Zweifel, Roman; Etzold, Sophia; Haeni, Matthias; Feichtinger, Linda; Meusburger, Katrin; Knuesel, Simon; von Arx, Georg; Hug, Christian; De Girardi, Nicolas; Giuggiola, Arnaud (2020): Dendrometer, sap flow, meteorology and soil volumetric water content measurements during a long‐term irrigation experiment in a Scots pine forest at Pfynwald, Swiss Rhone valley (2011-2017) [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,
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Within the setup of a long‐term irrigation experiment in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest at Pfynwald in the inner-Alpine Swiss Rhone valley, ecophysiological data were recorded from permanently irrigated trees, from trees cut off the irrigation after 11 years, and non-treated control trees. The data sets include continuous stem radius changes (automated point dendrometer at breast height), tree stem sap flow (Granier-type sap flow sensors at breast height), air temperature and humidity, vapour pressure deficit, net solar radiation, precipitation (tipping bucket), and volumetric soil water content (TDR and HS-sensors). The meteorological data were measured 2 m above the canopy in about 13 m height on top of a scaffold. The soil water sensors covered soil depth of up to 80 cm. Data resolution is 1 hour or higher and covers the years 2011-2017.
Data as used and published in Zweifel, et al. (2020), Determinants of legacy effects in pine trees ‐ implications from an irrigation‐stop experiment. New Phytol. doi:10.1111/nph.16582
Supplement to:
Zweifel, Roman; Etzold, Sophia; Sterck, Frank J; Gessler, Arthur; Anfodillo, Tommaso; Mencuccini, Maurizio; von Arx, Georg; Lazzarin, Martina; Haeni, Matthias; Feichtinger, Linda; Meusburger, Katrin; Knuesel, Simon; Walthert, Lorenz; Salmon, Yann; Bose, Arun K; Schoenbeck, Leonie; Hug, Christian; De Girardi, Nicolas; Giuggiola, Arnaud; Schaub, Marcus; Rigling, Andreas (2020): Determinants of legacy effects in pine trees – implications from an irrigation‐stop experiment. New Phytologist,
Latitude: 46.300000 * Longitude: 7.600000
Date/Time Start: 2011-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-12-31T23:50:00
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
4 datasets
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Datasets listed in this bundled publication
- Zweifel, R; Etzold, S; Haeni, M et al. (2020): Dendrometer measurements during a long‐term irrigation experiment in a Scots pine forest at Pfynwald, Swiss Rhone valley (2011-2017).
- Zweifel, R; Etzold, S; Haeni, M et al. (2020): Meteorological observations during a long‐term irrigation experiment in a Scots pine forest at Pfynwald, Swiss Rhone valley (2011-2017).
- Zweifel, R; Etzold, S; Haeni, M et al. (2020): Sapflow measurements during a long‐term irrigation experiment in a Scots pine forest at Pfynwald, Swiss Rhone valley (2011-2017).
- Zweifel, R; Etzold, S; Haeni, M et al. (2020): Measurements of volumetric water content in soil during a long‐term irrigation experiment in a Scots pine forest at Pfynwald, Swiss Rhone valley (2011-2017).