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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Visscher, Pieter T; Gallagher, Kimberley L; Bouton, Anthony; Farias, Maria; Kurth, Daniel; Sancho-Tomás, Maria; Philippot, Pascal; Somogyi, Andrea; Medjoubi, Kadda; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Bourillot, Raphael; Walter, Malcolm R; Burns, Brendan P; Contreras, Manuel; Dupraz, Christophe (2020): Arsenic distribution and depth profiles of oxygen, pH, sulfide in microbial mat and turnover of arsenic and sulfur in mat homogenates from the Atacama Desert, Chile [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Data pertain the study of arsenic and sulfur supported microbial metabolisms in a permanently anoxic microbial mat in the Atacama Desert, Chile.
anoxia; arsenic; Atacama Desert; lithification; Microbial mat; Sulfur
Supplement to:
Visscher, Pieter T; Gallagher, Kimberley L; Bouton, Anthony; Farias, Maria; Kurth, Daniel; Sancho-Tomás, Maria; Philippot, Pascal; Somogyi, Andrea; Medjoubi, Kadda; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Bourillot, Raphael; Walter, Malcolm R; Burns, Brendan P; Contreras, Manuel; Dupraz, Christophe (2020): Modern arsenotrophic microbial mats provide an analogue for life in the anoxic Archean. Communications Earth & Environment, 1(1),
Latitude: -23.731944 * Longitude: -68.246944
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