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van Moorsel, Sofia J; Hahl, Terhi; Petchey, Owen L; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Schmid, Bernhard; Wagg, Cameron (2020): Stability metrics calculation at the Jena Experiment field [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: van Moorsel, SJ et al. (2020): Plant biomass determination and stability metrics calculations analysed during the Jena Expermint from 2012 to 2015 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2020-09-29DOI registered: 2020-11-18

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asynchrony; co-occurrence history; disturbance; Flood; grassland biodiversity; recovery; resistance; selection
Related to:
van Moorsel, Sofia J; Hahl, Terhi; Petchey, Owen L; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Schmid, Bernhard; Wagg, Cameron (2020): Co‐occurrence history increases ecosystem stability and resilience in experimental plant communities. Ecology,
Latitude: 50.946100 * Longitude: 11.611300
Jena_Experiment (Jena Experiment) * Latitude: 50.946100 * Longitude: 11.611300 * Location: Thuringia, Germany * Method/Device: Experiment (EXP)
NOTE for reproducibility of our results
For all our analyses, we removed three plots from the original design (in all cases both split-split plots containing new/old communities)
B1A12, quadrat with Org soil
This 8-species mixture had to be excluded because of missing data and the data not accurately representing the plant community.
Festuca pratense monoculture had to be exlucded because the wrong species was planted.
Onobrychis viciifolia monoculture had to be excluded because it was such an extreme outlier and the data did not accurately represent the community.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Experimental plotExperimental plotvan Moorsel, Sofia JExperimental plot at the field site. There were four blocks (B1, B2, B3, B4) and within each block there were 12 communities
2HistoryHistoryvan Moorsel, Sofia JSoil history (soil treatment)
3HistoryHistoryvan Moorsel, Sofia JPlant history (selected vs. naive)
4Species richnessSvan Moorsel, Sofia J4 levels: 1, 2, 4 ,8
5BiomassBiomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia JMean dried aboveground biomas
6Biomass, standard deviationBiom std dev±van Moorsel, Sofia J
7Temporal StabilityTemp stabvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedMean divided by the standard deviation: the stability of community aboveground biomass is the inverse coefficient of combined intra- and inter-annual variation among sequential spring and summer harvests. The stability of a single community was thus the mean community aboveground biomass divided by its standard deviation.
8Coefficient of variationCVvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedCoefficient of variation (inverse of stability)
9Synchrony indexSynchr Ivan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculated after Loreau and de Mazancourt (2008)Calculated as the "synchrony index" which ranges between 0 and 1
10Coefficient of variationCVvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedPopulation CV: Stability of biomass at the population level was calculated as the average stability of biomass of individual species (Thibaut and Connolly 2013).
11Species turnoverSpecies turnvan Moorsel, Sofia JAfter Bray & Curtis (1957)Before the flood
12Species turnoverSpecies turnvan Moorsel, Sofia JAfter Bray & Curtis (1957)After the flood
13Species turnoverSpecies turnvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedBefore vs. after the flood
14Biomass, resistanceBiom resistvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedResistance is the difference in community biomass between the average of the three harvests before the flood and the community biomass two months after the flood (August 2013), more negative values indicating lower resistance.
15Biomass, resistanceBiom resistvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedRelative resistance (adjusted for pre-flood biomass)
16Biomass, recoveryBiom recovvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedRecovery is the difference between the biomass produced after recovery from the flood (averaged over the three last harvests) and the biomass two months after the flood (August 2013), where positive values indicate the amount of biomass recovered.
17Biomass, recoveryBiom recovvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedRelative recovery (adjusted for pre-flood biomass)
18Biomass, resilienceBiom resiliencevan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedResilience is the difference between the average biomass of the three harvests before the flood and the average biomass of the three harvests after recovery.
19Biomass, resilienceBiom resiliencevan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedRelative resilience (adjusted for pre-flood biomass)
20BiomassBiomg/m2van Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedBefore the flood
21Temporal StabilityTemp stabvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculated = mean/SDBefore the flood
22Temporal StabilityTemp stabvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculated = mean/SDAfter the flood
23Temporal StabilityTemp stabvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculated = mean/SDWith the biomass harvest in 2013 excluded
24Number of harvestsN harvests#van Moorsel, Sofia JBefore the flood
25Number of harvestsN harvests#van Moorsel, Sofia JAfter the flood
26Species richnessSvan Moorsel, Sofia JLog (x+1) transformed
27Species richnessSvan Moorsel, Sofia JFactor analysis
28Duration, number of daysDurationdaysvan Moorsel, Sofia JNumber of days with water in the plots
29SumSumvan Moorsel, Sofia JCalculatedFlooding index * number of days
30Flooding indexFlood Ivan Moorsel, Sofia J
31--van Moorsel, Sofia JSynchrony with the biomass harvest in 2013 excluded
32--van Moorsel, Sofia JPopulation CV with the biomass harvest in 2013 excluded
8986 data points

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