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Zeeden, Christian; Hambach, Ulrich (2020): Paleomagnegtic and AMS data from Poiana Ciresului, Romania [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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A palaeomagnetic study of 160 discrete samples from an archaeological excavation near Piatra Neamt (Romania) gave the opportunity to establish the palaeomagnetic signal from this sequence. We correlated the relative palaeointensity record obtained from the Poiana Cireşului site to reference data, discuss our correlation and the possibility of indirect dating of (archaeology bearing) loess by the way of palaeomagnetic intensity signal comparison. Within the palaeomagnetic record we find seveal low intensity intervald, possibly related to geomagnetic excursions.
anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS); loess. Romania; paleomagnetism
Supplement to:
Zeeden, Christian; Hambach, Ulrich; Steguweit, Leif; Anghelinu, Mircea (2011): Loess stratigraphy using palaeomagnetism: Application to the Poiana Cireşului archaeological site (Romania). Quaternary International, 240(1-2), 100-107,
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Cârciumaru, Marin; Niţu, Elena-Cristina; Goutas, Nejma; Otte, Marcel; Cîrstina, Ovidiu; Sava, Tiberiu; Straticiuc, Mihai; Manea, Maria-Mihaela; Lupu, Florin Ionuţ; Leu, Marian; Nicolae, Adrian; Neagu, Theodor (2018): Parures et objets d'art du Gravettien récent de Poiana Cireșului-Piatra Neamț (Roumanie). Anthropologie, 122(2), 220-260,
Niţu, Elena-Cristina; Cârciumaru, Marin; Cârstina, O; Nicolae, Adrian; Lupu, Florin Ionuţ; Leu, Marian; Văleanu, M C; Preoteasa, C; Goutas, Nejma; Lacarrière, J (2018): Poiana Cireșului, oraș Piatra Neamț, jud. Neamț. Cronica cercetărilor arheologice din România, campania 2018. Institutul Național al Patrimoniului/Muzeul Național Brukenthal, București/Sibiu, 154-157
Zeeden, Christian; Hambach, Ulrich; Steguweit, Leif; Fülling, Alexander; Anghelinu, Mircea; Zöller, Ludwig (2009): Using the relative intensity variation of the Earth's magnetic palaeofield as correlative dating technique: A case study from loess with Upper Palaeolithic cultural layers at Poiana Cireşului, Romania. Quartär, 56, 175-185,
Latitude: 46.916670 * Longitude: 26.316670
Poiana_Ciresului * Latitude: 46.916670 * Longitude: 26.316670 * Location: Romania * Method/Device: Outcrop sample (OUTCROP)
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Datasets listed in this bundled publication

  1. Zeeden, C; Hambach, U (2020): AMS data from Poiana Ciresului/Romania.
  2. Zeeden, C; Hambach, U (2020): Temperature dependent magnetic data from Poiana Ciresului/Romania.
  3. Zeeden, C; Hambach, U (2020): Paleomagnetic of Poiana Ciresului/Romania.