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Majewski, Wojciech; Prothro, Lindsay O; Simkins, Lauren M; Demianiuk, Ewa J; Anderson, B John (2020): Benthic foraminifera of sediment core NBP1502A-KC16 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Majewski, W et al. (2020): Foraminiferal patterns in deglacial sediment in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Antarctica; Foraminifera; Holocene; Ross Sea
Related to:
Majewski, Wojciech; Prothro, Lindsay O; Simkins, Lauren M; Demianiuk, Ewa J; Anderson, John B (2020): Foraminiferal Patterns in Deglacial Sediment in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica: Life Near Grounding Lines. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35(5),
Latitude: -75.924730 * Longitude: 179.105720
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 2.81 m
NBP1502A-KC16 * Latitude: -75.924730 * Longitude: 179.105720 * Elevation: -541.0 m * Recovery: 288 cm * Location: Ross Sea * Campaign: NBP1502A * Basis: Nathaniel B. Palmer * Method/Device: Kasten corer (KAL) * Comment: Topset of steep post-LGM GZW
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmMajewski, WojciechGeocode
2Depth, top/minDepth topmMajewski, Wojciech
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmMajewski, Wojciech
4Miliammina arenaceaM. arenacea#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
5Portatrochammina spp.Portatrochammina spp.#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
6Paratrochammina bartramiP. bartrami#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
7Labrospira wiesneriL. wiesneri#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
8Recurvoides contortusR. contortus#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
9Rhabdammina spp.Rhabdammina spp.#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
10Hormosinella spp.Hormosinella spp.#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
11Reophax spp.Reophax spp.#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
12Reophax spiculiferR. spiculifer#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
13Textularia antarcticaT. antarctica#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
14Textularia sp.Textularia sp.#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
15Adercotryma glomeratumA. glomeratum#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
16Foraminifera, benthic agglutinated indeterminataForam benth agg ind#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
17Globocassidulina bioraG. biora#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fractionsmooth
18Globocassidulina bioraG. biora#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fractionpustulose
19Globocassidulina subglobosaG. subglobosa#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
20Ehrenbergina glabraE. glabra#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
21Trifarina earlandiT. earlandi#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fractioncostate
22Trifarina earlandiT. earlandi#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fractionspinose
23Stainforthia concavaS. concava#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
24Astrononion echolsiA. echolsi#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
25Astrononion antarcticumA. antarcticum#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
26Melonis sp.Melonis sp.#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
27Cribroelphidium weebiC. weebi#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
28Nonionella irideaN. iridea#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
29Nonionella bradyiN. bradyi#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
30Epistominella spp.Epistominella spp.#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
31Ioanella tumidulaI. tumidula#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
32Robertinoides spp.Robertinoides spp.#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
33Bulimina aculeataB. aculeata#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
34Cibicides spp.Cibicides spp.#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
35LagenidaeLagenidae#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
36MiliolidaeMiliolidae#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
37Foraminifera, benthic calcareous indeterminataForam benth calc indet#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fractionothers
38Foraminifera, benthic reworkedForam benth rew#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fractionclearly
39Neogloboquadrina pachydermaN. pachyderma#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fractionencrusted
40Neogloboquadrina pachydermaN. pachyderma#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fractionnonencrusted
41OstracodaOstrac#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
42Foraminifera, benthic calcareousForam benth calc%Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
43Foraminifera, planktic/benthic ratioForam plankt/bentMajewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
44Foraminifera, benthicForam benth#/gMajewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fraction
45SplitSplit#Majewski, WojciechCounting >125 µm fractionfraction of sample picked
46Sample massSamp mgMajewski, Wojciechdry
1305 data points

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