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Kimaro, Jerome; Huwe, Bernd; Bogner, Christina (2020): Chemical soil properties in agroecosystem around Mt. Kilimanjaro [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Kimaro, J et al. (2020): Soil analysis and chanal discargeon of Mt. Kilimanjaro [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2020-06-11DOI registered: 2020-07-21

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We assessed variation of soil chemical parameters from a total of 24 villages. Sampling plots were established across the three major agro-ecological zones, the lower, mid and upper elevation zone and between maize and agroforestry. 30cm deep pit was dug, 0.5 kg of homogenous disturbed sample was extracted and stored in labeled plastic bags. In laboratory, standard protocols were used to determine the following data; Total N, Total C and Total P, Mg, Mn, Al, Fe, Na, Ca, pH, CECeff, CECaa and CECbsat.
elevation zone; farming system; Micro-nutrients; primary nutrients; soluble base
Related to:
Kimaro, Jerome; Scharsich, Valeska; Kolb, Andreas; Huwe, Bernd; Bogner, Christina (accepted): Distribution of Traditional Irrigation Canals and Their Discharge Dynamics at the Southern Slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7,
Further details:
Hemp, Andreas: Detailed position of KiLi research plots [dataset]. PANGAEA,
König, Nils (2005): Handbuch Forstliche Analytik - eine Loseblatt-Sammlung der Analysemethoden im Forstbereich. Gutachterausschuss Forstliche Analytik (Hrsg.)
Sparks, Donald L; Page, A L; Helmke, Phillip A; Loeppert, Richard H; Soltanpour, P N; Tabatabai, M A; Johnston, C T; Sumner, M E (accepted): Methods of Soil Analysis. SSSA Book Series, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI, USA,
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 107847609: Kilimanjaro Research Group
Median Latitude: -3.294894 * Median Longitude: 37.405842 * South-bound Latitude: -3.378400 * West-bound Longitude: 37.229900 * North-bound Latitude: -3.186200 * East-bound Longitude: 37.576300
Foo_Agroforestry_2 * Latitude: -3.186200 * Longitude: 37.245400 * Location: Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Kikarara_Maize_2 * Latitude: -3.333100 * Longitude: 37.386000 * Location: Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Kilanya_Maize_2 * Latitude: -3.189500 * Longitude: 37.267200 * Location: Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventKimaro, Jerome
2LocationLocationKimaro, JeromeVillage
3Agroecological zoneAgroeco zoneKimaro, JeromeOf the measurement site
4Farming systemFarming systemKimaro, JeromeTraditional food cropping system
5LATITUDELatitudeKimaro, JeromeGarmin GPSMAP 64s (GPS)Geocode
6LONGITUDELongitudeKimaro, JeromeGarmin GPSMAP 64s (GPS)Geocode
7ReplicateReplKimaro, Jerome
8Nitrogen, totalTN%Kimaro, JeromeAnalytical soil methods after Sparks et al., 1996
9PhosphorusPmg/kgKimaro, JeromeCalcium-Acetate-Lactate (CAL) extraction (van Laak et al., 2018)
10Carbon, totalTC%Kimaro, JeromeAnalytical soil methods after Sparks et al., 1996
11AluminiumAlmg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)First replicate of soil measurement
12AluminiumAlmg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)Second replicate of soil measurement
13CalciumCamg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)First replicate of soil measurement
14CalciumCamg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)Second replicate of soil measurement
15PotassiumKmg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)First replicate of soil measurement
16PotassiumKmg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)Second replicate of soil measurement
17MagnesiumMg2+mg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)First replicate of soil measurement
18MagnesiumMg2+mg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)Second replicate of soil measurement
19ManganeseMnmg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)First replicate of soil measurement
20ManganeseMnmg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)Second replicate of soil measurement
21SodiumNamg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)First replicate of soil measurement
22SodiumNamg/kgKimaro, JeromeICP-OES (König, 2005)Second replicate of soil measurement
23pHpHKimaro, JeromepH meter in ammonium chloride solutionFirst replicate of measuring soil pH in percolation solution of CEC [mmolc/g]
24pHpHKimaro, JeromepH meter in ammonium chloride solutionSecond replicate of measuring soil pH in percolation solution of CEC [mmolc/g]
25Effective cation exchange capacityECECmmol/gKimaro, JeromeAnalytical soil methods after Sparks et al., 1996First replicate of soil measurement
26Effective cation exchange capacityECECmmol/gKimaro, JeromeAnalytical soil methods after Sparks et al., 1996Second replicate of soil measurement
27Soil exchangeable aciditySoil exchange aciditymmol/gKimaro, JeromeAnalytical soil methods after Sparks et al., 1996First replicate of soil measurement
28Soil exchangeable aciditySoil exchange aciditymmol/gKimaro, JeromeAnalytical soil methods after Sparks et al., 1996Second replicate of soil measurement
29Soil base saturation ratioSoil base satKimaro, JeromeAnalytical soil methods after Sparks et al., 1996First replicate of soil measurement
30Soil base saturation ratioSoil base satKimaro, JeromeAnalytical soil methods after Sparks et al., 1996Second replicate of soil measurement
1610 data points

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