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IODP Expedition 381 Scientists (2020): Description of lithologic section units of IODP Hole 381-M0079A [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2020-05-05DOI registered: 2020-06-03

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Related to:
McNeill, Lisa C; Shillington, Donna J; Carter, Gareth; IODP Expedition 381 Scientists (2019): Corinth Active Rift Development. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 381: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program),
Further details:
Latitude: 38.158400 * Longitude: 22.695400
Date/Time Start: 2017-11-14T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-11-29T00:00:00
381-M0079A (COR-01A) * Latitude: 38.158400 * Longitude: 22.695400 * Date/Time Start: 2017-11-14T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-11-29T00:00:00 * IGSN: IBCR0381EHB0001 * Location: Gulf of Corinth * Campaign: Exp381 * Basis: Fugro Synergy * Method/Device: Core (CORE)
Drilling deformation intensity: 0 = undisturbed, 1 = slight, 2 = moderate, 3 = high, 4 = severe.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample code/labelSample labelIODP Expedition 381 Scientists
2Depth, compositeDepth compmcdIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsTop Depth
3Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionClass
4Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionType
5Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionDescription part 1
6Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionDescription part 2
7Bedding/bandingBedding/bandingIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual description
8Main LithologyMain lithIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionPrefix
9Main LithologyMain lithIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual description
10Main LithologyMain lithIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionSuffix
11CommentCommentIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual description
12StructureStructureIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionSediment structure
13BioturbationBioturbationIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionIntensity
14Color code HLS-systemColor HLSIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsMunsell Color System (1994)
15File nameFile nameIODP Expedition 381 Scientists
16IdentificationIDIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsUnit ID
17Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionTectonic Structures
18Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionGeometry/Fill
19Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionFossils
20Core disturbanceDisturbanceIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual description
21Grain size descriptionGrain size descrIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual description
22LithoclastsLithoclastsIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionSorting
23LithoclastsLithoclastsIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionRounding
24SandSand%IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual description
25GravelGravel%IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual description
26AccessoriesAcceIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual description
27Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionFacies
28IntensityIntensityIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual descriptionDrilling deformation intensity
10293 data points

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