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Vasil'chuk, Yurij K; Vasil'chuk, Alla Constantinovna (2020): Isotope-geochemical composition of ice wedges in the slope yedoma on the Kular Ridge and reconstruction of the mean January air paleotemperature during 47,000-25,000 BP [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2020-12-22DOI registered: 2021-04-03

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The isotope composition and hydrochemical properties of the Late Pleistocene ice wedges in the outcrop of flat side of Kular Ridge located in the western part of Yana-Indigirka Lowland have been analyzed. It has been established that variations of the δ¹⁸О values in the ice wedges (varying -32.6 ‰ to -31.0 ‰) do not exceed 1.6 ‰. The mean winter and mean January temperature reconstructions have been carried out by means of the palaeogeocryologyical studies of the oxygen stable isotopes contained in ice wedges. In the Kular Ridge area, the mean January air temperature in Late Pleistocene was by 7 °C lower than the current. Besides, the lowest mean winter temperature was referred to the 37-32 ka BP.
Hydrochemistry; Ice wedges; Kular; Late Pleistocene; Northern Yakutia; Oxygen isotopes; palaeotemperature; Permafrost; trace elements; Yedoma
Supplement to:
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K; Vasil'chuk, Alla Constantinovna (2020): Isotope-geochemical composition of the ice wedges in the slope yedoma on the Kular Ridge and reconstruction of the mean January air paleotemperature during 47,000–25,000 BP. Earth's Cryosphere, XXIV(3), 22-33,
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Meyer, Hanno; Dereviagin, Alexander Yu; Siegert, Christine; Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang (2002): Paleoclimate studies on Bykovsky Peninsula, North Siberia - hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in ground ice. Polarforschung, 70, 37-51, hdl:10013/epic.29857.d001
Opel, Thomas; Wetterich, Sebastian; Meyer, Hanno; Dereviagin, Alexander Yu; Fuchs, Margret C; Schirrmeister, Lutz (2017): Ground-ice stable isotopes and cryostratigraphy reflect late Quaternary palaeoclimate in the Northeast Siberian Arctic (Oyogos Yar coast, Dmitry Laptev Strait). Climate of the Past, 13(6), 587-611,
Pavlova, Elena Yu; Ivanova, V V; Meyer, Hanno; Pitulko, V V (2015): The isotope compositions of fossil ice as an indicator for palaeoclimate changes in the northern Novosibirskiye Islands and in the west of the Yana-Indigirka Lowland. Fundamental problems of the Quaternary, results of research and prospects of future studies. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on the Quaternary (Irkutsk, September 15–20, 2015). Irkutsk, Izd-vo Instituta Geografi yi, p. 349–351 (in Russian)
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K (1992): Oxygen Isotope Composition of Ground Ice (Application to Paleogeocryological Reconstructions) [in Russian]. Theor. Probl. Dept., RAS, Moscow University, Research Institute of Engineering for Construction (PNIIIS), Moscow (Volume 1, 420 pp., Volume 2, 264 pp.)
Wetterich, Sebastian; Kuzmina, Svetlana A; Andreev, Andrei A; Kienast, Frank; Meyer, Hanno; Schirrmeister, Lutz; Kuznetsova, Tatyana V; Sierralta, Melanie (2008): Palaeoenvironmental dynamics inferred from late Quaternary permafrost deposits on Kurungnakh Island, Lena Delta, Northeast Siberia, Russia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27(15-16), 1523-1540,
Further details:
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K (1990): Isotope geochemical characteristics of Late Pleistocene ice-wedge complex of Kular depression. Transactions (Doklady) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Earth Science Sections, 310(1), 154-157
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K (1991): Reconstruction of the paleoclimate of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene on the basis of isotope studies of subsurface ice and waters of the permafrost zone. Water Resources, 17(6), 640–647
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K (2016): Spatio-temporal distribution of mean January air temperature over the Russian Arctic during 30-12 ka BP with high temporal resolution. Arktika i Antarktika (Arctic and Antarctic), 1, 86-103,
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K; Vasil'chuk, Alla Constantinovna (2018): Winter air paleotemperatures at 30-12 ka BP in the lower. Kolyma River, Plakhinskii Yar yedoma: evidence from stable isotopes. Earth's Cryosphere, XXII(5),
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K; Vasil'chuk, Alla Constantinovna (2020): Syngenetic ice wedges and age of slope yedoma deposits of the foothill of the Kular Ridge. Earth's Cryosphere, 14(2), 3-13,
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K; Vasil'chuk, Jessica Yurevna (2019): The First AMS Dating of Organic Microinclusions in an Ice Wedge of the Upper Part of the Batagay Yedoma Megaslump (Yakutia). Doklady Earth Sciences, 489(1), 1318-1321,
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K; Vasil'chuk, Jessica Yurevna; Budantseva, Nadine A; Vasil'chuk, Alla Constantinovna (2020): New AMS Dates of Organic Microinclusions in Ice Wedges from the Lower Part of Batagay Yedoma, Yakutia. Doklady Earth Sciences, 490(2), 100-103,
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K; Vasil'chuk, Jessica Yurevna; Budantseva, Nadine A; Vasil'chuk, Alla Constantinovna; Belik, Anna D; Bludushkina, Liubov; Ginzburg, Alexander P; Krechetov, Pavel P; Terskaya, Elena V (2020): Major and trace elements, δ13C, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Late Pleistocene ice wedges: A case-study of Batagay yedoma, Central Yakutia. Applied Geochemistry, 120, 104669,
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K; Vasil'chuk, Jessica Yurevna; Budantseva, Nadine A; Vasil'chuk, Alla Constantinovna; Trishin, Andrei (2019): High-Resolution Oxygen Isotope and Deuterium Diagrams for Ice Wedges of the Batagai Yedoma, Northern Central Yakutia. Doklady Earth Sciences, 487(2), 986-989,
Median Latitude: 70.906249 * Median Longitude: 134.746365 * South-bound Latitude: 70.635600 * West-bound Longitude: 126.284335 * North-bound Latitude: 72.677500 * East-bound Longitude: 143.555000
Date/Time Start: 1986-09-16T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1986-09-16T00:00:00
Data was submitted and proofread by Yurij K Vasil'chuk and Lyubov Bludushkina at the faculty of Geography, department of Geochemistry of Landscapes and Geography of Soils, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
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