Cárdenas, Paola; Lange, Carina B; Vernet, Maria; Esper, Oliver; Srain, Benjamin; Vorrath, Maria-Elena; Ehrhardt, Sophie; Müller, Juliane; Kuhn, Gerhard; Arz, Helge Wolfgang; Lembke-Jene, Lester; Lamy, Frank (2021): Diatoms in surface sediments sampled during RV POLARSTERN cruise PS97 [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.927022, In: Cárdenas, P et al. (2021): Organic and inorganic proxies, and concentration of diatoms from surface sediment PS97/ Sterols preserved in surface sediments PS97/ Diatoms of surface sediments PS97 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.927026
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Related to:
Cárdenas, Paola; Lange, Carina B; Vernet, Maria; Esper, Oliver; Srain, Benjamin; Vorrath, Maria-Elena; Ehrhardt, Sophie; Müller, Juliane; Kuhn, Gerhard; Arz, Helge Wolfgang; Lembke-Jene, Lester; Lamy, Frank (2019): Biogeochemical proxies and diatoms in surface sediments across the Drake Passage reflect oceanic domains and frontal systems in the region. Progress in Oceanography, 174, 72-88, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2018.10.004
Median Latitude: -60.432917 * Median Longitude: -63.150611 * South-bound Latitude: -63.757000 * West-bound Longitude: -76.647500 * North-bound Latitude: -54.578000 * East-bound Longitude: -55.647000
Date/Time Start: 2016-02-24T22:16:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-03-29T08:18:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m
PS97/015-2 * Latitude: -55.731500 * Longitude: -70.892500 * Date/Time: 2016-02-24T22:16:00 * Elevation: -1878.4 m * Location: South Pacific Ocean * Campaign: PS97 (ANT-XXXI/3) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC)
PS97/024-2 * Latitude: -54.587830 * Longitude: -73.955000 * Date/Time: 2016-02-26T16:57:00 * Elevation: -1272.8 m * Location: South Pacific Ocean * Campaign: PS97 (ANT-XXXI/3) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC)
PS97/042-1 * Latitude: -59.843670 * Longitude: -66.096170 * Date/Time: 2016-03-02T00:14:00 * Elevation: -4172.0 m * Location: Drake Passage * Campaign: PS97 (ANT-XXXI/3) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC)
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
1296 data points