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O'Connell, Michael; Huang, Chun Chang (2020): Pollen content of MAM_III [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: O'Connell, M; Huang, CC (2020): Mám Éan, Co. Galway, Ireland: a record of Holocene vegetation and landscape change from upland Connemara [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Connemara; erosion; Holocene; human impact; Ireland; Pinus; pollen analysis; Taxus; Uplands; woodland history
Related to:
Huang, Chun Chang (1994): Multi-disciplinary Studies of Lake Sediments towards the Reconstruction of Late-glacial and Holocene Environments in Western Ireland. Ph.D. thesis (unpublished), University College Galway (National University of Ireland Galway)
Huang, Chun Chang (2002): Holocene landscape development and human impact in the Connemara Uplands, Western Ireland. Journal of Biogeography, 29(2), 153-165,
Huang, Chun Chang; O'Connell, M (2000): Recent land-use and soil-erosion history within a small catchment in Connemara, western Ireland: evidence from lake sediments and documentary sources. CATENA, 41(4), 293-335,
O'Connell, Michael (in press): Post-glacial vegetation and landscape change in upland Ireland with particular reference to Mám Éan, Connemara. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,
Latitude: 53.490680 * Longitude: -9.648290
Date/Time Start: 1991-10-05T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1991-10-05T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 4.18 m
MAM_III * Latitude: 53.490680 * Longitude: -9.648290 * Date/Time: 1991-10-05T00:00:00 * Elevation: 245.0 m * Lake water depth: 5 m maximum * Method/Device: Livingstone and short Mackereth piston corers (LPS_MACC) * Comment: Depth at coring location of MAM III 1.3 m. Upland corrie lake (1.14 ha) in Dalradian quartzite and schist. Few archaeological field monuments in this part of Connemara. Basin size 160 (E-W) x 80 (N-S), 1.14 ha.
Pollen analyst: Chun Chang Huang
Laboratory: Palaeoenvironmental Research Unit, NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland
Date pollen analysis completed 1992
Sampling in the field: MAM IIIb, c (duplicate cores) sampled using 5 cm diameter Livingstone corer in 1 m drives; top-sediment (1 m) sampled (MAM IIIa) by Mackereth 1-m pneumatic corer. MAM III consists of MAM IIIa (0 to 86 cm; Mackereth core) & IIIc (86-420)"
Stratigraphy: Mineral-rich (inorganic content >50% throughout) dark gyttja; basal 20 cm silt/clay (end of YD)
Length of core (Holocene only) (m): 4.3 m
Profile SHE III (in cm): 0-418
Pollen sampling details: sampling density: variable; varies between 2 to 12 cm; average 6 cm; samples 1 cm thick.
Pollen preparation: Lycopodium spore suspension of known concentration added; acetolysis, mounted in glycerine
Pollen identification and counting: Cereal-type pollen differentiated using Beug (1961) criteria but 40 um (rather than 38 µm) taken as cutoff point. Pollen nomenclature generally follows Moore et al. 1991. <1 = recorded outside the pollen counts (most samples searched for additional taxa). Distinction between Myrica and Corylus made Charcoal particles ≥37 um counted during routine pollen counting
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmO'Connell, MichaelGeocode
2AGEAgeka BPO'Connell, MichaelGeocode
3AgeAgea AD/CEO'Connell, Michael
4--O'Connell, MichaelPAZ2
5CommentCommentO'Connell, Michaelfeature
6PiceaPic#O'Connell, MichaelSPRUCE
7PinusPin#O'Connell, MichaelPINE
8SalixSal#O'Connell, MichaelWILLOW
9QuercusQue#O'Connell, MichaelOAK
10UlmusUlm#O'Connell, MichaelELM
11FraxinusFrx#O'Connell, MichaelASH
12FagusFag#O'Connell, MichaelBEECH
13CorylusCor#O'Connell, MichaelHAZEL
14BetulaBet#O'Connell, MichaelBIRCH
15AlnusAln#O'Connell, MichaelALDER
16TiliaTil#O'Connell, Michael
17TaxusTax#O'Connell, MichaelYEW
18PopulusPop#O'Connell, Michael
19TsugaTsu#O'Connell, Michael
20JuglansJug#O'Connell, MichaelWALNUT
21IlexIle#O'Connell, MichaelHOLLY
22HederaHed#O'Connell, MichaelIVY
23JuniperusJun#O'Connell, Michael
24CrataegusCtg#O'Connell, MichaelWHITEHORN
25Prunus-typePrn-T#O'Connell, Michael
26SorbusSor#O'Connell, Michael
27LoniceraLon#O'Connell, Michael
28Euonymus europaeusEuo.e#O'Connell, Michael
29UlexUle#O'Connell, Michael
30Ephedra distachya-typeEph.d-T#O'Connell, Michael
31Ephedra fragilis-typeEph.f-T#O'Connell, Michael
32Dryas octopetalaDry.o#O'Connell, Michael
33PteridiumPtd#O'Connell, MichaelBRACKEN
34Fern spores, monoleteMon.f.s#O'Connell, Michael#NAME?
