Kimaro, Jerome; Huwe, Bernd; Bogner, Christina (2020): Supply and discharge dynamics of traditional irrigation canals around Mt. Kilimanjaro [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Kimaro, J et al. (2020): Soil analysis and chanal discargeon of Mt. Kilimanjaro [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
The discharge of canals was measured at 11 locations along an altitudinal gradient on the southern slopes of Mt.Kilimanjaro. Selected canals were mapped to understanding their distribution, physical characteristics, and potential risks that limits their optimal discharge. Terrain attributes were derived from the Advanced Space borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and soil physical and hydraulic conductivity were measured to understand permeability and stability of the soil.
Related to:
Kimaro, Jerome; Scharsich, Valeska; Kolb, Andreas; Huwe, Bernd; Bogner, Christina (accepted): Distribution of Traditional Irrigation Canals and Their Discharge Dynamics at the Southern Slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7,
Further details:
Hemp, Andreas: Detailed position of KiLi research plots [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Kilimanjaro Research Group (KiLi)
Median Latitude: -3.292858 * Median Longitude: 37.412012 * South-bound Latitude: -3.378403 * West-bound Longitude: 37.264989 * North-bound Latitude: -3.196605 * East-bound Longitude: 37.539127
Date/Time Start: 2015-06-01T20:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-02-29T20:16:00
Minimum ELEVATION: 951 m a.s.l. * Maximum ELEVATION: 1882 m a.s.l.
Kifuni_Canal_Dischage_1 * Latitude: -3.196605 * Longitude: 37.272433 * Location: Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | Kimaro, Jerome | |||
2 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Kimaro, Jerome | Geocode – Of observation | ||
3 | Location | Location | Kimaro, Jerome | Village | ||
4 | Agroecological zone | Agroeco zone | Kimaro, Jerome | Of the measurement site | ||
5 | LATITUDE | Latitude | Kimaro, Jerome | Garmin GPSMAP 64s (GPS) | Geocode | |
6 | LONGITUDE | Longitude | Kimaro, Jerome | Garmin GPSMAP 64s (GPS) | Geocode | |
7 | ELEVATION | Elevation | m a.s.l. | Kimaro, Jerome | Garmin GPSMAP 64s (GPS) | Geocode |
8 | Water table level | Water table level | cm | Kimaro, Jerome | Ruler stick (RULER) | Water level measured by weir during morning |
9 | Discharge | Q | l/s | Kimaro, Jerome | 60 degree v-notch weir | Canal discharge during morning |
10 | Observation | Obs | Kimaro, Jerome | Farmers observations about canal fluctuation during morning time | ||
11 | Code | Code | Kimaro, Jerome | Farmers' responses in the morning (1 = NRM, 2 = IS, 3 = RM, 4 = OT, 5= DC, 6 = UC ) | ||
12 | Water table level | Water table level | cm | Kimaro, Jerome | Ruler stick (RULER) | Water level measured by weir during afternoon |
13 | Discharge | Q | l/s | Kimaro, Jerome | 60 degree v-notch weir | Canal discharge during afternoon |
14 | Observation | Obs | Kimaro, Jerome | Farmers observations about canal fluctuation during afternoon time | ||
15 | Code | Code | Kimaro, Jerome | Farmers' responses in the afternoon (1 = NRM, 2 = IS, 3 = RM, 4 = OT, 5= DC, 6 = UC ) | ||
16 | Water table level | Water table level | cm | Kimaro, Jerome | Ruler stick (RULER) | Water level measured by weir during evening |
17 | Discharge | Q | l/s | Kimaro, Jerome | 60 degree v-notch weir | Canal discharge during evening |
18 | Observation | Obs | Kimaro, Jerome | Farmers observations about canal fluctuation during evening time | ||
19 | Code | Code | Kimaro, Jerome | Farmers' responses in the evening (1 = NRM, 2 = IS, 3 = RM, 4 = OT, 5= DC, 6 = UC) |
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