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Mock, Dominik; Neave, David Axford; Müller, Samuel; Garbe-Schönberg, Dieter; Namur, Olivier; Ildefonse, Benoit; Koepke, Jürgen (2020): Major element compositions of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase, cooling rates and corresponding closure temperatures calculated by Ca in olivine and Mg in plagioclase, and textural properties from Wadi Somerah and Wadi Wariyah, Oman [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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As largest and best-exposed paleo-fast-spread oceanic crust on land, the Samail ophiolite in the Sultanate of Oman represents an ideal natural laboratory for investigating processes at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges. We studied two layered gabbro sequences from different stratigraphic depths: one from the middle of the plutonic crust showing dm-scale modal layering with olivine abundance gradually decreasing from layer base to top (Wadi Somerah, Sumail block) and one located near the crust-mantle boundary showing mm-scale layers being enriched in olivine (Wadi Wariyah, Wadi Tayin block). Petrological analyses for major and minor element compositions of the phases olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase were performed at the Institut für Mineralogie (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany) using a Cameca SX100 microprobe. Core and rim analyses on olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase were done using a beam current of 15 nA with 15 kV accelerating voltage and 10 seconds measurement time on the peak and 5 seconds on each background. On clinopyroxene, the beam was defocused to 20 µm, olivine and plagioclase analyses were performed with a beam defocused to 2 µm. Calcium in olivine and Mg in plagioclase profiles for the estimation of closure temperatures and cooling rates were performed with a focused beam with an accelerating voltage of 15 kV, a beam current of 100 nA, and 240 seconds peak time and 120 seconds on each background. Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) was performed at Géosciences Montpellier (Université de Montpellier, France) using a Jeol JSM 5600 SEM equipped with an Oxford/Nordlys EBSD detector. The accelerating voltage was 15 kV, the scanning step size varied from 16.5 to 30 µm depending on the grain size of the sample.
Major element measurements reveal mineral compositions being more primitive in Wadi Wariyah than in Wadi Somerah. Compositions vary along the profiles representing no systematic trend, neither along the entire profiles nor within single layers. Weak zonation is observed in the Mg# and the TiO2 content of clinopyroxene in Wadi Somerah. The modeled cooling rates vary from 1.2 to 21°C per thousand years in Wadi Somerah and 3 to 130°C per thousand years in Wadi Wariyah. The closure temperatures of olivine cores vary from 910 to 965°C in Wadi Somerah and from 1074 to 1106°C in Wadi Wariyah. The closure temperatures of plagioclase rims vary from 850 to 930°C. The fabric strength is generally low in Wadi Somerah and slightly increased in Wadi Wariyah. BA and BC indices give a stronger lineation in Wadi Wariyah and the grain orientation spread is also higher for the samples from Wadi Wariyah.
Formation of Layered Gabbros; Lower Oceanic Crust; Oman Ophiolite
Related to:
Mock, Dominik; Neave, David Axford; Müller, S; Garbe-Schönberg, Dieter; Namur, Olivier; Ildefonse, Benoit; Koepke, Jürgen (2021): Formation of igneous layering in the lower oceanic crust from the Samail Ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB019573,
Median Latitude: 23.038146 * Median Longitude: 58.184530 * South-bound Latitude: 22.983333 * West-bound Longitude: 58.104060 * North-bound Latitude: 23.092960 * East-bound Longitude: 58.265000
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.0050 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 2.7120 m
OM10-Sam (Wadi Somerah, Sumail block) * Latitude: 23.092960 * Longitude: 58.104060 * Elevation: 720.0 m * Location: Oman * Method/Device: Drilling/coring
OM10-War (Wadi Wariyah, Wadi Tayin block) * Latitude: 22.983333 * Longitude: 58.265000 * Elevation: 719.0 m * Location: Oman * Method/Device: Drilling/coring
OM10-Sam: layer 6= 0-8 cm, layer 5= 8-57 cm, layer 4= 57-95 cm, layer 3= 95-136 cm, layer 2= 136-205 cm, layer 1= 205-285 cm
OM10-War: layer 1= 0-0.7 cm, layer 2= 0.7-1.5 cm, layer 3= 1.5-2.1 cm, layer 4= 2.1-2.6 cm, layer 5= 2.6-3.2 cm, layer 6= 3.2-3.9 cm, layer 7= 3.9-4.3cm, layer 8= 4.3-5 cm, layer 9= 5-5.8 cm, layer 10= 5.8- 6.3 cm, layer 11= 6.3-7.2 cm
#99=below detection limit
#999= not detected
