IODP Expedition 381 Scientists (2020): Output velocity profile from core-log-seismic integration (CLSI) of IODP Site 381-M0078 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Related to:
McNeill, Lisa C; Shillington, Donna J; Carter, Gareth; IODP Expedition 381 Scientists (2019): Corinth Active Rift Development. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 381: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program),
Further details:
Latitude: 38.144900 * Longitude: 22.758400
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.5 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 795.5 m
381-M0078 * Latitude: 38.144900 * Longitude: 22.758400 * Location: Gulf of Corinth * Campaign: Exp381 * Basis: Fugro Synergy
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | IODP Expedition 381 Scientists | Geocode – mbsf | |
2 | Velocity, compressional wave | Vp | m/s | IODP Expedition 381 Scientists | Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL), GEOTEK |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
160 data points
1 Depth sed [m] | 2 Vp [m/s] |
0.5 | 1578.14 |
5.5 | 1581.35 |
10.5 | 1581.38 |
15.5 | 1581.38 |
20.5 | 1607.69 |
25.5 | 1654.04 |
30.5 | 1654.00 |
35.5 | 1654.00 |
40.5 | 1654.04 |
45.5 | 1654.00 |
50.5 | 1654.00 |
55.5 | 1654.04 |
60.5 | 1654.00 |
65.5 | 1654.00 |
70.5 | 1654.04 |
75.5 | 1671.24 |
80.5 | 1745.63 |
85.5 | 1745.66 |
90.5 | 1745.63 |
95.5 | 1745.63 |
100.5 | 1745.63 |
105.5 | 1736.95 |
110.5 | 1701.65 |
115.5 | 1701.65 |
120.5 | 1706.11 |
125.5 | 1788.43 |
130.5 | 1788.43 |
135.5 | 1788.46 |
140.5 | 1788.43 |
145.5 | 1788.43 |
150.5 | 1788.43 |
155.5 | 1788.46 |
160.5 | 1788.43 |
165.5 | 1788.43 |
170.5 | 1788.43 |
175.5 | 1788.46 |
180.5 | 1789.19 |
185.5 | 1866.46 |
190.5 | 1866.50 |
195.5 | 1866.46 |
200.5 | 1866.50 |
205.5 | 1866.46 |
210.5 | 1866.50 |
215.5 | 1771.28 |
220.5 | 1763.31 |
225.5 | 1782.27 |
230.5 | 1782.27 |
235.5 | 1782.27 |
240.5 | 1782.27 |
245.5 | 1789.80 |
250.5 | 1818.12 |
255.5 | 1818.16 |
260.5 | 1873.54 |
265.5 | 2074.39 |
270.5 | 2084.07 |
275.5 | 2111.51 |
280.5 | 2111.51 |
285.5 | 2111.51 |
290.5 | 2111.51 |
295.5 | 2137.50 |
300.5 | 2151.92 |
305.5 | 2174.96 |
310.5 | 2174.96 |
315.5 | 2174.96 |
320.5 | 2174.96 |
325.5 | 2205.67 |
330.5 | 2205.85 |
335.5 | 2221.56 |
340.5 | 2231.78 |
345.5 | 2231.78 |
350.5 | 2217.27 |
355.5 | 1917.12 |
360.5 | 1915.23 |
365.5 | 1915.28 |
370.5 | 1915.23 |
375.5 | 1915.23 |
380.5 | 1915.28 |
385.5 | 1915.23 |
390.5 | 1915.23 |
395.5 | 1915.23 |
400.5 | 1993.36 |
405.5 | 2135.09 |
410.5 | 2135.09 |
415.5 | 2135.03 |
420.5 | 2135.09 |
425.5 | 2135.15 |
430.5 | 2135.03 |
435.5 | 2296.63 |
440.5 | 2529.82 |
445.5 | 2529.89 |
450.5 | 2529.89 |
455.5 | 2529.89 |
460.5 | 2529.89 |
465.5 | 2529.82 |
470.5 | 2529.89 |
475.5 | 2529.89 |
480.5 | 2529.89 |
485.5 | 2529.89 |
490.5 | 2529.82 |
495.5 | 2529.89 |
500.5 | 2529.89 |
505.5 | 2529.89 |
510.5 | 2529.82 |
515.5 | 2529.89 |
520.5 | 2529.89 |
525.5 | 2529.89 |
530.5 | 2529.89 |
535.5 | 2529.82 |
540.5 | 2529.89 |
545.5 | 2529.89 |
550.5 | 2529.89 |
555.5 | 2415.29 |
560.5 | 2414.61 |
565.5 | 2414.68 |
570.5 | 2414.68 |
575.5 | 2414.68 |
580.5 | 2414.68 |
585.5 | 2414.61 |
590.5 | 2414.68 |
595.5 | 2414.68 |
600.5 | 2414.68 |
605.5 | 2414.68 |
610.5 | 2414.61 |
615.5 | 2414.68 |
620.5 | 2414.68 |
625.5 | 2414.68 |
630.5 | 2414.68 |
635.5 | 2414.61 |
640.5 | 2414.68 |
645.5 | 2414.68 |
650.5 | 2414.68 |
655.5 | 2414.68 |
660.5 | 2414.61 |
665.5 | 2414.68 |
670.5 | 2414.68 |
675.5 | 2414.68 |
680.5 | 2414.68 |
685.5 | 2414.61 |
690.5 | 2414.68 |
695.5 | 2414.68 |
700.5 | 2414.68 |
705.5 | 2414.68 |
710.5 | 2414.61 |
715.5 | 2414.68 |
720.5 | 2414.68 |
725.5 | 2414.68 |
730.5 | 2414.61 |
735.5 | 2414.68 |
740.5 | 2414.68 |
745.5 | 2414.68 |
750.5 | 2414.68 |
755.5 | 2414.61 |
760.5 | 2414.61 |
765.5 | 2414.75 |
770.5 | 2414.68 |
775.5 | 2414.68 |
780.5 | 2414.61 |
785.5 | 2414.68 |
790.5 | 2414.68 |
795.5 | 2414.68 |