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IODP Expedition 381 Scientists (2020): Qualitative data for calcareous nannofossils and marine and nonmarine diatoms of IODP Hole 381-M0079A [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
McNeill, Lisa C; Shillington, Donna J; Carter, Gareth; IODP Expedition 381 Scientists (2019): Corinth Active Rift Development. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 381: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program),
Further details:
Latitude: 38.158400 * Longitude: 22.695400
Date/Time Start: 2017-11-14T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-11-29T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.890 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 703.680 m
381-M0079A (COR-01A) * Latitude: 38.158400 * Longitude: 22.695400 * Date/Time Start: 2017-11-14T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-11-29T00:00:00 * IGSN: IBCR0381EHB0001 * Location: Gulf of Corinth * Campaign: Exp381 * Basis: Fugro Synergy * Method/Device: Core (CORE)
Preservation: E = excellent, G = good, M = moderate, MP = moderate to poor, P = poor.
Abundance: A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, VR = very rare, X = present.
NA = not applicable.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample code/labelSample labelIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
2DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsGeocode – Top depth (mbsf)
3International Generic Sample NumberIGSNIODP Expedition 381 Scientists
4Nannofossils preservationNannos preservIODP Expedition 381 Scientists
5Diatom preservationDiatom preservIODP Expedition 381 Scientists
6Nannofossil zoneNannos zoneIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsNannofossil Zone; Martini, 1971
7Nannofossil zoneNannos zoneIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsNannofossil Zone; Backman et al., 2012
8Nannofossil abundanceNannos abundIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimateCalcareous nannofossils
9Amaurolithus delicatusA. delicatusIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
10Amaurolithus primusA. primusIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
11Braarudosphaera bigelowiiB. bigelowiiIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
12Calcidiscus leptoporusC. leptoporusIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
13Calciosolenia brasiliensisC. brasiliensisIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
14Ceratolithus spp.Ceratolithus spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
15Coccolithus spp.Coccolithus spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
16Emiliania huxleyiE. huxleyiIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
17Emiliania huxleyiE. huxleyiIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate>3 µm
18Gephyrocapsa, largeGephyrocapsa largeIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate>/= 5.5 µm
19Gephyrocapsa, mediumGephyrocapsa mediumIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate>/=4 µm; <5.5 µm
20Gephyrocapsa, smallGephyrocapsa smallIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate<4 µm
21Gephyrocapsa oceanicaG. oceanicaIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
22Helicosphaera carteriH. carteriIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
23Helicosphaera inversaH. inversaIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
24Helicosphaera kamptneriH. kamptneriIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
25Helicosphaera selliiH. selliiIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
26Helicosphaera spp.Helicosphaera spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
27Helicosphaera wallichiiH. wallichiiIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
28Holodiscolithus macroporusH. macroporusIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
29Pontosphaera discoporaP. discoporaIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
30Pseudoemiliania lacunosaP. lacunosaIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
31Reticulofenestra asanoiR. asanoiIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
32Rhabdosphaera clavigeraR. clavigeraIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
33ReticulofenestraReticulofenestraIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimateReticulofenestra small (<4 µm)
34ReticulofenestraReticulofenestraIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimateReticulofenestra large (>/=4 µm)
35Reticulofenestra spp.Reticulofenestra spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
36Syracosphaera histricaS. histricaIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
37Syracosphaera pulchraS. pulchraIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
38Syracosphaera spp.Syracosphaera spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
39Thoracosphaera spp.Thoracosphaera spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
40Thoracosphaera heimiiT. heimiiIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
41Umbilicosphaera sibogaeU. sibogaeIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
42Umbilicosphaera spp.Umbilicosphaera spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
43Nannofossils, reworked neogeneNannos rew neogIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
44Nannofossils, reworked cretaceousNannos rew cretIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
45Nannofossils, reworked paleogeneNannos rew paleogIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
46Diatoms, marineDiatom marIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
47Actinocyclus spp.Actinocyclus spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
48Actinoptychus spp.Actinoptychus spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
49Aulacoseira spp.Aulacoseira spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
50Amphora spp.Amphora spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
51Asteromphalus spp.Asteromphalus spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
52Bacteriastrum hyalinumB. hyalinumIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
53Chaetoceros spp.Chaetoceros spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
54Cocconeis spp.Cocconeis spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
55Coscinodiscus marginatusC. marginatusIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
56Coscinodiscus spp.Coscinodiscus spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
57Cymbella spp.Cymbella spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
58Diatomella spp.Diatomella spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
59Diploneis spp.Diploneis spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
60Epithemia sorexE. sorexIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
61Fragilaria spp.Fragilaria spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
62Lithodesmium spp.Lithodesmium spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
63Pseudosolenia calcar-avisP. calcar-avisIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
64Rhizosolenia spp.Rhizosolenia spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
65Shionodiscus oestrupiiS. oestrupiiIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
66Stephanopyxis spp.Stephanopyxis spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
67Thalassiosira eccentricaT. eccentricaIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
68Thalassiosira lineataT. lineataIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
69Thalassiosira spp.Thalassiosira spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
70Thalassionema longissimaT. longissimaIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
71Thalassionema nitzschioidesT. nitzschioidesIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
72Diatoms, nonmarineDiatom nonmarIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
73Campylodiscus clypeusC. clypeusIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
74Cyclotella antiquaC. antiquaIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
75Cyclotella litoralisC. litoralisIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimateCyclotella cf. Litoralis
76Cyclotella sp.Cyclotella sp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimateCyclotella sp. 2/3
77Ellerbeckia arenariaE. arenariaIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
78Epithemia spp.Epithemia spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
79Eunotia spp.Eunotia spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
80Gomphonema spp.Gomphonema spp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
81Licmophora cf. abbreviataL. cf. abbreviataIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
82Pantocsekiella sp.Pantocsekiella sp.IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimatePantocsekiella sp. 1
83Cyclotella cf. aegaeaC. cf. aegaeaIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
84Pantocsekiella ocellataP. ocellataIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
85Pantocsekiella cf. creticaP cf. creticaIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
86Pantocsekiella ocellataP. ocellataIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimatePantocsekiella ocellata morph. 2
87Fossils, otherFossil othIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
88CalpionellidsCalpionellidsIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
89Radiolarians abundanceRad abundIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
90Sponge spiculaeSponge spicIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
91Silicoflagellate abundanceSilicoflag abundIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsAbundance estimate
15466 data points

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