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Nitze, Ingmar; Fuchs, Matthias; Strauss, Jens; Günther, Frank; Wetterich, Sebastian; Kizyakov, Alexander; Fritz, Michael; Opel, Thomas; Grigoriev, Mikhail N; Maksimov, Georgii T; Laboor, Sebastian; Grosse, Guido (2020): Erosion rates along Sobo-Sise Cliff 1965-2018 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Nitze, I et al. (2020): Erosion rates of the Sobo-Sise yedoma permafrost cliff in the Lena River Delta derived from remote sensing imagery [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2020-06-08DOI registered: 2020-09-23

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Permafrost thaw and ice wedge degradation lead to drastic landscape changes in the permafrost region. With this data set we investigated the cliff retreat of the Sobo-Sise Cliff (SSC), a high ice-bearing yedoma cliff in the Lena River Delta. The 1,660 m long cliff SSC extends from 72°32'34 N / 128°15'59 E to 72°32'06 N / 128°18'21 E and is located on the Sardakhskaya channel, which is one of the main Lena river branches in the Lena River Delta. Erosion rates for the SSC were determined based on satellite images from different sensors (Corona, Hexagon, Landsat, Planet cube-sat) for the period 1965-2018. Cliff front lines were manually digitized and erosion rates were calculated with the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) tool (Himmelstoos et al. 2018). The study Fuchs et al. (2020) (DOI:10.3389/feart.2020.00336) shows that the up to 27.7 m high SSC erodes in average 15.7 m yr-1 (2015-2018). During the entire observed time period from 1965-2018, the SSC retreated in average 484 m (ranging from 322 - 680 m).
This dataset includes the mean annual erosion rates of the yedoma SSC for the time periods 1965-1975, 1975-2000, 2000-2005, 2005-2010, 2010-2015, and 2015-2018, as well as the absolute cliff retreat rates over the entire period 1965-2018, which are derived from remote sensing imagery analyzed with the DSAS tool (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.918505).
Related trend data for this region, based on Landsat trend analysis are available at doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.884136 (Nitze, 2018).
cliff erosion; digital shoreline analysis system; erosion rates; Lena Delta; Permafrost; remote sensing; river delta; Time series
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Fuchs, Matthias; Nitze, Ingmar; Strauss, Jens; Günther, Frank; Wetterich, Sebastian; Kizyakov, Alexander; Fritz, Michael; Opel, Thomas; Grigoriev, Mikhail N; Maksimov, Georgii T; Grosse, Guido (2020): Rapid Fluvio-Thermal Erosion of a Yedoma Permafrost Cliff in the Lena River Delta. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 336,
Himmelstoss, Emily A; Henderson, Rachel E; Kratzmann, Meredith G; Farris, Amy S (2018): Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) Version 5.0 User Guide. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 2018-1179, 110 pp,
Nitze, Ingmar (2018): Trends of land surface change from Landsat time-series 1999-2014, Transect T2, Eastern Siberia [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant/award no. 03F0764B: Verbundprojekt: WTZ Russland - KoPf; Kohlenstoffumsatz und Treibhausgasfreisetzung aus tauendem Permafrost Nordostsibiriens unter sich ändernden Umwelt- und Klimabedingungen
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant/award no. 03F0806A: WTZ Großbritannien: CACOON - Veränderung des arktischen Kohlenstoffkreislaufs im küstennahen Ozean
Horizon 2020 (H2020), grant/award no. 773421: NUNATARYUK, Permafrost thaw and the changing Arctic coast, science for socioeconomic adaptation
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), grant/award no. NE/R012806/1: Changing Arctic Carbon cycle in the cOastal Ocean Near-shore
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant/award no. 338335: Rapid Permafrost Thaw in a Warming Arctic and Impacts on the Soil Organic Carbon Pool
Median Latitude: 72.538889 * Median Longitude: 128.286111 * South-bound Latitude: 72.535000 * West-bound Longitude: 128.266389 * North-bound Latitude: 72.542778 * East-bound Longitude: 128.305833
Sobo-Sise_Cliff (SSC) * Latitude Start: 72.542778 * Longitude Start: 128.266389 * Latitude End: 72.535000 * Longitude End: 128.305833 * Location: Lena Delta, Siberia, Russia * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT) * Comment: 1,660 m long, high ice-bearing yedoma cliff
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1ORDINAL NUMBEROrd NoNitze, IngmarGeocode – Segment
2POINT DISTANCE from startDistmNitze, IngmarGeocode – The distance of the centerline for each segment from the point of origin
3AzimuthAzimdegNitze, IngmarOrientation of the segment
4Coastal retreat rateCRRm/aNitze, Ingmarderived from remote sensing data1965-1975; Mean annual erosion rate
5Coastal retreat rateCRRm/aNitze, Ingmarderived from remote sensing data1975-2000; Mean annual erosion rate
6Coastal retreat rateCRRm/aNitze, Ingmarderived from remote sensing data2000-2005; Mean annual erosion rate
7Coastal retreat rateCRRm/aNitze, Ingmarderived from remote sensing data2005-2010; Mean annual erosion rate
8Coastal retreat rateCRRm/aNitze, Ingmarderived from remote sensing data2010-2015; Mean annual erosion rate
9Coastal retreat rateCRRm/aNitze, Ingmarderived from remote sensing data2015-2018; Mean annual erosion rate
10Coastal retreatCRmNitze, Ingmarderived from remote sensing data1965-2018; Absolute retreat for the entire observation period
256 data points

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