lüpkes, C et al. (2021): Convection over sea ice leads: Airborne measurements of the campaign STABLE from March 2013 [dataset bundled publication]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,

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The data collection consists of the airborne measurements obtained in the framework of the AWI-campaign "SpringTime Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment" (STABLE) that are used as supplement for the study by Michaelis et al. (2020). The measurements were performed in the atmospheric boundary layer near three different leads in the Arctic Marginal Sea Ice Zone north and northwest of Svalbard on 10, 25 and 26 March 2013. All cases represent conditions of a nearly lead-perpendicular convective flow over the leads.
This data set contains the lead-parallel flight legs performed at different distances to the upwind lead edge at different altitudes, either above the lead or further downwind. Mean distance to upwind lead edge: 0.7 km
airborne measurements; atmospheric boundary layer; convection over sea ice leads; Eddy covariance; turbulence
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 268020496: TRR 172: ArctiC Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 5472008: Priority Programme 1158 Antarctic Research with Comparable Investigations in Arctic Sea Ice Areas
Median Latitude: 81.605144 * Median Longitude: 21.397732 * South-bound Latitude: 81.594048 * West-bound Longitude: 21.266117 * North-bound Latitude: 81.617386 * East-bound Longitude: 21.534418
Date/Time Start: 2013-03-26T12:38:25 * Date/Time End: 2013-03-26T12:39:53
Minimum ALTITUDE: 32.409 m * Maximum ALTITUDE: 44.987 m
STABLE_1303260115 * Latitude Start: 78.245940 * Longitude Start: 15.501510 * Latitude End: 78.245930 * Longitude End: 15.501550 * Date/Time Start: 2013-03-26T10:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-03-26T16:26:00 * Campaign: STABLE_2013 (P5-185_STABLE_2013) * Basis: POLAR 5 * Method/Device: Aircraft (AC)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeLüpkes, ChristofINS, GPSGeocode – UTC
2LONGITUDELongitudeLüpkes, ChristofINS, GPSGeocode
3LATITUDELatitudeLüpkes, ChristofINS, GPSGeocode
4ALTITUDEAltitudemLüpkes, ChristofINS, GPS, partly corrected by laser altimeter when availableGeocode
5Wind velocity, west-eastUm/sLüpkes, ChristofFive-hole probe [at nose-boom]
6Wind velocity, south-northVm/sLüpkes, ChristofFive-hole probe [at nose-boom]
7Wind velocity, verticalWm/sLüpkes, ChristofFive-hole probe [at nose-boom]
8Temperature, airTTT°CLüpkes, ChristofTemperature sensor, Pt-100, [at nose-boom]
9Pressure, at given altitudePPPPhPaLüpkes, ChristofFive-hole probe [at nose-boom]
10Humidity, relativeRH%Lüpkes, ChristofDew point mirror [at nose-boom]
11Surface temperatureSurf temp°CLüpkes, ChristofKT-19 infrared thermometer and IR scanner
62293 data points

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