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IODP Expedition 381 Scientists (2020): Nonmarine diatom counts for IODP Hole 381-M0078A [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
McNeill, Lisa C; Shillington, Donna J; Carter, Gareth; IODP Expedition 381 Scientists (2019): Corinth Active Rift Development. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 381: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program),
Further details:
Latitude: 38.144900 * Longitude: 22.758400
Date/Time Start: 2017-10-23T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-11-10T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 23.740 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 534.650 m
381-M0078A (COR-02A) * Latitude: 38.144900 * Longitude: 22.758400 * Date/Time Start: 2017-10-23T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-11-10T00:00:00 * IGSN: IBCR0381EH70001 * Location: Gulf of Corinth * Campaign: Exp381 * Basis: Fugro Synergy * Method/Device: Core (CORE)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample code/labelSample labelIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
2International Generic Sample NumberIGSNIODP Expedition 381 Scientists
3DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsGeocode – Top depth (mbsf)
4Aulacoseira ambiguaA. ambigua#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
5Pantocsekiella ocellataP. ocellata#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
6Pantocsekiella ocellataP. ocellata#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsPantocsekiella ocellata morph. 1
7Pantocsekiella ocellataP. ocellata#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsPantocsekiella ocellata morph. 2
8Pantocsekiella sp.Pantocsekiella sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsPantocsekiella sp. 1
9Pantocsekiella sp.Pantocsekiella sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsPantocsekiella sp. 2
10Pantocsekiella sp.Pantocsekiella sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsPantocsekiella sp. 3
11Pantocsekiella cf. creticaP. cf. cretica#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
12Cyclotella cf. antiquaC. cf. antiqua#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
13Cyclotella sp.Cyclotella sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsCyclotella sp. 5
14Pantocsekiella kuetzingianaP. kuetzingiana#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
15Lindavia intermediaL. intermedia#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
16Lindavia praetermissaL. praetermissa#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
17Amphora pediculusA. pediculus#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
18Cocconeis placentulaC. placentula#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
19Cocconeis pseudothumensisC. pseudothumensis#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
20Diploneis cf. vetusaD. cf. vetusa#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms#0= +
21Ellerbeckia arenariaE. arenaria#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
22Encyonopsis microcephalaE. microcephala#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
23Epithemia sp.Epithemia sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsEpithemia sp. 1
24Nitzschia denticulaN. denticula#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
25Staurosirella pinnataS. pinnata#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
26Cyclotella litoralisC. litoralis#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
27Coscinodiscus spp.Coscinodiscus spp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
28Coscinodiscus excentricusC. excentricus#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
29Diploneis bombusD. bombus#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
30Diploneis cf. subovalisD. cf. subovalis#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
31Pantocsekiella ocellataP. ocellata#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsPantocsekiella cf. Ocellata
32Cyclotella sp.Cyclotella sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsCyclotella sp. 1
33Diploneis sp.Diploneis sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms#0= +
34Cyclotella sp.Cyclotella sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsCyclotella sp. 2
35Cyclotella sp.Cyclotella sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsCyclotella sp. 3
36Cyclotella sp.Cyclotella sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsCyclotella sp. 2/3 (dissolved)
37Cyclotella sp.Cyclotella sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsCyclotella sp. 4
38Epithemia spp.Epithemia spp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
39Fragilaria spp.Fragilaria spp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
40Mastogloia spp.Mastogloia spp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
41Rhoicosphenia sp.Rhoicosphenia sp.#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
42Sponge spiculesSponge spicules#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatoms
43Total countsTotal counts#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsper traverse
44Sample commentSample commentIODP Expedition 381 Scientists
45Total countsTotal counts#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsFreshwater
46FragmentsFragm#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsShare freshwater
47Total countsTotal counts#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsBrackish taxa
48FragmentsFragm#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsShare brackish
49Total countsTotal counts#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsNA (fresh)
50FragmentsFragm#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsShare NA
51Total countsTotal counts#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsPlanktonic
52FragmentsFragm#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsShare planktonic
53Total countsTotal counts#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsBenthic and FP
54FragmentsFragm#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsShare benthic
55Total countsTotal counts#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsOligotrophic-mesotrophic and mesotrophic
56FragmentsFragm#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsShare oligotrophic-mesotrophic and mesotrophic
57Total countsTotal counts#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsOligotrophic
58FragmentsFragm#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsShare oligotrophic
59Total countsTotal counts#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsAlkaline
60FragmentsFragm#IODP Expedition 381 ScientistsCounting, diatomsShare alkaline
2617 data points

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