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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Strauss, Jens; Laboor, Sebastian; Schirrmeister, Lutz; Grosse, Guido; Fortier, Daniel; Hugelius, Gustaf; Knoblauch, Christian; Romanovsky, Vladimir E; Schädel, Christina; Schneider von Deimling, Thomas; Schuur, Edward A G; Shmelev, Denis; Ulrich, Mathias; Veremeeva, Alexandra (2020): Geochemical, lithological, and geochronological characteristics of sediment samples from Yedoma and thermokarst deposit sites in Siberia and Alaska 1998-2016 [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute - Research Unit Potsdam, PANGAEA,, In: Strauss, J et al. (2020): Geochemical, lithological, and geochronological characteristics of sediment samples from Yedoma and thermokarst deposits in Siberia and Alaska 1998-2016 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2020-06-15DOI registered: 2020-07-22

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climate feedbacks; Greenhouse gas source; Late Pleistocene; Permafrost; thermokarst; Yedoma
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant/award no. 338335: Rapid Permafrost Thaw in a Warming Arctic and Impacts on the Soil Organic Carbon Pool
Median Latitude: 71.124106 * Median Longitude: 161.724688 * South-bound Latitude: 65.068700 * West-bound Longitude: 117.182400 * North-bound Latitude: 76.172700 * East-bound Longitude: -144.898892
PETA-CARB_ID1 * Latitude: 73.607500 * Longitude: 117.182400 * Location: Western Laptev Sea * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
PETA-CARB_ID2 * Latitude: 72.881400 * Longitude: 123.216400 * Location: Lena Delta * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
PETA-CARB_ID3 * Latitude: 72.951000 * Longitude: 124.222000 * Location: Lena Delta * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventStrauss, Jens
2IdentificationIDStrauss, Jens
3SiteSiteStrauss, Jens
4Area/localityAreaStrauss, JensMain region
5LATITUDELatitudeStrauss, JensGeocode
6LONGITUDELongitudeStrauss, JensGeocode
7Sample amountN#Strauss, JensYedoma samples
8Sample amountN#Strauss, Jensthermokarst samples
9Layer thicknessThicknessmStrauss, JensYedoma
10CoverageCov%Strauss, Jensdegradation affected area
11CoverageCov%Strauss, Jensunaffected Yedoma uplands
12Density, bulk, permafrostBD permag/cm3Strauss, JensYedoma
13Layer thicknessThicknessmStrauss, Jensthermokarst deposits
14Density, bulk, permafrostBD permag/cm3Strauss, Jensthermokarst
193 data points

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