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Hernández-Almeida, Iván; Bjorklund, Kjell R; Diz, Paula; Kruglikova, Svetlana B; Ikenoue, Takahito; Matul, Alexander G; Saavedra-Pellitero, Mariem; Swanberg, Neil R (2020): Relative abundance of Amphimelissa setosa in core sediments and the interpolated LR04 benthic δ18O values (Table S4) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Hernández-Almeida, I et al. (2020): Modern and fossil abundance data of radiolarian species Amphimelissa setosa in the Northern Hemisphere [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Amphimelissa setosa; ice-edge; Northern Hemisphere; paleoecology; proxy; Radiolaria
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Hernández-Almeida, Iván; Bjorklund, Kjell R; Diz, Paula; Kruglikova, Svetlana B; Ikenoue, Takahito; Matul, Alexander G; Saavedra-Pellitero, Mariem; Swanberg, Neil R (2020): Life on the ice-edge: Paleoenvironmental significance of the radiolarian species Amphimelissa setosa in the northern hemisphere. Quaternary Science Reviews, 248, 106565,
Bjorklund, Kjell R; Hatakeda, K; Kruglikova, Svetlana B; Matul, Alexander G (2015): Amphimelissa setosa (Cleve)(Polycystina, Nassellaria)–a stratigraphic and paleoecological marker of migrating polar environments in the northern hemisphere during the quaternary. Stratigraphy, 12, 23-37
Bjorklund, Kjell R; Kruglikova, Svetlana B; Hammer, Øyvind (accepted): The radiolarian fauna during the Younger Dryas–Holocene transition in Andfjorden, northern Norway. Polar Research, 38(0),
Ikenoue, Takahito; Okazaki, Yusuke; Takahashi, Kozo; Sakamoto, Tatsuhiko (2016): Bering Sea radiolarian biostratigraphy and paleoceanography at IODP Site U1341 during the last four million years. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 125-126, 38-55,
Matsuzaki, Kenji M; Itaki, Takuya; Tada, Ryuji (accepted): Paleoceanographic changes in the Northern East China Sea during the last 400 kyr as inferred from radiolarian assemblages (IODP Site U1429). Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 6(1),
Matsuzaki, Kenji M; Suzuki, Noritoshi (2018): Quaternary radiolarian biostratigraphy in the subarctic northeastern Pacific (IODP Expedition 341 Site U1417) and synchroneity of bioevents across the North Pacific. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 37(1), 1-10,
Matul, Alexander G (1994): On the Late Quaternary paleoceanology of the North-Atlantic by the data of the radiolarian analysis. Trudove Na Instituta Po Okeanologiya, 34, 607-613
Matul, Alexander G; Abelmann, Andrea (2005): Pleistocene and Holocene distribution of the radiolarian Amphimelissa setosa Cleve in the North Pacific and North Atlantic: Evidence for water mass movement. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 52(16-18), 2351-2364,
Matul, Alexander G; Abelmann, Andrea; Nürnberg, Dirk; Tiedemann, Ralf (2009): Stratigraphy and major paleoenvironmental changes in the Sea of Okhotsk during the last million years inferred from radiolarian data. Oceanology, 49(1), 92-100,
Matul, Alexander G; Yushina, Irina G (1999): Radiolarians in North Atlantic sediments. In: Spielhagen, R F; Barash, M S; Ivanov, G I & Thiede, J (eds.), German-Russian Cooperation: Biogeographic and biostratigraphic investigations on selected sediment cores from the Eurasian continental margin and marginal seas to analyze the Late Quaternary climatic variability, Reports on Polar Research, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, 170 pp, 306, 35-45, hdl:10013/epic.10309.d001
Matul, Alexander G; Yushina, Irina G; Emelyanov, Emelyan M (2002): On the Late Quaternary paleohydrological parameters of the Labrador Sea based on radiolarians. Trudove Na Instituta Po Okeanologiya, 42, 247-251
Schröder-Ritzrau, Andrea (1995): Aktuopaläontologische Untersuchung zur Verbreitung und Vertikalfluss von Radiolarien sowie ihre räumliche und zeitliche Entwicklung im Europäischen Nordmeer. Berichte aus dem Sonderforschungsbereich 313, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 52, 99 pp,
Median Latitude: 52.501945 * Median Longitude: 64.605945 * South-bound Latitude: 0.000000 * West-bound Longitude: -147.109800 * North-bound Latitude: 72.030000 * East-bound Longitude: 179.008980
Date/Time Start: 1986-07-12T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2009-09-20T02:36:00
Minimum Elevation: -4199.2 m * Maximum Elevation: 0.0 m
306-U1314 * Latitude: 56.364000 * Longitude: -27.888000 * Date/Time Start: 2005-04-07T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-04-10T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2800.0 m * Recovery: 765.63 m * Location: North Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: Exp306 (North Atlantic Climate 2) * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Composite Core (COMPCORE)
323-U1341 * Latitude: 54.033350 * Longitude: 179.008980 * Elevation: -2139.6 m * Location: Bering Sea * Campaign: Exp323 (Bering Sea Paleoceanography) * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Composite Core (COMPCORE) * Comment: 139 cores, 1189.2 m cored, 102 % recovery
341-U1417 * Latitude: 56.959900 * Longitude: -147.109800 * Elevation: -4199.2 m * Penetration: 1932.6 m * Recovery: 1098.87 m * Campaign: Exp341 (Southern Alaska Margin: Tectonics, Climate and Sedimentation) * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Composite Core (COMPCORE) * Comment: 198 cores, 362.6 m drilled, 70.1% recovery
BEA: Beaufort Sea; BER: Bering Sea; CHU: Chukchi Sea; ECS: East China Sea; ESS: East Siberian Sea; GOA: Gulf of Alaska; GRE: Greenland Sea; ICE: Iceland Sea; NOR: Norwegian Sea; SJAP: Sea of Japan; SOK: Sea of Okhotsk; NATL: North Atlantic; NPAC: North Pacific.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventHernández-Almeida, Iván
2Latitude of eventLatitudeHernández-Almeida, Iván
3Longitude of eventLongitudeHernández-Almeida, Iván
4Elevation of eventElevationmHernández-Almeida, Iván
5Ocean and sea regionOS regionHernández-Almeida, Iván
6Marine isotope stageMISHernández-Almeida, Iván
7AGEAgeka BPHernández-Almeida, IvánGeocode
8Amphimelissa setosaA. setosa%Hernández-Almeida, Iván
9Foraminifera, benthic δ18OForam benth δ18O‰ PDBHernández-Almeida, IvánInterpolated (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005)
4327 data points

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