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Lasser, Jana; Goehring, Lucas (2020): Pore water density measurements from Owens Lake, central California, in 2018 (Version 2) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Lasser, J; Goehring, L (2020): Subsurface salt concentration profiles and pore water density measurements from Owens Lake, central California, measured in 2018 (Version 2) [dataset publication series]. Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2020-09-03DOI registered: 2020-10-03

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California; density; Owens Lake; pattern; pore water; Salinity; salt; salt concentration; Salt desert; salt polygon; salt ridge
Related to:
Lasser, Jana (2019): Geophysical Pattern Formation of Salt Playa [dissertation]. Georg-August Universität Göttingen,
Lasser, Jana; Nield, Joanna M; Ernst, Marcel; Karius, Volker; Wiggs, Giles F S; Goehring, Lucas (2019): Salt Polygons are Caused by Convection. Nonlinear Sciences > Pattern Formation and Solitons,
Median Latitude: 36.452769 * Median Longitude: -117.945524 * South-bound Latitude: 36.347950 * West-bound Longitude: -117.978520 * North-bound Latitude: 36.539230 * East-bound Longitude: -117.915950
OwensLake_T2-5_P3 (T2-5_P3) * Latitude: 36.347950 * Longitude: -117.978520 * Location: California, USA * Method/Device: Sampling by hand (HAND) * Comment: 2018
OwensLake_T10-3_P1 (T10-3) * Latitude: 36.385780 * Longitude: -117.946200 * Location: California, USA * Method/Device: Sampling by hand (HAND) * Comment: 2018
OwensLake_T16_P1 (T16) * Latitude: 36.399220 * Longitude: -117.940900 * Location: California, USA * Method/Device: Sampling by hand (HAND) * Comment: 2018
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventLasser, Jana
2Latitude of eventLatitudeLasser, Jana
3Longitude of eventLongitudeLasser, Jana
4SiteSiteLasser, Jana
5Sample IDSample IDLasser, Jana
6DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmLasser, JanaGeocode
7DISTANCEDistancecmLasser, JanaGeocode – from left ridge
8Density, porewaterDens pwg/cm3Lasser, Janameasure 1
9Density, porewaterDens pwg/cm3Lasser, Janameasure 2
10Density, porewaterDens pwg/cm3Lasser, Janameasure 3
11Density, porewaterDens pwg/cm3Lasser, Janameasure 4
12Density, porewaterDens pwg/cm3Lasser, Janaaverage
13Density, standard errorDensity std e±Lasser, Jana
786 data points

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