Gkinis, Vasileios; Vinther, Bo Møllesøe; Morris, Valerie; Holme, Christian T; Vaughn, Bruce H; Hughes, Abigail G; White, James W C; Kjær, Helle Astrid; Maffezzoli, Niccolò; Simonsen, Marius Folden; Vallelonga, Paul T; Svensson, Anders M (2020): Water Isotope Ratios (O18/O16) from the Renland ice core covering 0-8ka b2k [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.919453
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Published: 2020-06-26 • DOI registered: 2020-06-26
RECAP ice core d18O data from CFA measurements averaged in 5mm depth intervals.
Supplement to:
Hughes, Abigail G; Jones, Tyler R; Vinther, Bo Møllesøe; Gkinis, Vasileios; Stevens, Christopher Max; Morris, Valerie; Vaughn, Bruce H; Holme, Christian T; Markle, Bradley R; White, James W C (2020): High-frequency climate variability in the Holocene from a coastal-dome ice core in east-central Greenland. Climate of the Past, 16(4), 1369-1386, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-16-1369-2020
Further details:
Fahlman, G G; Ulrych, T J (1982): A new method for estimating the power spectrum of gapped data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 199(1), 53-65, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/199.1.53
Simonsen, Marius Folden; Baccolo, Giovanni; Blunier, Thomas; Borunda, Alejandra; Delmonte, Barbara; Frei, Robert; Goldstein, Steven L; Grinsted, Aslak; Kjær, Helle Astrid; Sowers, Todd A; Svensson, Anders M; Vinther, Bo Møllesøe; Vladimirova, Diana; Winckler, Gisela; Winstrup, Mai; Vallelonga, Paul T (2019): East Greenland ice core dust record reveals timing of Greenland ice sheet advance and retreat. Nature Communications, 10(1), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12546-2
Latitude: 71.303667 * Longitude: -26.713111
Minimum DEPTH, ice/snow: 5.0025 m * Maximum DEPTH, ice/snow: 520.5275 m
Technical note on the MEM gap-filling methodology:
The MEM infilled data have been generated using the Fahlmann and Ulrych (1982) MEM #interpolation scheme. The MEM infilling is carried out iteratively by first filling out the smallest gap in the #data, and then use progressively larger and larger data sections (connected by small infilled gaps) to infill larger and larger gaps in the data series. The AR order of the MEM infilling routine is adaptive (as it is limited by the length of the data sections without gaps used to calculate the AR coefficients), but the AR order #has nevertheless been capped at a maximum of
500 irrespective of data availability.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, ice/snow | Depth ice/snow | m | Gkinis, Vasileios | Geocode – Centre depth of each interval | |
2 | Age | Age | ka b2k | Gkinis, Vasileios | based on linear interpolation on the Simonasen et al 2019 age scale | |
3 | δ18O, water | δ18O H2O | ‰ SMOW | Gkinis, Vasileios | Measured and calibrated on the SMOW/SLAP scale | |
4 | δ18O, water | δ18O H2O | ‰ SMOW | Gkinis, Vasileios | Maximum Entropy Method gap-filled d18 |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
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