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Stål, Tobias; Reading, Anya M; Halpin, Jacqueline A; Whittaker, Joanne (2020): Antarctic geothermal heat flow model: Aq1 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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We present a refined map of geothermal heat flow for Antarctica, Aq1, based on multiple observables. The map is generated using a similarity detection approach by attributing observables from geophysics and geology to a large number of high-quality heat flow values (5792) from other continents. Observables from global, continental and regional datasets for Antarctica are used with a weighting function that allows the degree of similarity to increase with proximity and how similar the observables are. The similarity detection parameters are optimized through cross-correlation. For each grid cell in Antarctica, a weighted average heat flow value and uncertainty metrics are calculated.
Antarctica; geophysics; Geothermal heat; multivariate
Related to:
Stål, Tobias; Reading, Anya M; Halpin, Jacqueline A; Whittaker, Joanne (2021): Antarctic Geothermal Heat Flow Model: Aq1. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(2), e2020GC009428,
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