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van Moorsel, Sofia J; Hahl, Terhi; Petchey, Owen L; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Schmid, Bernhard; Wagg, Cameron (2020): Biomass analysis at the Jena Experiment field site from 2012 to 2015 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: van Moorsel, SJ et al. (2020): Plant biomass determination and stability metrics calculations analysed during the Jena Expermint from 2012 to 2015 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2020-09-29DOI registered: 2020-11-18

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asynchrony; co-occurrence history; disturbance; Flood; grassland biodiversity; recovery; resistance; selection
Related to:
van Moorsel, Sofia J; Hahl, Terhi; Petchey, Owen L; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Schmid, Bernhard; Wagg, Cameron (2020): Co‐occurrence history increases ecosystem stability and resilience in experimental plant communities. Ecology,
Latitude: 50.946100 * Longitude: 11.611300
Date/Time Start: 2012-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2015-12-31T00:00:00
JenExp_2012 (Jena Experiment 2012) * Latitude: 50.946100 * Longitude: 11.611300 * Date/Time Start: 2012-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-12-31T00:00:00 * Location: Thuringia, Germany * Method/Device: Experiment (EXP)
JenExp_2013 (Jena Experiment 2013) * Latitude: 50.946100 * Longitude: 11.611300 * Date/Time Start: 2013-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-12-31T00:00:00 * Location: Thuringia, Germany * Method/Device: Experiment (EXP)
JenExp_2014 (Jena Experiment 2014) * Latitude: 50.946100 * Longitude: 11.611300 * Date/Time Start: 2014-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2014-12-31T00:00:00 * Location: Thuringia, Germany * Method/Device: Experiment (EXP)
NOTE for reproducibility of our results
For all our analyses, we removed three plots from the original design (in all cases both split-split plots containing new/old communities)
B1A12, quadrat with Org soil
This 8-species mixture had to be excluded because of missing data and the data not accurately representing the plant community.
Festuca pratense monoculture had to be exlucded because the wrong species was planted.
Onobrychis viciifolia monoculture had to be excluded because it was such an extreme outlier and the data did not accurately represent the community.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventvan Moorsel, Sofia J
2DateDatevan Moorsel, Sofia JYear of harvest
3DateDatevan Moorsel, Sofia JYear and month of harvest
4SeasonSeasonvan Moorsel, Sofia J
5BlockBlockvan Moorsel, Sofia J
6Experimental plotExperimental plotvan Moorsel, Sofia J
7Species richnessSvan Moorsel, Sofia J
8TreatmentTreatvan Moorsel, Sofia JSoil treatments
9HistoryHistoryvan Moorsel, Sofia JPlant selection history: old (with history of co-occurrence)/new (without history of co-occurrence)
10LegumesLegumes#van Moorsel, Sofia JIn plot
11Herbs, tallHerbs tall#van Moorsel, Sofia JIn plot
12Herbs, smallHerbs small#van Moorsel, Sofia JIn plot
13GrassesGrasses#van Moorsel, Sofia JIn plot
14BiomassBiomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
15Achillea millefolium, biomass as dry weightA. millefolium biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
16Ajuga reptans, biomass as dry weightA. reptans biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
17Alopecurus pratensis, biomass as dry weightA. pratensis biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
18Anthoxanthum odoratum, biomass as dry weightA. odoratum biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
19Anthriscus sylvatica, biomass as dry weightA. sylvatica biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
20Arrhenatherum elatius, biomass as dry weightA. elatius biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
21Avenula pubescens, biomass as dry weightA. pubescens biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
22Bromus erectus, biomass as dry weightB. erectus biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
23Bromus hordeaceus, biomass as dry weightB. hordeaceus biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
24Campanula patula, biomass as dry weightC. patula biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
25Cardamine pratensis, biomass as dry weightC. pratensis biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
26Crepis biennis, biomass as dry weightC. biennis biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
27Cynosurus cristatus, biomass as dry weightC. cristatus biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
28Dactylis glomerata, biomass as dry weightD. glomerata biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
29Daucus carota, biomass as dry weightD. carota biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
30Festuca pratensis, biomass as dry weightF. pratensis biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
31Festuca rubra, biomass as dry weightF. rubra biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
32Galium mollugo, biomass as dry weightG. mollugo biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
33Geranium pratense, biomass as dry weightG. pratense biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
34Glechoma hederacea, biomass as dry weightG. hederacea biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
35Heracleum sphondylium, biomass as dry weightH. sphondylium biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
36Holcus lanatus, biomass as dry weightH. lanatus biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
37Knautia arvensis, biomass as dry weightK. arvensis biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
38Lathyrus pratensis, biomass as dry weightL. pratensis biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
39Leontodon autumnalis, biomass as dry weightL. autumnalis biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
40Leontodon hispidus, biomass as dry weightL. hispidus biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
41Leucanthemum vulgare, biomass as dry weightL. vulgare biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
42Lotus corniculatus, biomass as dry weightL. corniculatus biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
43Luzula campestris, biomass as dry weightL. campestris biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
44Medicago lupulina, biomass as dry weightM. lupulina biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
45Medicago x varia, biomass as dry weightM. x varia biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
46Onobrychis viciifolia, biomass as dry weightO. viciifolia biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
47Phleum pratense, biomass as dry weightP. pratense biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
48Plantago lanceolata, biomass as dry weightP. lanceolata biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
49Plantago media, biomass as dry weightP. media biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
50Poa pratensis, biomass as dry weightP. pratensis biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
51Poa trivialis, biomass as dry weightP. trivialis biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
52Primula veris, biomass as dry weightP. veris biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
53Prunella vulgaris, biomass as dry weightP. vulgaris biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
54Ranunculus acris, biomass as dry weightR. acris biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
55Ranunculus repens, biomass as dry weightR. repens biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
56Sanguisorba officinalis, biomass as dry weightS. officinalis biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
57Taraxacum officinale, biomass as dry weightT. officinale biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
58Trifolium campestre, biomass as dry weightT. campestre biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
59Trifolium dubium, biomass as dry weightT. dubium biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
60Trisetum flavescens, biomass as dry weightT. flavescens biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
61Trifolium fragiferum, biomass as dry weightT. fragiferum biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
62Trifolium hybridum, biomass as dry weightT. hybridum biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
63Trifolium pratense, biomass as dry weightT. pratense biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
64Trifolium repens, biomass as dry weightT. repens biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
65Veronica chamaedrys, biomass as dry weightV. chamaedrys biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
66Vicia cracca, biomass as dry weightV. cracca biomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia J
43918 data points

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