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O'Connell, Michael; Molloy, Karen; Jennings, Eneda (2020): Age determination of profile CF-IB [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: O'Connell, M et al. (2020): Pollen analytical and bog-pine investigations relating to Céide Fields and Garrynagran, Co. Mayo, Ireland [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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The short monolith (19 cm of peat and 10 cm of the mineral soil beneath), CF Ib, was taken at 40 m NW of the Visitor Centre (VC), immediately to the north of a transverse stone-wall. Mineral soil from nearby that was sealed by the stone wall also sampled (CF III: 10 cm long monolith).
Pollen profile CF I (this has elsewhere been referred to as CF Ib) includes six spectra from the mineral soil and twelve spectra from the overlying peat. Profile CF III consists of six spectra.
Four samples from the soil within a plough mark and two samples from the containing soil were pollen analytically investigated.
The age/depth model for profile CF I consists of a linear regression line fitted to the three available 14C dates. As regards, profile CF III it is older than the basal peat in CF Ib, i.e. ca. 1000 BC. The pollen data support ascribing it to the Bronze Age.
A bulk sample from the plough mark returned the 14C date 2390±40 BP. This suggests a fifth century BC date, i.e. early/mid Iron Age.
LOI and tephra investigations were not carried out.
These investigations relating to Céide Fields were carried out in PRU, NUIG, part-funded by The Heritage Council (of Ireland). The aim was to provide an environmental context for the establishment and use of the prehistoric stone-wall field system, and an overall chronological framework and an environmental history of the area.
bog-pine; Bronze Age; Co. Mayo; farming history; Holocene; Ireland; Iron Age; Neolithic; pollen analysis; woodland history
Related to:
Molloy, Karen; O'Connell, Michael (1995): Palaeoecological investigations towards the reconstruction of environment and land-use changes during prehistory at Céide Fields, western Ireland. Probleme der Küstenforschung im südlichen Nordseegebiet, 23, 187-225
O'Connell, Michael; Molloy, Karen (2001): Farming and woodland dynamics in Ireland during the Neolithic. Biology and Environment-Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 101, 99-128
O'Connell, Michael; Molloy, Karen; Jennings, Eneda (2020): Long-term human impact and environmental change in mid-western Ireland, with particular reference to Céide Fields - an overview. E&G - Quaternary Science Journal, 69(1), 1-32,
Median Latitude: 54.306695 * Median Longitude: -9.463030 * South-bound Latitude: 54.306240 * West-bound Longitude: -9.468490 * North-bound Latitude: 54.307150 * East-bound Longitude: -9.457570
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: -0.075 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: -0.005 m
CF-IB  * Latitude: 54.306240 * Longitude: -9.468490 * Elevation: 128.0 m * Method/Device: Monolith boxes (MONOB)
PLM  * Latitude: 54.307150 * Longitude: -9.457570 * Elevation: 125.0 m * Method/Device: Monolith boxes (MONOB)
26 data points


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δ13C Corg [‰ PDB]
CF-IB GrN-20632CF I-2-0.070-0.080-0.0752.2500.050-28.9
CF-IBGrN-21116CF I-3-0.010-0.020-0.0152.8700.040-29.3
CF-IBGrN-20631CF I-10.000-0.010-0.0052.7600.040-28.2
PLM GrN-20032BHY (6), Plough fill (PLM)2.3900.040-29.4