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IODP Expedition 381 Scientists (2020): Smear slide descriptions of IODP Hole 381-M0080A [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
McNeill, Lisa C; Shillington, Donna J; Carter, Gareth; IODP Expedition 381 Scientists (2019): Corinth Active Rift Development. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 381: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program),
Further details:
Latitude: 38.120000 * Longitude: 23.086300
Date/Time Start: 2017-12-02T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-12-15T00:00:00
381-M0080A (COR-04A) * Latitude: 38.120000 * Longitude: 23.086300 * Date/Time Start: 2017-12-02T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-12-15T00:00:00 * IGSN: IBCR0381EHG0001 * Location: Gulf of Corinth * Campaign: Exp381 * Basis: Fugro Synergy * Method/Device: Core (CORE)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
Sample IDSample IDIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsSmear slide number
Depth, compositeDepth compmcdIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsTop
Main LithologyMain lithIODP Expedition 381 Scientists
SandSand%IODP Expedition 381 Scientists
SiltSilt%IODP Expedition 381 Scientists
Clay mineralsClay min%IODP Expedition 381 Scientists
DescriptionDescriptionIODP Expedition 381 ScientistsVisual description
207 data points


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381-M0080A-4P-1,49-5019.49dominant or major lithology06535Detrital clayey silt. Moderately sorted, subrounded grains. Abundance of calcite, quartz. Common feldspars and micas. Common biogenics (mainly diatoms).
381-M0080A-7P-1,131-132122.51dominant or major lithology09010Calcareous silt. Moderately to well sorted, subrounded grains. Dominance of aragonite. Abundant calcite. Rare to common biogenic components and detritals.
381-M0080A-7P-2,10-11122.80dominant or major lithology09010Calcareous silt. Major presence of aragonite needles. Common detritals (carbonates and quartz).
381-M0080A-7P-2,44-45223.14dominant or major lithology06535Biogenic-calcarous clayey silt. Poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded grains. Dominance of biogenic components (diatoms, nannos and other bioclasts). Abundant calcite. Common to abundant detritals. Common organics.
381-M0080A-7P-4,19-20125.76dominant or major lithology04060Detrital silty clay. Moderately sorted, subrounded grains. Abundace of calcite and quartz. Feldspars and micas are common.
381-M0080A-13P-1,50-51140.50dominant or major lithology204535Detrital Sandy Mud. Poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded grains. Dominance of calcite and detritals (reworked carbonates and quartz). Abundant organic components.
381-M0080A-13P-1,52-53240.52dominant or major lithology03070Detrital Silty clay. Well sorted, subrounded grains. Dominance of calcite and quartz. Rare to common organics.
381-M0080A-13P-2,39-40141.88dominant or major lithology304030Detrital sandy mud. Poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded grains. Dominance of detitals (quartz, micas, reworked carbonates, feldspars). Common organic components.
381-M0080A-17P-1,82-83154.02dominant or major lithology08515Calcareous very fine silt. Very well sorted, rounded grains. Major, exclusive presence of calcite mineral grains.
381-M0080A-17P-2,28-29154.98dominant or major lithology06040Detrital clayey silt. Moderately sorted, subrounded grains. Dominance of calcite. Common to abundant. Common framboidal Pyrite.
381-M0080A-18P-1,135-136159.25dominant or major lithology06535Detrital clayey silt. Poorly to moderately sorted, subrounded grains. Dominance of calcite and detritals. Common pyritized features. Rare biogenics.
381-M0080A-38V-2,118-1191130.98dominant or major lithology06040Calcareous clayey silt. Well sorted, subrounded grains. Dominance of aragonite. Abundant calcite and other detritals. Rare to common pyritized features. Rare biogenics.
381-M0080A-40V-1,44-451137.14dominant or major lithology08515Calcareous very fine silt. Very well sorted, rounded grains. Common organic components and biogenics. Rare other lithics.
381-M0080A-40V-1,86-872137.56dominant or major lithology07525Biogenic Siliceous clayey silt. Poorly sorted, subangular grains. Major presence of diatom fragments and individuals. Abundant detritals (mostly carbonates).
381-M0080A-50R-2,92-931181.42dominant or major lithology08515Calcareous very fine silt. Very well sorted, rounded grains. Major presence of calcite. Common to abundant diatoms.
381-M0080A-54R-2,49-501200.99dominant or major lithology06040Calcareous clayey silt. Moderately to well sorted, subrounded to rounded grains. Dominance of aragonite needles and well rounded calcite grains. Abundant diatoms and framboidal pyrite.
381-M0080A-54R-3,61-621202.6106040Detrital clayey silt. Moderately to well sorted, rounded to well rounded grains, highly spherical. Dominance of detritals incl. quartz, feldspar, carbonates. Abundant aragonite needles. Common framboidal pyrite.
381-M0080A-56R-4,0-11212.25dominant or major lithology08515Calcareous Silt. Moder- well sorted subrounded grains. Major aragonite presence. Abundant calcite. Other lithics and biogenics are rare.
381-M0080A-57R-2,106-1071215.56dominant or major lithology09010Calcareous silt. Dominance of aragonite. Abundant calcite. Common organics and rounded detrital grains.
381-M0080A-58R-2,134-1401220.33minor lithology09010Detrital silt. Poorly sorted, subrounded grains. Rounded grains of calcite, feldspars and quartz with high sphericity. Abundant aragonite needles.
381-M0080A-61R-2,61-621229.79dominant or major lithology08020Detrital silt. Poorly sorted, subrounded grains. Dominance of detrital material incl. high abundance of carbonates, quartz and lower of plagioclases and pyroxenes. Common to abundant aragonite needles.
381-M0080A-68R-3,11-121257.81dominant or major lithology03565Detrital Silty Clay. Poorly sorted subrounded grains. Dominance of ophiolite-related minerals (serp. Olivine, pyroxenes, plagioclases) in irregular shapes. Abundant iron oxides. Calcite is common as well as quartz.
381-M0080A-87R-1,0-21311.50dominant or major lithology03565Detrital Silty Clay. Poorly sorted subrounded grains. Dominance of ophiolite-related minerals (serp. Olivine, pyroxenes, plagioclases) in irregular shapes. Abundant iron oxides. Calcite and quartz are common.
381-M0080A-96R-2,4-51342.66dominant or major lithology10900Detrital silt. Moderately to well sorted, subrounded to rounded. Dominance of feldspars and calcite. Abundant Fe-oxides. Pyroxenes are common.
381-M0080A-97R-2,85-861347.35dominant or major lithology85150Detrital sand. Moderately to well sorted, subangular to subrounded grains. Major presence of feldspars (plagioclase order). Common to abundant pyroxenes.
381-M0080A-106R-3,13-141380.74dominant or major lithology07030Detrital clayey silt. Poorly sorted subangular grains. Dominance of calcite, quartz and chert lithics. Iron oxides are common. Rare to common ophiolitic material.