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventMock, Dominik
2Latitude of eventLatitudeMock, Dominik
3Longitude of eventLongitudeMock, Dominik
4Elevation of eventElevationmMock, Dominik
5Layer numberLayerMock, Dominik
6Event layer typeELTMock, Dominik
7Sample code/labelSample labelMock, Dominik
8DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmMock, DominikGeocode – depth of the thin-section/domain measured from top of the profile
9Main LithologyMain lithMock, Dominik
10MineralsMineralsMock, Dominik
11Acantholeberis curvirostrisA. curvirostris%Mock, Dominik
12AnalysisAnalysisMock, Dominik
13Biogenic silicabSiO2%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
14Biogenic silica, standard deviationbSiO2 std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
15Iron oxide, FeOFeO%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
16Iron oxide, FeO, standard deviationFeO std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
17Magnesium oxideMgO%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
18Magnesium oxide, standard deviationMgO std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
19Aluminium oxideAl2O3%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
20Aluminium oxide, standard deviationAl2O3 std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
21Calcium oxideCaO%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
22Calcium oxide, standard deviationCaO std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
23Sodium oxideNa2O%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
24Sodium oxide, standard deviationNa2O std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
25Potassium oxideK2O%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
26Potassium oxide, standard deviationK2O std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
27Titanium dioxideTiO2%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
28Titanium dioxide, standard deviationTiO2 std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
29Manganese oxideMnO%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
30Manganese oxide, standard deviationMnO std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
31Nickel oxideNiO%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
32Nickel oxide, standard deviationNiO std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
33Chromium(III) oxideCr2O3%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
34Chromium(III) oxide, standard deviationCr2O3 std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
35Elements, totalTotal%Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
36Magnesium numberMg#Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizerMg/(Mg+Fe)x100
37Magnesium number, standard deviationMg# std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
38Calcium numberCa#Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizerCa/(Ca+Na)x100
39Calcium number, standard deviationCa# std dev±Mock, DominikCAMECA SX100 Electron Probe MicroAnalizer
40Cooling rateCooling°C/kaMock, Dominikanalysis 1
41Cooling rateCooling°C/kaMock, Dominikanalysis 2
42Cooling rateCooling°C/kaMock, Dominikanalysis 3
43Cooling rateCooling°C/kaMock, Dominikanalysis 4
44Cooling rateCooling°C/kaMock, Dominikanalysis 5
45Cooling rateCooling°C/kaMock, Dominikanalysis 6
46Closure temperatureClosure T°CMock, Dominikanalysis 1
47Closure temperatureClosure T°CMock, Dominikanalysis 2
48Closure temperatureClosure T°CMock, Dominikanalysis 3
49Closure temperatureClosure T°CMock, Dominikanalysis 4
50Closure temperatureClosure T°CMock, Dominikanalysis 5
51Closure temperatureClosure T°CMock, Dominikanalysis 6
52Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Mock, Dominiknumber of grains detected by EBSD in the analyzed area (~80 % of a thin-section)
53Fabric strengthJ indexMock, Dominikof the orientation distribution function quantifying the fabric strength of the phase; 0 = totally random, infinity = single crystal
54Grains, counted/analyzedGrains#Mock, Dominik300 randomly chosen grains for J index calculation independant from total number of grains
55Fabric strengthJ indexMock, Dominikof the orientation distribution function calculated for 300 randomly chosen grains of the sample
56Symmetry indexSymmetry indexMock, Dominiksymmetry index quantifying the pole figure symmetry of plagioclase; 0= totally foliated,1= totally lineated
57Symmetry indexSymmetry indexMock, Dominiksymmetry index quantifying the pole figure symmetry of olivine; 0= totally foliated,1= totally lineated
58Grain orientation spreadGOSdegMock, Dominikaverage internal misorientation per grain and phase per sample
59CommentCommentMock, Dominik
7214 data points

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