35Polypodium vulgarePpd.v#O'Connell, Michael
36Athyrium filix-feminaAth.f-f#O'Connell, Michael
37Dryopteris filix-mas-typeDrp.f-mT#O'Connell, Michael
38Hymenophyllum wilsoniiHym.w#O'Connell, Michael
39OsmundaOsmu#O'Connell, Michael
40BotrychiumBot#O'Connell, Michael
41Diphasiastrum-typeDiph-T#O'Connell, Michael
42Huperzia selagoHup.s#O'Connell, Michael
43SelaginellaSel#O'Connell, Michael
44PoaceaePoac#O'Connell, Michael
45Plantago lanceolataPla.l#O'Connell, Michael
46Plantago maritimaPla.m#O'Connell, Michael
47FilipendulaFlp#O'Connell, Michael
48Apiaceae-typeApiaceae-T#O'Connell, MichaelApiaceae-type II
49SuccisaSuc#O'Connell, Michael
50LigulifloraeLigae#O'Connell, Michael
51Bidens-typeBid-T#O'Connell, Michael
52Anthemis-typeAnt-T#O'Connell, Michael
53Cirsium-typeCir-T#O'Connell, Michael
54Centaurea nigraCen.n#O'Connell, Michael
55Serratula-typeSer-T#O'Connell, Michael
56Xanthium-typeXan-T#O'Connell, Michael
57Cerastium-typeCer-T#O'Connell, Michael
58Lychnis-typeLyc-T#O'Connell, Michael
59Lotus-typeLot-T#O'Connell, Michael
60Trifolium-typeTri-T#O'Connell, Michael
61Rumex acetosa-typeRum.a-T#O'Connell, Michael
62Rumex-typeRum-T#O'Connell, MichaelDOCK
63Saxifraga granulata-typeSax.g-T#O'Connell, Michael
64Saxifraga hirsuta-typeSxi.h-T#O'Connell, Michael
65Saxifraga oppositifolia-typeSax.o-T#O'Connell, Michael
66Saxifraga stellaris-typeSax.s-T#O'Connell, Michael
67EpilobiumEpl#O'Connell, Michael
68Gentianella-typeGtl-T#O'Connell, Michael
69ThalictrumTha#O'Connell, Michael
70GeraniumGer#O'Connell, Michael
71HelianthemumHel#O'Connell, Michael
72HypericumHyp#O'Connell, Michael
73Anemone-typeAne-T#O'Connell, Michael
74JasioneJas#O'Connell, Michael
75Armeria-typeArm-T#O'Connell, MichaelArmeria-type, A-line
76Lysimachia vulgaris-typeLys.v-T#O'Connell, Michael
77MelampyrumMel#O'Connell, Michael
78Ranunculus-typeRan-T#O'Connell, Michael
79RosaceaeRosae#O'Connell, Michaelp.p.
80RubiaceaeRubae#O'Connell, Michael
81UrticaUrt#O'Connell, MichaelNETTLE
82Cereal-typeCereal-T#O'Connell, Michael
83SecaleSec#O'Connell, Michael
84ChenopodiaceaeCheae#O'Connell, Michael
85ArtemisiaArt#O'Connell, MichaelMUGWORT
86Plantago major/mediaPla.m/m#O'Connell, Michael
87SpergulaSpe#O'Connell, Michael
88Sinapis-typeSin-T#O'Connell, Michael
89CyperaceaeCypae#O'Connell, Michaelp.p.
90CladiumCla#O'Connell, MichaelSAW SEDGE
91CallunaCal#O'Connell, MichaelLING
92Erica cinereaEri.c#O'Connell, Michael
93Erica tetralixEri.t#O'Connell, Michael
94Vaccinium-typeVac-T#O'Connell, Michael
95EmpetrumEmp#O'Connell, Michael
96MyricaMyr#O'Connell, MichaelBOG MYRTLE
97NartheciumNat#O'Connell, Michael
98Lythrum salicariaLyt.s#O'Connell, Michaellongisty.
99Potentilla-typePti-T#O'Connell, Michael
100Anagallis tenella-typeAna.t-T#O'Connell, Michael
101Stachys-typeSta-T#O'Connell, Michael
102PolygalaPga#O'Connell, Michael
103PedicularisPed#O'Connell, Michael
104LittorellaLtt#O'Connell, Michael
105PotamogetonPot#O'Connell, Michaelsect. Eupot.
106Iris pseudacorus-typeIri.p-T#O'Connell, Michael
107EriocaulonErc#O'Connell, Michael
108Digitalis/Lobelia-typeDig/Lob-T#O'Connell, Michael
109NupharNup#O'Connell, Michael
110NymphaeaNym#O'Connell, Michael
111MyriophyllumMyo#O'Connell, Michael
112Typha latifolia-typeTyp.l-T#O'Connell, Michael
113SparganiumSpa#O'Connell, Michaelerect.-type
114Isoetes lacustrisIso.l#O'Connell, Michael
115Isoetes echinosporaIso.e#O'Connell, Michael
116SphagnumSph#O'Connell, Michael
117Pollen, corrodedPollen corroded#O'Connell, Michael
118PediastrumPdi#O'Connell, Michael
119BotryococcusBot#O'Connell, MichaelHdV-766: Botryococcus
120CharcoalCharcoal#O'Connell, Michael>37 µm
121LycopodiumLyc#O'Connell, Michaeladded
122Lycopodium (added)Lyc(ad)#O'Connell, Michael
123Sample volumeSamp volcm3O'Connell, Michael
124Number of speciesSpec No#O'Connell, Michael
9175 data points

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