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Adyasari, Dini (2020): Physiochemical data of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) samples in Mobile Bay, Alabama [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2020-02-28DOI registered: 2020-12-10

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Mobile Bay, the fourth largest estuary in the USA located in the northern Gulf of Mexico, is known for extreme hypoxia in the water column during dry season caused by NH4+rich and anoxic submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). Nutrient dynamics in the coastal ecosystem point to potentially elevated microbial activities; however, little is known about microbial community composition and their functional roles in this area. In this study, we investigated microbial community composition, distribution, and metabolic prediction along the coastal hydrological compartment of Mobile Bay using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. We collected microbial samples from surface (river and bay water) and subsurface water (groundwater and coastal pore water from two SGD sites with peat and sandy lithology, respectively). Salinity was identified as the primary factor affecting the distribution of microbial communities across surface water samples, while DON and PO4^3- were the major predictor of community shift within subsurface water samples. Higher microbial diversity was found in coastal pore water in comparison to surface water samples. Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidia, and Oxyphotobacteria dominated the bacterial community. Among the archaea, methanogens were prevalent in the peat-dominated SGD site, while the sandy SGD site was characterized by a higher proportion of ammonia-oxidizing archaea. Cyanobium PCC-6307 and unclassified Thermodesulfovibrionia were identified as dominant taxa strongly associated with trends in environmental parameters in surface and subsurface samples, respectively. Microbial communities found in the groundwater and peat layer consisted of taxa known for denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). This finding suggested that microbial communities might also play a significant role in mediating nitrogen transformation in the SGD flow path and in affecting the chemical composition of SGD discharging to the water column. Given the ecological importance of microorganisms, further studies at higher taxonomic and functional resolution are needed to accurately predict chemical biotransformation processes along the coastal hydrological continuum, which influence water quality and environmental condition in Mobile Bay.
microbial community composition; Mobile Bay; submarine groundwater discharge
Supplement to:
Adyasari, Dini; Hassenrück, Christiane; Montiel, Daniel; Dimova, Natasha (2020): Microbial community composition across a coastal hydrological system affected by submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0235235,
Related to:
Adyasari, Dini; Hassenrück, Christiane; Montiel, Daniel; Dimova, Natasha (2020): Microbial community composition across a coastal hydrological system affected by submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) [dataset]. European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), insdc:PRJEB33004
Median Latitude: 30.459010 * Median Longitude: -87.990968 * South-bound Latitude: 30.244552 * West-bound Longitude: -88.991129 * North-bound Latitude: 30.684670 * East-bound Longitude: -87.752621
Mobile_Bay_AR * Latitude: 30.681330 * Longitude: -88.005590 * Location: Alabama, Alabama, U.S.A., North America * Method/Device: Water sample (WS)
Mobile_Bay_BR * Latitude: 30.666500 * Longitude: -87.927340 * Location: Alabama, Alabama, U.S.A., North America * Method/Device: Water sample (WS)
Mobile_Bay_GW-1 * Latitude: 30.431400 * Longitude: -87.883920 * Location: Alabama, Alabama, U.S.A., North America
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventAdyasari, Dini
2Latitude of eventLatitudeAdyasari, Dini
3Longitude of eventLongitudeAdyasari, Dini
4Sample IDSample IDAdyasari, Dini
5CategoryCatAdyasari, Dini
6Temperature, waterTemp°CAdyasari, DiniYSI Pro2030 with a Galvanic sensor
7Oxygen, dissolvedDOmg/lAdyasari, DiniYSI Pro2030 with a Galvanic sensor
8SalinitySalAdyasari, DiniYSI Pro2030 with a Galvanic sensor
9Nitrate[NO3]-µmol/lAdyasari, DiniSkalar San + Continuous Flow Analyzer
10Ammonium[NH4]+µmol/lAdyasari, DiniSkalar San + Continuous Flow Analyzer
11Phosphate[PO4]3-µmol/lAdyasari, DiniSkalar San + Continuous Flow Analyzer
12Nitrogen, organic, dissolvedDONµmol/lAdyasari, DiniSkalar San + Continuous Flow Analyzer
180 data points

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